WH preparing EO's to eliminate DOE

John Edgar Slow Horses

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Apr 11, 2023
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What do you think?

I think eliminating DOE is a legislative decision not executive, though the latter could encourage the former to do so.

Louisiana would love not having to support black kids anymore than it is required to do so.

I have always thought the DOE was too heavy handed with the states.

abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-order-dismantleTrump order to dismantle the education department in the ...

15 hours ago · President Donald Trump could soon sign an executive order directing the secretary of education to dismantle the federal Department of Education, according to sources briefed on
What do you think?

I think eliminating DOE is a legislative decision not executive, though the latter could encourage the former to do so.

Louisiana would love not having to support black kids anymore than it is required to do so.

I have always thought the DOE was too heavy handed with the states.

abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-order-dismantleTrump order to dismantle the education department in the ...

15 hours ago · President Donald Trump could soon sign an executive order directing the secretary of education to dismantle the federal Department of Education, according to sources briefed on
Louisiana would love not having to support black kids anymore than it is required to do so.
you're claiming it's a racist thing?
What do you think?

I think eliminating DOE is a legislative decision not executive, though the latter could encourage the former to do so.

Louisiana would love not having to support black kids anymore than it is required to do so.

I have always thought the DOE was too heavy handed with the states.

abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-order-dismantleTrump order to dismantle the education department in the ...

15 hours ago · President Donald Trump could soon sign an executive order directing the secretary of education to dismantle the federal Department of Education, according to sources briefed on
I love waking up every morning to watch President Trump destroy clown world.

The Department of Education is no doubt full of idiotic leftwing corruption.

It needs to be burned to the ground.
What do you think?

I think eliminating DOE is a legislative decision not executive, though the latter could encourage the former to do so.

Louisiana would love not having to support black kids anymore than it is required to do so.

I have always thought the DOE was too heavy handed with the states.

abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-order-dismantleTrump order to dismantle the education department in the ...

15 hours ago · President Donald Trump could soon sign an executive order directing the secretary of education to dismantle the federal Department of Education, according to sources briefed on

Considering the legislation created it was probably vague in detailing actually what it has to include, he can gut it by removing all the shit added by previous Presidents just because they felt like adding stuff.

Trump went after USAID first because it was created by an EO, which means it could go bye bye via an EO.

And he hasn't even gotten rid of it yet, just opened it up for investigation and froze any disbursements.
What do you think?

I think eliminating DOE is a legislative decision not executive, though the latter could encourage the former to do so.

Louisiana would love not having to support black kids anymore than it is required to do so.

I have always thought the DOE was too heavy handed with the states.

abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-order-dismantleTrump order to dismantle the education department in the ...

15 hours ago · President Donald Trump could soon sign an executive order directing the secretary of education to dismantle the federal Department of Education, according to sources briefed on

He can't eliminate the dept. Thats a fact, not a matter of thinking.

He can encourage Congress all he wants.

Here's the problem he has.

The Democrats will in all likelihood retake the House in just another 24 months.

Then all of this goes away.

Apparently, there are those that live under the delusion that anything Trump does is the final outcome.

Imagine the whing and crying that is to come.
There's no need for the DOE, like everything federal government touches it tends to go corrupt. See the FBI, DoJ, IRS, etc
What do you think?

I think eliminating DOE is a legislative decision not executive, though the latter could encourage the former to do so.

Louisiana would love not having to support black kids anymore than it is required to do so.

I have always thought the DOE was too heavy handed with the states.

abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-order-dismantleTrump order to dismantle the education department in the ...

15 hours ago · President Donald Trump could soon sign an executive order directing the secretary of education to dismantle the federal Department of Education, according to sources briefed on

If you are going to eliminate one department it should be the Department of Education. Each state can manage their own educations.

AND, I sooo badly want to defund red states in every possible way. So they can see how much the federal government does for them. They don't realize their states take in more than they pay. They have lots of pork projects. Let them prove us wrong by increasing their students test scores. Because right now red states are already the dumbest states.

This will also stop companies from locating to their states. Won't attract top talent.

OR, some companies might prefer the dumb electorate in dumb states. Because they want to pay low wages. I'm cool with that. We need low wage states in America to compete with China and Mexico.
What do you think?

I think eliminating DOE is a legislative decision not executive, though the latter could encourage the former to do so.

Louisiana would love not having to support black kids anymore than it is required to do so.

I have always thought the DOE was too heavy handed with the states.

abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-order-dismantleTrump order to dismantle the education department in the ...

15 hours ago · President Donald Trump could soon sign an executive order directing the secretary of education to dismantle the federal Department of Education, according to sources briefed on
There is ZERO Constitutional basis for the DOE, it needs to be eliminated and its real estate converted to Housing for Veterans
What do you think?

I think eliminating DOE is a legislative decision not executive, though the latter could encourage the former to do so.

Louisiana would love not having to support black kids anymore than it is required to do so.

I have always thought the DOE was too heavy handed with the states.

abcnews.go.com › Politics › trump-order-dismantleTrump order to dismantle the education department in the ...

15 hours ago · President Donald Trump could soon sign an executive order directing the secretary of education to dismantle the federal Department of Education, according to sources briefed on
We have a very expensive department costing us billions of dollars and our kids are getting further behind in school. Teaching the three R's is not part of the curriculum but flying pride flags, teaching CRT, allowing all kinds of genders and letting boys use girl's bathrooms and play girls sports, having disgusting books in school libraries, and keeping information from parents are their top priorities. Time to throw gasoline on it and ligth a match.

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