We can believe in moderate Islam only if......


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
when we see millions of outraged 'moderate' Muslims on the streets in Minneapolis,Vancouver,London,Paris or Berlin smashing radical mosques and condemning radicals and extremists.
We can believe only if all jihadists will drawn by 'moderate' Muslims to police.
We is a renewing of Islam and removing of all jihadists teachings from it?
As long this is not happen we can not believe Al Taqqiya - Lying - of well paid with our tax money Muslim Organizations.
when we see millions of outraged 'moderate' Muslims on the streets in Minneapolis,Vancouver,London,Paris or Berlin smashing radical mosques and condemning radicals and extremists.
We can believe only if all jihadists will drawn by 'moderate' Muslims to police.
We is a renewing of Islam and removing of all jihadists teachings from it?
As long this is not happen we can not believe Al Taqqiya - Lying - of well paid with our tax money Muslim Organizations.
There are not millions of Muslims in any of those places you listed. Maybe a few thousand.
I feel real bad for Europeans. Every citizen there is defenseless. They have been completely disarmed by the government, much like what Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders want to accomplish here in the United States. Thankfully, neither of those two nut-cases will ever see the inside of the Oval Office from behind the desk as President.
I simply cannot see the function of the United Nations or NATO. Since radical Islam has pretty much been condemned by every nation out there, why haven't the United Nations sent troops across all borders of all nations where ISIS and other radical Islamic groups are running amuck and killing people? What good is funding the United Nations if it is not going to serve an international purpose?

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