we need to repeal Obamacare and replace it with Medicare For All, my friends

we already have medicare for all, it's called THE EMERGENCY ROOM!

Emergency rooms should be for life or death situations only. The fact that you think that department is to give care to those without insurance or those who have an ear infection makes your comment a joke.
People think Medicare is free for folks on Social Security. It isn't. A premium is deducted from your Social Security for Medicare. In addition, there are co-pays for everything, from routine doctor visits and prescriptions to specialists and tests. Most folks on Medicare need private insurance for paying all the added expenses and co-pays not covered by Medicare. So, if folks think Medicare for all will be free, there may be a big surprise not being talked about.
Every single Democratic presidential candidate has joined President Trump. They all agree that Obamacare is a failure

If Congress passes a public option or a Medicare buy-in, say goodbye to private plans — even those paid for by employers.
Every single Democratic presidential candidate has joined President Trump. They all agree that Obamacare is a failure

If Congress passes a public option or a Medicare buy-in, say goodbye to private plans — even those paid for by employers.

Do you think that union members, even the leeches of the public employee unions feeding from the public trough, understand that the plush healthcare they have now will be taken from them and they will get VA Care for all?
Every single Democratic presidential candidate has joined President Trump. They all agree that Obamacare is a failure

If Congress passes a public option or a Medicare buy-in, say goodbye to private plans — even those paid for by employers.

Do you think that union members, even the leeches of the public employee unions feeding from the public trough, understand that the plush healthcare they have now will be taken from them and they will get VA Care for all?
They know-but in a group they will say they are not voting for Trump-but will.
Medicare for all is not the way to go but rather let people buy into it if they wish at a higher rate than 65 year olds today and most wouldn't except for the uninsurable.

But with the 6 trillion the U.S. has spent since 1990 on Middle East wars could fund Medicare for all.
Medicare for all is not the way to go but rather let people buy into it if they wish at a higher rate than 65 year olds today and most wouldn't except for the uninsurable.

But with the 6 trillion the U.S. has spent since 1990 on Middle East wars could fund Medicare for all.
Not even close
Remember any time the government projects costs it always costs at least 2-3 Times as much.

Recall Obamacare was guaranteed to save a family of 4 $2500, and instead Obamacare increased plan costs drastically and also increased deductibles drastically.

You can't seriously believe that the same idiots that screwed it up are the ones to fix it.
Medicare for all is great idea and so is automobiles for all!! Why are you limited to health care. Life would be so much better for everyone if everything was free!!
Give Trump control of your Healthcare?

Great idea, Einstein.
whose with me?

Venezuela! because it works so well ! Quality HC at a minimum price. Which translates to better not get sick cause an aspirin will cost you about 6000 dollars. I'm in!

your confused, that’s the current system we have here.
wrong, people here are rich and can afford everything thanks to Republican capitalism. healthcare is a big exception and very expensive because it is controlled by our llbcommies.

Lyin Ted: if Phil Gramm wasn't a US Senator, Obamacare would have passed 27 years ago, it would have been called Hillarycare
Also the Advantage Plans are a rip off, it taking the money you pay for Medicare and right to private ins. Read the fine print before you sign up. Your much better off with a supplement plan, but you have a 6 month window to get it, and if you have a PEC (which most people do) you will pay a lot more under the Advantage Plans.
“we need to repeal Obamacare and replace it with Medicare For All, my friends”

You seem to have the cart before the horse. Obamacare and Medicare are two different federal programs designed to provide health care for Americans.
A better approach would be to incorporate the best parts of each into one. Call it what you want, I prefer calling these two unified programs, “universal Health Care”.

The employees who managed the private health care system could be re-employed to manage the new “universal Health Care” program. The only losers would be the millionaires who profited by promising health care while giving back nothing in return.

Just a suggestion


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