Well, let's do this: Trump vs Sanders. The 2 straight talkers, no big money, back to 1948 without..


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
the Cold War perversion of what socialism is. NOT COMMUNISM. Actually, the GI Bill WAS socialism, and exactly what we need now after 30 years of Reaganist giveaway to the greedy idiot rich and giant corporations, along with Fox Rush WHATEVER RW misinformation and hate.

Trump now leading in Iowa AND NH, Sanders close. The major plus of his campaign would be finally telling the dupes and cold war dinosaurs what socialism is, everywhere but here: ALWAYS democratic, reasonable and strong regulation of capitalism with reasonable assistance for the unfortunate. Period.
Well, let's do this: Trump vs Sanders. The 2 straight talkers, no big money, back to 1948 without
the Cold War perversion of what socialism is. NOT COMMUNISM. Actually, the GI Bill WAS socialism, and exactly what we need now after 30 years of Reaganist giveaway to the greedy idiot rich and giant corporations, along with Fox Rush WHATEVER RW misinformation and hate. AND corporate media no journalism/fact checking, just a race for controversy, PC and ratings.
Trump now leading in Iowa AND NH, Sanders close. The major plus of his campaign would be finally telling the dupes and cold war dinosaurs what socialism actually is, everywhere but here: ALWAYS democratic, reasonable and strong regulation of capitalism with reasonable assistance for the unfortunate. Period. That doesn't mean the 25 years of BS about the Clintons makes her bad, either.
why dont you see if you can raul castro to run on the dem ticket?
Typical Foxbot WHATEVER hater dupe, doesn't know what socialism is. Pubtroll, the only kind.
Would also point out that this does NOT mean ANY of 25 years of bs/hate/idiocy/Pubcrappe against the Clintons and especially Hillary means a damn thing...and she too would be much better than any Pub/clown car whore.
So Trump isn't the big leader, the definition of socialism here isn't all over the place, the GI Bill wasn't socialism, Reaganism is all about the little guy, and big money, PC, and misinformation is no problem. Gotcha. Pubtroll moron.
So Trump isn't the big leader, the definition of socialism here isn't all over the place, the GI Bill wasn't socialism, Reaganism is all about the little guy, and big money, PC, and misinformation is no problem. Gotcha. Pubtroll moron.
More rambling from an idiot. How do you manage to dress yourself? Nothing you said makes your point (if there even IS a point).
Can you read, shyttehead Pub dupe? Argue for or against:
Trump is leading. Sanders is close.
Socialism is exactly the same as communism.
We need a new GI Bill.
Reaganism panders to the rich and giant corporations.
Big money, PC, and misinformation don't exist.

Until then, you're a Pubtroll moron in my book.
Can you read, shyttehead Pub dupe? Argue for or against:
Trump is leading. Sanders is close.
Socialism is exactly the same as communism.
We need a new GI Bill.
Reaganism panders to the rich and giant corporations.
Big money, PC, and misinformation don't exist.

Until then, you're a Pubtroll moron in my book.
You know what a book is? Debating you would be like trying to have a discussion about nuclear physics with a preschooler. Bye bye.
Nope, nothing there either, Pubtroll.

Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
Nope, nothing there either, Pubtroll.

Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
So when will you do that? You know present something relevant to the OP. Oh the 0P trump vs Sanders.

Nice piece of C, typical left-wing wannabes!
Trump vs Sanders. The 2 straight talkers, no big money, back to 1948 without
the Cold War perversion of what socialism is. NOT COMMUNISM. Actually, the GI Bill WAS socialism, and exactly what we need now after 30 years of Reaganist giveaway to the greedy idiot rich and giant corporations, along with Fox Rush WHATEVER RW misinformation and hate. AND corporate media no journalism/fact checking, just a race for controversy, PC and ratings.
Trump now leading in Iowa AND NH, Sanders close. The major plus of his campaign would be finally telling the dupes and cold war dinosaurs what socialism actually is, everywhere but here: ALWAYS democratic, reasonable and strong regulation of capitalism with reasonable assistance for the unfortunate. Period. That doesn't mean the 25 years of BS about the Clintons makes her bad, either.

Trump now talking about taking Iraq's oil, so that's ridiculous, but less offensive on abortion, Planned Parenthood, etc than the others. Reaganesque let's make America Great Again and I'm a Great Negotiator goes a long way in dumbed down America. So what will he do about inequality, the ruin of the middle class, and cheaper education and training, infrastructure, etc etc? Details, details- ignoring that works great with the unwashed, go with bromides and arrogance...
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