Watchdog groups want FEC, Justice probe of Romney and illegal fund-raising


Jul 3, 2011
The Federal Election Commission and the Justice Department have been asked by two Washington, D.C. watchdog groups to investigate possible violations of campaign finance law by a company they suspect was created to funnel $1 million to a Super PAC operated by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign staffers.

A complaint by the Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 is outlined in a letter asking the FEC and Justice to “formally investigate” the activities of W Spann LLC for possible violations of a ban on making contributions in the name of another and for failing to organize and register as a political committee.

The watchdogs said published reports “paint a picture of a corporation created for no other purpose than to hide the identity of the individual or individuals or corporations seeking to curry favor with a candidate seeking election to the highest office in the land.”

More :,457.0.html
This is very worrisome. It is bad enough there is too much money from questionable sources floating around, but when you have something like this, it's a problem. There needs to be a complete audit and investigation as to where this money came from.
Dimwits do this all the time and think nothing of it. How about investigating where 3 million dollars came from that went for obamaturd when he was campaining that he refuses to disclose? If something was illegal then investigate it, but be fair and investigate both parties.
Dimwits do this all the time and think nothing of it. How about investigating where 3 million dollars came from that went for obamaturd when he was campaining that he refuses to disclose? If something was illegal then investigate it, but be fair and investigate both parties.

I agree entirely.

Of course, if the election next year is between Obama and Romney, I am going to write in "Sharp Stick to the Eye" as my candidate.
Dimwits do this all the time and think nothing of it. How about investigating where 3 million dollars came from that went for obamaturd when he was campaining that he refuses to disclose? If something was illegal then investigate it, but be fair and investigate both parties.

I agree entirely.

Of course, if the election next year is between Obama and Romney, I am going to write in "Sharp Stick to the Eye" as my candidate.
I am writing in Joh Wayne, with Red Skelton as vp. That would be as good a ticket as they come:)
The Federal Election Commission and the Justice Department have been asked by two Washington, D.C. watchdog groups to investigate possible violations of campaign finance law by a company they suspect was created to funnel $1 million to a Super PAC operated by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign staffers.

A complaint by the Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 is outlined in a letter asking the FEC and Justice to “formally investigate” the activities of W Spann LLC for possible violations of a ban on making contributions in the name of another and for failing to organize and register as a political committee.

The watchdogs said published reports “paint a picture of a corporation created for no other purpose than to hide the identity of the individual or individuals or corporations seeking to curry favor with a candidate seeking election to the highest office in the land.”

More : Watchdog groups want FEC, Justice probe of Romney and illegal fund-raising

"W Spann, it turns out, is the creation of Edward W. Conard, a former managing director of Bain Capital, the investment firm once headed by Mr. Romney."​

No law was broken and isn't it telling you never demand investigations of Soro's practices.
No law was broken and isn't it telling you never demand investigations of Soro's practices.

How do we know no law was broken if we don't have an investigation.

It certainly LOOKS fishy, and I'd like to know who is buying Mitt Romney before we put him into office, don't you?
This is no more than a leftwing tactic. Big frontpage headlines about an investigation, results will be buried on page 12. Nothing new here......but what about Soros? Oh yeah, he's a private entity and has no pull in American politics. :eusa_whistle:
Dimwits do this all the time and think nothing of it. How about investigating where 3 million dollars came from that went for obamaturd when he was campaining that he refuses to disclose? If something was illegal then investigate it, but be fair and investigate both parties.


And I am all for removing the vast sums of cash that get infused into politics. Whether it comes from Unions or Corporations.

I am in favor of campaign limits both in time, scope and funding. We spend far to much time in this country campaigning on elections are far to little time solving actual problems.
This is very worrisome. It is bad enough there is too much money from questionable sources floating around, but when you have something like this, it's a problem. There needs to be a complete audit and investigation as to where this money came from.

It's a problem? You already know it's a problem before the audit and investigation, so why waste time, effort, and money conducting them?
Dimwits do this all the time and think nothing of it. How about investigating where 3 million dollars came from that went for obamaturd when he was campaining that he refuses to disclose? If something was illegal then investigate it, but be fair and investigate both parties.


And I am all for removing the vast sums of cash that get infused into politics. Whether it comes from Unions or Corporations.

I am in favor of campaign limits both in time, scope and funding. We spend far to much time in this country campaigning on elections are far to little time solving actual problems.

Is that a liberal principle? Wanting the government to control private time and money?
How do you make sure this money is not from a foreign source?

Romeny got two more of these type of donations recently
How do you make sure this money is not from a foreign source?

Romeny got two more of these type of donations recently

Were you asking this when Obama was getting all those internet donations, TM? Somehow, it was different then, wasn't it?

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