We have to stop the “others”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Alan Keyes; “We have to stop him or the United States will cease to exist.”
Buchanan; “Majority of Afro-American believe Bush had something to do with 9-11.”
Sharon Engle; “We have to faze out Social Security and Medicare and withdraw from the United Nations.” We cannot allow a T-Bagger, right wing-nut, village idiot take over of this country.

Obama will turn out to be the greatest president we will every have. Bush undid 8 years of Clinton in his 8 years and left Obama with a grand mess that he will not be able to fix if he had 8 years. Obama is the Martin Luther King of government. He has done more for this country in 1 ½ years than Bush did in 8. Reason right wing nuts and village idiots hate him so much, is the black man is succeeding. Obama is dealing with unprecedented problems no other president has had to deal with.

I would rather see a “Mexico take-over” than take over by the “others.”


“You cannot please all the people all the time, so you please some of the people all the time.”
Go back to bed, it was only a wet dream.:cuckoo:

You were almost right. Angle is Reid's wet dream of an opponent. She makes his campaign ads for him every time she opens her mouth. Kinda like Rand Paul in KY. What is it with these Tea Bagger candidates?

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