Weekend Plans??

Joz said:
What about this new bakeware I saw not long ago? Was flexible, easy clean-up. By chance have you tried it?

Do you remember what it was called?? I have bought the Ulimate Chopper, Magic bullet, Juice, Forman grill and a huge tupperware collection. They have all worked great! :D
Said1 said:
:cof: I don't have a credit card, but I know I'd be ordering EVERYTHING if I did. I'd own every music collection and exercise machine sold on tv!

I know what you mean! Everytime I get something I think this is really going to be the end all be all, but then something else comes out that I think is better and it drives my husband completely up the wall! :D We don't have kids and we don't have drinking or smoking habits plus we don't go out much so it's not too bad.
ladyzac said:
I know what you mean! Everytime I get something I think this is really going to be the end all be all, but then something else comes out that I think is better and it drives my husband completely up the wall! :D We don't have kids and we don't have drinking or smoking habits plus we don't go out much so it's not too bad.

I don't think it's a the big deal if it's something you enjoy. I have curly hair, and spend a small fortune on straightening products. I bought a battery operated brush that spins automatically while you dry your hair, but it was only available on tv fist (to bug my daughter, I used to yell "I want that" every time I saw the commerical). I almost screamed when I saw it at the store, and bought without even looking at the price ($20 - small price to pay for straight hair :D). I know for a fact it was authentic, since it said "as seen on tv" on the package. :D :banana:
ladyzac said:
Do you remember what it was called?? I have bought the Ulimate Chopper, Magic bullet, Juice, Forman grill and a huge tupperware collection. They have all worked great! :D

My ex mother-in-law loves gadgets. She had most of the above items, but passes them on to me when she loses interest. She is still trying to pawn her bread maker off on me! I love the grill and the chopper!
Said1 said:
I don't think it's a the big deal if it's something you enjoy. I have curly hair, and spend a small fortune on straightening products. I bought a battery operated brush that spins automatically while you dry your hair, but it was only available on tv fist (to bug my daughter, I used to yell "I want that" every time I saw the commerical). I almost screamed when I saw it at the store, and bought without even looking at the price ($20 - small price to pay for straight hair :D). I know for a fact it was authentic, since it said "as seen on tv" on the package. :D :banana:

Oh my gosh!...I have curly hair too! I have spent so much money on hair straightening products it's ridiculous, but totally worth it to me! Isn't it so weird that you can look like a totally different person when your hair is curly or straight?? I once had my hair chemically straightened but it started breaking off so I had to cut it :(
Now, I just stick to my "Helen of Troy" Straightener <--works fantastic!! :tng:
Said1 said:
My ex mother-in-law loves gadgets. She had most of the above items, but passes them on to me when she loses interest. She is still trying to pawn her bread maker off on me! I love the grill and the chopper!

I've done that in the past too, but if I love the gadget that much (like my chopper and grill too!)...I buy them as gifts for my family! :thup:
ladyzac said:
Do you remember what it was called?? I have bought the Ulimate Chopper, Magic bullet, Juice, Forman grill and a huge tupperware collection. They have all worked great! :D

I believe it was the 'magic'bullet'. Looked like something I couldn't burn!
Joz said:
I believe it was the 'magic'bullet'. Looked like something I couldn't burn!

Yeah, I have the magic bullet! It is really great and I use it to make smoothies every morning. :D
Zhukov said:
some light drinking

a little more than light, but CHECK

phew, one day to go

Joz said:
Why? Are thngs rough for you, right now?

Nope, I'm moving far away from friends and family, so it's been one going away party after another. Long weekend.

Saturday= Large going away party, boozing from 5pm to 4am, woke up at about 9 the next morning and someone thought it would be fun to start drinking.........till about 4am again....

I wish I had slept more last night.
I worked all weekend. Nine hours on Saturday, and seven on Sunday. No regrets, though, I made $200 on tips total! Hows that for some Vegas spending cash!
Semper Fi said:
I worked all weekend. Nine hours on Saturday, and seven on Sunday. No regrets, though, I made $200 on tips total! Hows that for some Vegas spending cash!

LOL - by the time you are old enough to get to vegas, yo shouold have lots of money!
ladyzac said:
Yeah, I have the magic bullet! It is really great and I use it to make smoothies every morning. :D

Well, that's not it. This was bakeware. It was flexible & could wipe clean with a rag. Oh, well, I'll catch it again sometime. Don't watch alot of TV and besides, don't have cable.

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