Weird Racism At My Job?

Could it be that she wants to help the black community with the little power she has? When you see reports that their unemployment rate is twice as high as whites and they have higher poverty rates and they deal with racial hardships in other areas... it racist or even wrong for somebody to want to focus on helping that cause?

Also she is married to a black guy is that right? Perhaps she has better relationships and commonalities with blacks so she is drawn to them more than others. Like I said before everybody is their own preference, attractions, and comforts in all facets of life. We are never going to have a truly objective and uninfluenced society.
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?

I prefer dating Asians, actually, so I can speak to this. It does not in any way impinge on the rest of my life. Couldn't care less what race or ethnicity my co-workers are, so long as I don't have to carry their dead weight.
You could have said "carry them". But you chose "dead weight". I like that.

Making the distinction between helping people when they need it and having to do two jobs because the other person is completely useless. Pardon the ego, but it's not uncommon for me to have to carry co-workers in some areas because I happen to be much better in those areas. Conversely, sometimes they have to carry me in areas I suck at. It's what makes a good team.
No....your boss is a virtue signaling liberal moron who just wants to hire more blacks to feel good about herself. I also live in the Phoenix metro area, blacks are not really that plentiful out here, you are not dealing with a coincidence.

I think she just really wishes she was black, to tell the truth. And no, black people are about 6% of the population of the Phoenix metro area, half the national percentage. All four of the people who have been hired/considered for hire in the last two years? Can't possibly be a fluke.
Could it be that she wants to help the black community with the little power she has? When you see reports that their unemployment rate is twice as high as whites and they have higher poverty rates and they deal with racial hardships in other areas... it racist or even wrong for somebody to want to focus on helping that cause?

Also she is married to a black guy is that right? Perhaps she has better relationships and commonalities with blacks so she is drawn to them more than others. Like I said before everybody is their own preference, attractions, and comforts in all facets of life. We are never going to have a truly objective and uninfluenced society.
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
I don’t think it is but I’m asking because of your last statement about preference towards one group over another on the basis of race. Food for thought
No....your boss is a virtue signaling liberal moron who just wants to hire more blacks to feel good about herself. I also live in the Phoenix metro area, blacks are not really that plentiful out here, you are not dealing with a coincidence.

I think she just really wishes she was black, to tell the truth. And no, black people are about 6% of the population of the Phoenix metro area, half the national percentage. All four of the people who have been hired/considered for hire in the last two years? Can't possibly be a fluke.
Could it be that she wants to help the black community with the little power she has? When you see reports that their unemployment rate is twice as high as whites and they have higher poverty rates and they deal with racial hardships in other areas... it racist or even wrong for somebody to want to focus on helping that cause?

Also she is married to a black guy is that right? Perhaps she has better relationships and commonalities with blacks so she is drawn to them more than others. Like I said before everybody is their own preference, attractions, and comforts in all facets of life. We are never going to have a truly objective and uninfluenced society.
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
I think she just really wishes she was black, to tell the truth. And no, black people are about 6% of the population of the Phoenix metro area, half the national percentage. All four of the people who have been hired/considered for hire in the last two years? Can't possibly be a fluke.
Could it be that she wants to help the black community with the little power she has? When you see reports that their unemployment rate is twice as high as whites and they have higher poverty rates and they deal with racial hardships in other areas... it racist or even wrong for somebody to want to focus on helping that cause?

Also she is married to a black guy is that right? Perhaps she has better relationships and commonalities with blacks so she is drawn to them more than others. Like I said before everybody is their own preference, attractions, and comforts in all facets of life. We are never going to have a truly objective and uninfluenced society.
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Excellent points and leads the conversation to a deeper point about how statistics play a part as they are commonly used to show evidence of racist hiring practices. We need to be careful
Could it be that she wants to help the black community with the little power she has? When you see reports that their unemployment rate is twice as high as whites and they have higher poverty rates and they deal with racial hardships in other areas... it racist or even wrong for somebody to want to focus on helping that cause?

Also she is married to a black guy is that right? Perhaps she has better relationships and commonalities with blacks so she is drawn to them more than others. Like I said before everybody is their own preference, attractions, and comforts in all facets of life. We are never going to have a truly objective and uninfluenced society.
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Excellent points and leads the conversation to a deeper point about how statistics play a part as they are commonly used to show evidence of racist hiring practices. We need to be careful
Well then, take us there :D

Unless cecilie does not want us to do this in her thread...
Could it be that she wants to help the black community with the little power she has? When you see reports that their unemployment rate is twice as high as whites and they have higher poverty rates and they deal with racial hardships in other areas... it racist or even wrong for somebody to want to focus on helping that cause?

Also she is married to a black guy is that right? Perhaps she has better relationships and commonalities with blacks so she is drawn to them more than others. Like I said before everybody is their own preference, attractions, and comforts in all facets of life. We are never going to have a truly objective and uninfluenced society.
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Excellent points and leads the conversation to a deeper point about how statistics play a part as they are commonly used to show evidence of racist hiring practices. We need to be careful
Can you name a biz that refuses to hire black People?
I think she just really wishes she was black, to tell the truth. And no, black people are about 6% of the population of the Phoenix metro area, half the national percentage. All four of the people who have been hired/considered for hire in the last two years? Can't possibly be a fluke.
Could it be that she wants to help the black community with the little power she has? When you see reports that their unemployment rate is twice as high as whites and they have higher poverty rates and they deal with racial hardships in other areas... it racist or even wrong for somebody to want to focus on helping that cause?

Also she is married to a black guy is that right? Perhaps she has better relationships and commonalities with blacks so she is drawn to them more than others. Like I said before everybody is their own preference, attractions, and comforts in all facets of life. We are never going to have a truly objective and uninfluenced society.
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Regarding the original point about dating Asians. Let’s say that you have the non racist approach like you laid out. “I’ve never dated an Asian or been attracted to them in that way but if I met one that I was attracted to then I’d date one without reservation”... now take that to the business world. I’ll consider hiring anybody of any race as long as I like their qualifications and click well with them during our interview. But even with that mentality it works out that you've only hired white people... I believe many would look at the numbers and attribute a racial bias to your hiring practices... agree? thoughts?
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Excellent points and leads the conversation to a deeper point about how statistics play a part as they are commonly used to show evidence of racist hiring practices. We need to be careful
Can you name a biz that refuses to hire black People?
I’m not accusing businesses of refusing to hire black people. You seem to be missing the point.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Excellent points and leads the conversation to a deeper point about how statistics play a part as they are commonly used to show evidence of racist hiring practices. We need to be careful
Can you name a biz that refuses to hire black People?
I’m not accusing businesses of refusing to hire black people. You seem to be missing the point.
I didn’t think so... mic drop
Could it be that she wants to help the black community with the little power she has? When you see reports that their unemployment rate is twice as high as whites and they have higher poverty rates and they deal with racial hardships in other areas... it racist or even wrong for somebody to want to focus on helping that cause?

Also she is married to a black guy is that right? Perhaps she has better relationships and commonalities with blacks so she is drawn to them more than others. Like I said before everybody is their own preference, attractions, and comforts in all facets of life. We are never going to have a truly objective and uninfluenced society.
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Regarding the original point about dating Asians. Let’s say that you have the non racist approach like you laid out. “I’ve never dated an Asian or been attracted to them in that way but if I met one that I was attracted to then I’d date one without reservation”... now take that to the business world. I’ll consider hiring anybody of any race as long as I like their qualifications and click well with them during our interview. But even with that mentality it works out that you've only hired white people... I believe many would look at the numbers and attribute a racial bias to your hiring practices... agree? thoughts?
Yes, that is actually why I used construction in my point. My father does own a construction company and targeted by CA affirmative action laws as a result - he has never hired an Asian that I am aware of in 40 years even though 20 of them he lived in a predominately Asian neighborhood. The reality is that he almost never had an Asian applicant and when he did they did not have the physical stature for the job - you can stock a job with 220 lb sheet rock when you weigh 100 lbs wet. Because of that CA dropped it.

It is the problem with using statistical analysis to determine racist intent. it simply does not work. Statistical analysis may help you find out where to look but it does not determine anything in and of itself. This is an error the news makes CONSTANTLY - the assumption is that racial and sexual parity should somehow exist in the workplace and that is rather ignorant of reality.
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Excellent points and leads the conversation to a deeper point about how statistics play a part as they are commonly used to show evidence of racist hiring practices. We need to be careful
Can you name a biz that refuses to hire black People?
I’m not accusing businesses of refusing to hire black people. You seem to be missing the point.
I didn’t think so... mic drop
Why would you think so, I never claimed such things... did you just create a conflict so you could do a fake mic drop?! Haha, what’s wrong with you?!
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Regarding the original point about dating Asians. Let’s say that you have the non racist approach like you laid out. “I’ve never dated an Asian or been attracted to them in that way but if I met one that I was attracted to then I’d date one without reservation”... now take that to the business world. I’ll consider hiring anybody of any race as long as I like their qualifications and click well with them during our interview. But even with that mentality it works out that you've only hired white people... I believe many would look at the numbers and attribute a racial bias to your hiring practices... agree? thoughts?
Yes, that is actually why I used construction in my point. My father does own a construction company and targeted by CA affirmative action laws as a result - he has never hired an Asian that I am aware of in 40 years even though 20 of them he lived in a predominately Asian neighborhood. The reality is that he almost never had an Asian applicant and when he did they did not have the physical stature for the job - you can stock a job with 220 lb sheet rock when you weigh 100 lbs wet. Because of that CA dropped it.

It is the problem with using statistical analysis to determine racist intent. it simply does not work. Statistical analysis may help you find out where to look but it does not determine anything in and of itself. This is an error the news makes CONSTANTLY - the assumption is that racial and sexual parity should somehow exist in the workplace and that is rather ignorant of reality.
Hey Jitss617... read this convo. That’s how you do a mic drop. Take notes
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Regarding the original point about dating Asians. Let’s say that you have the non racist approach like you laid out. “I’ve never dated an Asian or been attracted to them in that way but if I met one that I was attracted to then I’d date one without reservation”... now take that to the business world. I’ll consider hiring anybody of any race as long as I like their qualifications and click well with them during our interview. But even with that mentality it works out that you've only hired white people... I believe many would look at the numbers and attribute a racial bias to your hiring practices... agree? thoughts?
Yes, that is actually why I used construction in my point. My father does own a construction company and targeted by CA affirmative action laws as a result - he has never hired an Asian that I am aware of in 40 years even though 20 of them he lived in a predominately Asian neighborhood. The reality is that he almost never had an Asian applicant and when he did they did not have the physical stature for the job - you can stock a job with 220 lb sheet rock when you weigh 100 lbs wet. Because of that CA dropped it.

It is the problem with using statistical analysis to determine racist intent. it simply does not work. Statistical analysis may help you find out where to look but it does not determine anything in and of itself. This is an error the news makes CONSTANTLY - the assumption is that racial and sexual parity should somehow exist in the workplace and that is rather ignorant of reality.
Hey Jitss617... read this convo. That’s how you do a mic drop. Take notes
Like I said mic drop
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Regarding the original point about dating Asians. Let’s say that you have the non racist approach like you laid out. “I’ve never dated an Asian or been attracted to them in that way but if I met one that I was attracted to then I’d date one without reservation”... now take that to the business world. I’ll consider hiring anybody of any race as long as I like their qualifications and click well with them during our interview. But even with that mentality it works out that you've only hired white people... I believe many would look at the numbers and attribute a racial bias to your hiring practices... agree? thoughts?
Yes, that is actually why I used construction in my point. My father does own a construction company and targeted by CA affirmative action laws as a result - he has never hired an Asian that I am aware of in 40 years even though 20 of them he lived in a predominately Asian neighborhood. The reality is that he almost never had an Asian applicant and when he did they did not have the physical stature for the job - you can stock a job with 220 lb sheet rock when you weigh 100 lbs wet. Because of that CA dropped it.

It is the problem with using statistical analysis to determine racist intent. it simply does not work. Statistical analysis may help you find out where to look but it does not determine anything in and of itself. This is an error the news makes CONSTANTLY - the assumption is that racial and sexual parity should somehow exist in the workplace and that is rather ignorant of reality.
Well said and I agree... so the next step down the rabbit hole would be to explore causes they may have influenced or be influencing the number of and qualifications of the applicants. Has a history of slavery - Jim Crow created poor socio economic conditions for blacks that resulted in higher levels of poverty and lower levels of education? Has that allowed wealthy white people to own a monopoly of ownership in the businesses in our nation, through generations of higher education, wealth and connections? Is there still racial prejudice out there working against minorities... etc. the answer is yes to many of these, do you agree? Now the big question. What is appropriate for us as a nation to do about it?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Regarding the original point about dating Asians. Let’s say that you have the non racist approach like you laid out. “I’ve never dated an Asian or been attracted to them in that way but if I met one that I was attracted to then I’d date one without reservation”... now take that to the business world. I’ll consider hiring anybody of any race as long as I like their qualifications and click well with them during our interview. But even with that mentality it works out that you've only hired white people... I believe many would look at the numbers and attribute a racial bias to your hiring practices... agree? thoughts?
Yes, that is actually why I used construction in my point. My father does own a construction company and targeted by CA affirmative action laws as a result - he has never hired an Asian that I am aware of in 40 years even though 20 of them he lived in a predominately Asian neighborhood. The reality is that he almost never had an Asian applicant and when he did they did not have the physical stature for the job - you can stock a job with 220 lb sheet rock when you weigh 100 lbs wet. Because of that CA dropped it.

It is the problem with using statistical analysis to determine racist intent. it simply does not work. Statistical analysis may help you find out where to look but it does not determine anything in and of itself. This is an error the news makes CONSTANTLY - the assumption is that racial and sexual parity should somehow exist in the workplace and that is rather ignorant of reality.
Hey Jitss617... read this convo. That’s how you do a mic drop. Take notes
Like I said mic drop
Go away, you’re wasting space.
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Regarding the original point about dating Asians. Let’s say that you have the non racist approach like you laid out. “I’ve never dated an Asian or been attracted to them in that way but if I met one that I was attracted to then I’d date one without reservation”... now take that to the business world. I’ll consider hiring anybody of any race as long as I like their qualifications and click well with them during our interview. But even with that mentality it works out that you've only hired white people... I believe many would look at the numbers and attribute a racial bias to your hiring practices... agree? thoughts?
Yes, that is actually why I used construction in my point. My father does own a construction company and targeted by CA affirmative action laws as a result - he has never hired an Asian that I am aware of in 40 years even though 20 of them he lived in a predominately Asian neighborhood. The reality is that he almost never had an Asian applicant and when he did they did not have the physical stature for the job - you can stock a job with 220 lb sheet rock when you weigh 100 lbs wet. Because of that CA dropped it.

It is the problem with using statistical analysis to determine racist intent. it simply does not work. Statistical analysis may help you find out where to look but it does not determine anything in and of itself. This is an error the news makes CONSTANTLY - the assumption is that racial and sexual parity should somehow exist in the workplace and that is rather ignorant of reality.
Hey Jitss617... read this convo. That’s how you do a mic drop. Take notes
Like I said mic drop
Go away, you’re wasting space.
When you can find that biz let me know.. mix drop
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Excellent points and leads the conversation to a deeper point about how statistics play a part as they are commonly used to show evidence of racist hiring practices. We need to be careful
Well then, take us there :D

Unless cecilie does not want us to do this in her thread...

Hey, knock yourselves out.
I know, I'm late but have not had time for the forums the last few days :D

Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Regarding the original point about dating Asians. Let’s say that you have the non racist approach like you laid out. “I’ve never dated an Asian or been attracted to them in that way but if I met one that I was attracted to then I’d date one without reservation”... now take that to the business world. I’ll consider hiring anybody of any race as long as I like their qualifications and click well with them during our interview. But even with that mentality it works out that you've only hired white people... I believe many would look at the numbers and attribute a racial bias to your hiring practices... agree? thoughts?
Yes, that is actually why I used construction in my point. My father does own a construction company and targeted by CA affirmative action laws as a result - he has never hired an Asian that I am aware of in 40 years even though 20 of them he lived in a predominately Asian neighborhood. The reality is that he almost never had an Asian applicant and when he did they did not have the physical stature for the job - you can stock a job with 220 lb sheet rock when you weigh 100 lbs wet. Because of that CA dropped it.

It is the problem with using statistical analysis to determine racist intent. it simply does not work. Statistical analysis may help you find out where to look but it does not determine anything in and of itself. This is an error the news makes CONSTANTLY - the assumption is that racial and sexual parity should somehow exist in the workplace and that is rather ignorant of reality.
Well said and I agree... so the next step down the rabbit hole would be to explore causes they may have influenced or be influencing the number of and qualifications of the applicants. Has a history of slavery - Jim Crow created poor socio economic conditions for blacks that resulted in higher levels of poverty and lower levels of education? Has that allowed wealthy white people to own a monopoly of ownership in the businesses in our nation, through generations of higher education, wealth and connections?
Yes it has to some extent. The overall effect is very hard to measure though as there are a LOT of other factors at play as well.
Is there still racial prejudice out there working against minorities... etc. the answer is yes to many of these, do you agree? Now the big question. What is appropriate for us as a nation to do about it?
I think that we have already done the appropriate actions. Namely, systemic or institutionalized racism is not legal. Beyond that, there is nothing that the nation can do about it. I think that more 'help' is not actually helping at all but rather allowing a mentality that someone else needs to fix these problems for the people it effects. The bottom line here is that there is a cultural problem. There is a reason that Asians beat whites in most categories and it is not because racism. It is because the Asian sub culture promotes education, family, honor and success over anything else. There is also a reason that blacks have crime rates that are astronomically higher than ANY other race and it cannot be solely attributed to socioeconomic status though that is a major component of it as well.

At the end of the day, the government or any societal 'fix' cannot address these problems.
I think she just really wishes she was black, to tell the truth. And no, black people are about 6% of the population of the Phoenix metro area, half the national percentage. All four of the people who have been hired/considered for hire in the last two years? Can't possibly be a fluke.
Could it be that she wants to help the black community with the little power she has? When you see reports that their unemployment rate is twice as high as whites and they have higher poverty rates and they deal with racial hardships in other areas... it racist or even wrong for somebody to want to focus on helping that cause?

Also she is married to a black guy is that right? Perhaps she has better relationships and commonalities with blacks so she is drawn to them more than others. Like I said before everybody is their own preference, attractions, and comforts in all facets of life. We are never going to have a truly objective and uninfluenced society.
Regardless of motivation, it's still racist. Affirmative Action is racist. Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. I will observe that if someone exercises their own preference in favor of Caucasians, they would be immediately censored.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
I would like to differentiate between racism and bias. While used interchangeable, I do not perceive "bias" as having the same negative connotation as "racism". This perception arises, for me, in common usage of both words. Based on that, choices made based on cultural preferences or lack of attraction could be described as a bias. Policies, rules, and regulations that give preference for one group over others, defined by some specific characteristic(s), I would characterize as "racist". A company that does not hire Asians because there are few Asians qualified for that work is biased, but not racist because of a cultural standard that implies that Asians might not be interested in that work. I can provide a more specific example: I work at a major airport. Many people who work here are Pacific Islanders, Phillipinos and Somoans, specifically. There is no hiring preference for these demographics. There are significantly fewer blacks working here. Why is that? There is a geographic and demographic bias that shifts the working population this way. The company I work for has a hiring preference specifying Alaskan Natives will be hired before any other, equally qualified persons, that is racist because there are many persons of a wide variety of cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds who will be denied employment if an Alaskan Native applies.
Further, other airports I have visited demonstrate the same demographic bias based on workforce availability. Minneapolis airport, on the other hand, has a workforce that appears to be primarily black muslim women. That would appear to represent a bias. If there are specific directions to hire a certain demographic in favor of others, I do not know what they are. But if companies were hiring black muslim women in order to fill a quota based on a percentage of local population represented by that specific group, and there were equal or larger numbers of others qualified, that would be racist.
I also feel that lowering standards or altering requirements in order to skew the workforce in order to meet quotas based on race, or some other group characteristic, is racist.
I hope that helped explain my personal interpretation.
Let’s say somebody isn’t attracted to Asians and therefore not interested in dating them. Would that make them racist against Asians?
Why would it?
The question as posed I think puts that onus on you.

The point as put out by you: Any program that prefers one race over another solely on basis of race is racist. <and I agree with this btw.

The question is that you deciding you do not like to date Asians IS a decision that prefers one race over another solely on the basis of race or its attractiveness both ways.

I would posit that it is, indeed, racist BUT that the question is to black and white for reality. It is not very common that someone is going to blankly decide they are not dating Asians because of their race but rather they are unlikely to date Asians because they are simply not attracted to them most of the time but would date one they were attracted to without a second thought. That I would say is not racist.

One effect is NOT based on race but rather another factor that only tangentially effects race. The same would be true if we were talking about cultural barriers. To tie this back to the thread, in an employment sector this would look something like this: construction company A does not hire Asians and has no Asians on their work force. However, because the nature of construction work virtually zero qualified Asians ever apply to work there. Are they racist? No, even if there is a major disparity of race within the company. There is no decision not to hire Asians, it just never happens. There is no decision to never date an Asian, it just does not happen.
Regarding the original point about dating Asians. Let’s say that you have the non racist approach like you laid out. “I’ve never dated an Asian or been attracted to them in that way but if I met one that I was attracted to then I’d date one without reservation”... now take that to the business world. I’ll consider hiring anybody of any race as long as I like their qualifications and click well with them during our interview. But even with that mentality it works out that you've only hired white people... I believe many would look at the numbers and attribute a racial bias to your hiring practices... agree? thoughts?
Yes, that is actually why I used construction in my point. My father does own a construction company and targeted by CA affirmative action laws as a result - he has never hired an Asian that I am aware of in 40 years even though 20 of them he lived in a predominately Asian neighborhood. The reality is that he almost never had an Asian applicant and when he did they did not have the physical stature for the job - you can stock a job with 220 lb sheet rock when you weigh 100 lbs wet. Because of that CA dropped it.

It is the problem with using statistical analysis to determine racist intent. it simply does not work. Statistical analysis may help you find out where to look but it does not determine anything in and of itself. This is an error the news makes CONSTANTLY - the assumption is that racial and sexual parity should somehow exist in the workplace and that is rather ignorant of reality.
Well said and I agree... so the next step down the rabbit hole would be to explore causes they may have influenced or be influencing the number of and qualifications of the applicants. Has a history of slavery - Jim Crow created poor socio economic conditions for blacks that resulted in higher levels of poverty and lower levels of education? Has that allowed wealthy white people to own a monopoly of ownership in the businesses in our nation, through generations of higher education, wealth and connections? Is there still racial prejudice out there working against minorities... etc. the answer is yes to many of these, do you agree? Now the big question. What is appropriate for us as a nation to do about it?
As a nation, throwing more money after that already spent is a waste. Without the targeted population's active participation in their own empowerment and efforts to improve their lot, money is of little help. Criminalizing poorly identified concepts, especially overused and abused words, like "racism" and "racist" also only breeds contempt and more division. What would be far more effective would be to stop grooming the disadvantaged to accept their victimhood so complacently. How often is it implied to them that without government intercession and funding, they are helpless to help themselves?

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