Weather for tomorrow's election in Wisconsin, no rain, 79 degrees

See what I mean? Right on cue.

Explain to me in your best words what this has to do with politics on a national level? If that state wants to implode why should anyone care?

You guys are just so desperate for a victory, any victory. Lulz

If the Democrats win big it will prove that running hard against the rightwing governors and their extremist policies will be a good strategy next year. It will also prove that those governors and their policies are going to be a major liability in the presidential race in those states, many of which like Ohio and Florida are critical swing states.

It also got Karl Rove's outfit to spend a ton of money.

There is plenty of more money. Rove gets a ton of money from the Chamber Of Commerce. The Chamber gets it's money from China. The Chamber of Commerce gives more than 90% to Republicans. They are such an "International Party".
Should be some very entertaining excuse-making from the Right if the Democrats win.

It is far-left fucking lazy, lackey assholes like you and every other fucking piece of shit welfare **** who is rooting against scott walker that makes life difficult for independents like me to defend increased taxes on the wealthy.

So those increased tax revenues can be spent on more lazy public union workers to buy more votes - and increased pensions and benefits far beyond what their skills in the open market could accomplish? Or simply to go to welfare queens like you who don't even fucking want to work at all?

How about just shutting the fuck up and accepting that the reason people who get up out of bed in the morning - ordinary people like me - to earn a living and put food on the table is for OUR families, not for lazy trash like you, "privileged" public fucking union workers getting fat pensions and benefits while everyone else suffers, etc.

ENOUGH is enough, and I'm tired of having conservatives give me shit when I push for eliminating the carried interest 15% tax rate, or elimination of various corporate tax breaks, that the money will simply be pissed away on more food stamps/free schooling and healthcare for endless illegal immigrants, lazy public union workers, etc.

I'm done defending that shit, and its assholes like you who make that notion impossible to defend. Walker was right in what he did, and if the douchbag democrats succeed in taking him and the other republicans out in WI, they will only hasten the decline of a state already 14th worst in the country in terms of its business friendly environment.
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This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.

I think you will be surprised to see that the GOP candidates that are up for re-call may not be re-called and the democrats that were up might be. I don't know what it is that people don't understand about " we don't have the money to fund all of your public employee perks.l" There's no money.

Yea, after all those cuts, Walker looked around and found even MORE cuts. He cut taxes for millionaires. That's why everything else had to be cut. See how that works? Cut education for middle class and you can cut taxes on millionaires. Republican Governors are doing it all over America. Hey, check out Florida.

He also raised taxes on low income Wisconsonians. A bit of trivia that mostly goes unnoticed.
What will be the excuses if the democratics fail to win any of these?
Should be some very entertaining excuse-making from the Right if the Democrats win.

It is far-left fucking lazy, lackey assholes like you and every other fucking piece of shit welfare **** who is rooting against scott walker that makes life difficult for independents like me to defend increased taxes on the wealthy.

So those increased tax revenues can be spent on more lazy public union workers to buy more votes - and increased pensions and benefits far beyond what their skills in the open market could accomplish? Or simply to go to welfare queens like you who don't even fucking want to work at all?

How about just shutting the fuck up and accepting that the reason people who get up out of bed in the morning - ordinary people like me - to earn a living and put food on the table is for OUR families, not for lazy trash like you, "privileged" public fucking union workers getting fat pensions and benefits while everyone else suffers, etc.

ENOUGH is enough, and I'm tired of having conservatives give me shit when I push for eliminating the carried interest 15% tax rate, or elimination of various corporate tax breaks, that the money will simply be pissed away on more food stamps/free schooling and healthcare for endless illegal immigrants, lazy public union workers, etc.

I'm done defending that shit, and its assholes like you who make that notion impossible to defend. Walker was right in what he did, and if the douchbag democrats succeed in taking him and the other republicans out in WI, they will only hasten the decline of a state already 14th worst in the country in terms of its business friendly environment.

Are you an example of business friendly?
This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.

Those fucking Republicans do not have a chance, the truth about all those budget cuts has come out.

Despite early criticism from city officials, new figures show Milwaukee will gain more than it will lose next year from the state's controversial budget and budget-repair legislation.
The city projects it will save at least $25 million a year - and potentially as much as $36 million in 2012 - from health care benefit changes it didn't have to negotiate with unions, as a result of provisions in the 2009-'11 budget-repair measure that ended most collective bargaining for most public employees.
That saving would be partly offset by about $14 million in cuts in state aid to the city in the 2011-'13 state budget. The figure is down from earlier estimates of more than $17 million, after the Legislature scaled back Gov. Scott Walker's proposed cuts in aid for local streets and recycling.
As a result, the city would come out with a net gain of at least $11 million for its 2012 budget, slicing into the "structural deficit" created by costs rising faster than revenue and reducing the spending cuts that Mayor Tom Barrett and the Common Council must impose.

Milwaukee to see net gain from state budget - JSOnline

This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car

The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.

Can I have some of what you're drinking?

Did Amber Hahn appear on Fox Monday, Aug 8, 2011?

Is there something wrong with a concerned parent being a drunk too?


Guess you missed this little part in your story:

"Tuesday’s election may unseat six Republicans.
Next week, two Democrats face the same fight.
The recalls may shift the balance of power in the state Senate from the current 19-14 Republican majority.

Because Republicans still control the Assembly and governor’s mansion, a Democratic victory will not roll back any of the new legislation. The unprecedented summer election will be “almost entirely symbolic,” says Barry Burden, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin at Madison."

Is the State where Democrats fled and hid in Illinois rather than stay in their state and vote, like they were elected to do?
I think it was!

This is not an D vs R issue.
This is an issue about states going broke and what some responsible elected officials are doing about it.
Partisan style!
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i think it's amusing that several states have done more or less the same thing regarding public unions as wisconsin, yet only wisconsin seems to be unable to move on.

I live here, and I know Wisconsin. Wisconsin is the birth place of the union. Wisconsin was/is a socialist state. Wisconsin is ground zero for the unions. They have drawn their line in the sand here. That is why you saw millions of dollars poured into the state by the unions organizing and running against the republicans that have busted up their unholy grip on money given to dems for reelection formerly known as union dews. They're pissed, I'm happy, and I think the R's will hold on to their seats. But, we'll see. You get outside of the liberal cess pools known as Madison and Milwaukee and the socialism and democrats get pretty thin.
From what I've been reading school districts in WI are already saving money big time and that means the taxpayers are saving money.

Wonder if WI will vote with its pocketbook??
This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.

She crashed? Was drunk? Who does she think she is, Ted Kennedy ?

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