Were Soldiers warned that they would be shot?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
When Mark Belling substituted for Rush today he opened a can '0 worms that I guess he didn't even realize. Belling was commenting about the service of a WW2 Vet he knew (now deceased) who claimed to have had a unique job which was to shoot any Soldier who jumped off a landing craft bound for Normandy. I can't find any authentication on Google. Can it be true that the US Army warned Soldiers that they would be instantly executed if they bailed out of a landing craft bound for Normandy on D-Day?
I've also heard that there were soldiers assigned to kill Navajo code talkers if they were captured so there was no chance of them being tortured to the point of giving up the code.

I doubt either is true but I could be wrong.

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