WH Says Musk Not In Charge of DOGE

If we destroy Moscow with a nuke, that would be a defensive missile?
Yes. you stupid fucking Q-NUT.
Do you buy a gun to deliberately shoot someone?
Damn! How recent was your brain injury? Did you go through the windshield?
I know when your brain injury occurred.
No surgery will fix it..........

Bush wanting go with ABMs in Europe to counter Putin's nukes which weren't included in SALT which Obama tried kowtowing to win Putin's favor.

He did good in 2014, taking Crimea.
Awww.......STILL trying to blame ANYONE but your dear leader.

Donald Trump says Ukraine could have made a deal earlier​

https://www.bbc.com › news › articles
10 hours ago — The US president dismisses concerns Ukraine is not involved in peace talks and says he is confident in success.
SOMEONE is directing the day to day “activities” of those kids rummaging through all our government agencies and it sure isn’t Trump

Your conspiracy theory must include the name of a director for the “activities”.
That’s what the WH claims on a Court document.

However if he is giving day to day directions to his twenty something dweebs that are rummaging around in Social Security and the VA etc. then he’s more than a consultant
… and the WH is lying in Court
GOt some examples of these "day to day directions" you claim Musk is giving his "something dweebs"

Or are you just ignorantly ranting?
Your conspiracy theory must include the name of a director for the “activities”.
That’s the problem. If it’s not Elmo , then no one knows who’s doing this.

Trump says it ain’t Elmo
Which is why you don't bring your kid into the Oval Office for a Major Press Conference.
That was not important at all. Adults know this is normal for kids.
That’s the problem. If it’s not Elmo , then no one knows who’s doing this.

Trump says it ain’t Elmo
Tell me why the left thinks it is still in charge? Trump was elected to fix Government so he is doing just what he was mandated to do.
Tell me why the left thinks it is still in charge? Trump was elected to fix Government so he is doing just what he was mandated to do.
That has nothing to do with the post you quoted gramps
That was not important at all. Adults know this is normal for kids.
Seen a lot of kids on the Oval Office e in my life.

Mine were up to their elbow on their nose though.

Is that normal for you gramps? Do you go digging for gold in tour nasal cavity in public?
Seen a lot of kids on the Oval Office e in my life.

Mine were up to their elbow on their nose though.

Is that normal for you gramps? Do you go digging for gold in tour nasal cavity in public?
Doesn't feel like it. This seems like a permanent change in how Washington is run.
Nothing is permanent in Washington. The next dem president will run on "restoring what trump tore down".
Which is why you don't bring your kid into the Oval Office for a Major Press Conference.
Have you lost your grip?

Was this a cabinet meeting formulating classified policy?

Dude it was a presser...................:102:

Barack Obama is to step up pressure on Congress to act on gun violence by surrounding himself with schoolchildren from across the country when he unveils proposals on Wednesday aimed at preventing a repeat of the Newtown massacre.
Seen a lot of kids on the Oval Office e in my life.

Mine were up to their elbow on their nose though.

Is that normal for you gramps? Do you go digging for gold in tour nasal cavity in public?

A kid picks his nose and you are sliming a young child for that?

New low for the Lesh asshole on USMB.

What a man you are..........................justify your statements.

Bonified asshole in my book.
Nothing is permanent in Washington. The next dem president will run on "restoring what trump tore down".
The problem is...it takes a lot longer to rebuild than it does to tear down...and costs a lot more than the original build

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