Well Now, Barry

Can't wait for The Great Obama to return to politics
The DNC, which he abandoned / left $24 million in debt, won't be especially happy to see him, but all his seditious, treasonous hold-overs will be glad to see him back.
I thought the Dems were a lock, now they have to bring out Obummer?
For what?
To rush to judgement on racial issues?
to tout his growth of 1%?
to talk about how great and wonderful Iran is?
We were all led to believe by your office you were going to return last year.

Please do come back. Your record of eight years against Trump's first will provide hours of amusement.

Obama Is Returning to Politics in 2018, and Trump Should Be Worried

Trump is the least popular president and it's not even close

Trump has the lowest approval of any modern president at the end of his first year

and this, from your link, wackadoodle.....

Obama has only become more popular in retirement, with a favorability rating of over 60 percent. Near the end of 2017, Obama even polled with a higher approval rating than Trump in the ruby-red state of Alabama.

really, only bigoted trumptards have this Obama obsession....

I hope that helps you.
Shame Trump dismantled his legacy, eh? LOL

Speaking of LOLs.......

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."
We need The Great Obama to fire up the base in 2018

Dems are looking to take back the House and Senate
Come on down Barry, you already helped get Trump elected, now work on getting him reelected. Also he lost hundreds of seats in both houses. Please come back.

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