Western meddling in Russian elections. Where are sanctions?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Deep State pays huge lot of money to destroy Russia and annihilate its people. Except 1 or 2 percents no one needs 'democracy' in Russia, people can still not forget Yeltsins 1990s and 15m murdered by 'Perestroika' in 1991 -1999. Russia shall learn by USA, France or Germany how to fight protests.

On August 10, our foreign "partners" in Moscow's opposition rally used YouTube video hosting to incite participants to violate the law.
This was stated in a statement (received by TASS) by Senator Andrei Klimov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the NF Commission on Protection of State Sovereignty and Prevention of Interference in Russia's Internal Affairs.
"In particular, according to the information we received as of August 10, our foreign opponents used the possibilities of information-computer technologies (including YouTube video hosting, which is popular in certain circles) to actually manipulate the citizens of Russia who came to the action agreed upon by the authorities on Sakharov Square in Moscow. Simply put, people suddenly began to receive information on their gadgets from sources they had never subscribed to. The trouble is that this information was clearly inflammatory and actually openly provoked people to violate the law: it sent citizens in the direction of protected federal facilities... Under Article 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, persons who incite others to commit crimes by means of persuasion, bribery and other means are recognized as instigators. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has publicly explained that such acts are criminally punishable. Such technologies cannot be applied without the complicity of specific Western organizations, the owners of the relevant network companies. No one should doubt that these and similar facts will remain without the attention of our commission," Klimov stressed.
He recalled that on August 8 the NF Commission on Protection of State Sovereignty and Prevention of Interference in the Internal Affairs of Russia "officially pointed to the facts of gross and illegal foreign interference in the sovereign affairs of the country in connection with the elections to the Moscow City Duma. And he summed up that the interference continues.
"We all remember the dances of foreign parliamentarians on the Maidan. Were there any foreign diplomats among those who walked through the streets of Moscow? We have lists of who, where and why went. We have repeatedly talked about the training of relevant figures abroad - both as infantry and as organizers at a low or even high level. There is an operative filming: I saw how in the alleys across the street people were trained by the same citizens who receive lessons abroad", - said Klimov at the press conference on Thursday. "There are specific examples of Western agitation for participation in unauthorized actions. On Twitter, the U.S. Consular Administration posted information about unauthorized actions being prepared, as well as a map of Moscow with an indication of the areas where they will take place. It would seem that this information is of a proactive nature to ensure the safety of United States citizens living in Russia. But it is clear that this is the agitation of the organizers of the action, because the Russian text with a call to gather for the action is preserved on it. Or Twitter of the German media Deutsche Welle, which posted the appeal "Moscow, come out! I wonder where Russians are called to go if not for an unauthorized action", added Ilya Timokhov, head of the Information Problems Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
In an interview with Daily Storm, Klimov named an American lobbying organization that works with some Russian citizens "to interfere in our domestic affairs" in a well-known way ("Trying to influence, including members of the HRC and a number of other respected people. They try to motivate them in various ways to publicly evaluate our processes"): "This is the international law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP. It has offices in Washington, D.C., New York, a number of other major U.S. cities, as well as London, Moscow, Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Frankfurt and Geneva. It is one of the 10 largest lobbying companies in America, with more than 900 lawyers on staff. One of the most lucrative and prestigious, known for its influence on the U.S. Congress and representation of high-ranking clients.
According to him, the funds to interfere in the internal affairs of Russia "go through different channels, sometimes they do not overlap. For example, some of the funds go through the Pentagon and the CIA... The figures are comparable to the funds allocated from the budget of the Russian Federation for election campaigns. If this is a presidential campaign, then we are talking about billions of rubles, if regional, then, of course, more modestly. But the funds go not only to the elections, but also to training and distribution of content that they need. For the sake of interest, look how much it costs to place an advertisement on Euronews, and then time it takes to cover the activities of Alexei Navalny. You will understand that we are talking about sums of money with five or even six zeros not in rubles.
On August 11, Roskomnadzor officially demanded that Google stop using YouTube to promote illegal actions.
The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media reports: "Roskomnadzor has sent a letter to Google demanding that it take measures to prevent advertising of unauthorized (illegal) mass events on YouTube video hosting. According to available information, a number of entities that have YouTube channels purchase advertising tools (such as "push notifications") from YouTube to disseminate information about unauthorized (illegal) mass events, including those aimed at disrupting federal and regional elections. At the same time, such "push notifications" are received, including by users who are not subscribed to the YouTube channels of these structures. If Google fails to respond, the Russian Federation will regard this as interference in the sovereign affairs of the state, as well as a hostile influence and obstruction of democratic elections in Russia, while reserving the right to an adequate response, is emphasized in the letter.

Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.
Enough to imagine that it is true. Those opposition figures tend to be inscrutable without clear positions about their policies in case of election.
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.

It is a lie!

The Gang of Navalny & Co knows it receives not more as 1 or 2 % of all votes.
Therefore they make money otherwise.
The put faked lists of supporters ( more as 40% faked names ) and than cry they are refused to run for office
Bandits deny all alternative places and go to a place with high traffic well knowing police will prohibit it.

The same behavior can be severely punished in any western country, but obviously for Russia an exception.

Dumb Putin shall apply the same law to terrorists like Germany, USA, France do it.

Look here how a Jewish 'journalist' provokes riots.

Provocation is the second name of the journalists of the liberal TV channel. A sneaky journo gave the detained guy an idea for a spectacular shot. "Somehow you have little resistance," and the OMON reacted immediately. Journalists are mean provocateurs and liars, marginal protesters are pathological idiots and imbeciles. The whole essence of Putin's opponents.

s. after 0:50

Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.

Just try to do the same in any western country
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.

'Protestors' are themselves to 95 % not ethnically Russians, mostly Jews, Ukrainians, Caucasians, LGBT or western presstitutes
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.

The rubbish can not endanger Russian politically system, they receive no votes by all elections.
They want a Maidan, Chaos and intervention of NATO.
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.
Enough to imagine that it is true. Those opposition figures tend to be inscrutable without clear positions about their policies in case of election.

They have not any realistic program.
Almost all their 'leaders' are well-paid by NWO traitors who hate Russia and want its annihilation
Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.
Enough to imagine that it is true. Those opposition figures tend to be inscrutable without clear positions about their policies in case of election.
There are various estimates. Some say they have rising popularity especially among the youth in Moscow and Piter.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.
Enough to imagine that it is true. Those opposition figures tend to be inscrutable without clear positions about their policies in case of election.
There are various estimates. Some say they have rising popularity especially among the youth in Moscow and Piter.

It is a lie of western presstitutes.
Look here who support terrorists.

Navalnyi speaks well on his YouTube channel. And considering that Russian authorities have been refusing to register his party numerous times and haven't registered almost no one of opposition candidates on the Moscow City Council elections, they are afraid of him and the like.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.

The rubbish can not endanger Russian politically system, they receive no votes by all elections.
They want a Maidan, Chaos and intervention of NATO.
Frankly, I don't much care about Navalniy and know not much about him. These protests provoked me to watch his YouTube channel. I had never watched him before. And he is good there, I must admit.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.
Enough to imagine that it is true. Those opposition figures tend to be inscrutable without clear positions about their policies in case of election.
There are various estimates. Some say they have rising popularity especially among the youth in Moscow and Piter.

It is a lie of western presstitutes.
Look here who support terrorists.

As I said above I don't care much about Navalniy. He doesn't live in my country and doesn't want to get the power in my country.
They say those candidates have submitted faked signatures in order to be accepted. Didn´t work out, I guess.
Yes, it is their official position.
When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.

The rubbish can not endanger Russian politically system, they receive no votes by all elections.
They want a Maidan, Chaos and intervention of NATO.
Frankly, I don't much care about Navalniy and know not much about him. These protests provoked me to watch his YouTube channel. I had never watched him before. And he is good there, I must admit.

Russians send f.... 'democracy' to devil!
Enough is enough!
Russians can still remember 1990s.
Navalny and his gang want to do the same again

When you need to fake signatures there is really no point in running.
It depends on to what extent you trust the Russian authorities.
Enough to imagine that it is true. Those opposition figures tend to be inscrutable without clear positions about their policies in case of election.
There are various estimates. Some say they have rising popularity especially among the youth in Moscow and Piter.

It is a lie of western presstitutes.
Look here who support terrorists.

As I said above I don't care much about Navalniy. He doesn't live in my country and doesn't want to get the power in my country.

The protestors can instigate WWIII, it is the problem.
They hope NATO will attack immediately Russia and fight for them
Most of Russians wish Putin becomes new Stalin and cleans Russia up, at first liberal rubbish and terrorists of Navalny gang


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