WH: Too early to say AG Sessions will step aside in Russia election tampering...


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
Appearing on ABC News This Week, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders deflected questions over whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions would step aside for a special prosecutor to look into Russian tampering with the 2016 election.

Speaking with host George Stephanopoulos, Huckabee Sanders said any plans for Sessions to recuse himself from the investigation should wait until after the GOP led congressional committees finished their own investigations.

“I don’t think we’re there yet,” she explained. “Let’s work through this process. You guys want to jump to the very end of the line.”

“We’re confident whatever review that Congress wants to do, that’s the first step,” she added.

....uh ok Ms Huckabee, that might work if both the House and Senate intel committee heads weren't Repubs, who're already asking the FBI to slow WAY down, just like Priebus

Run Forest Trump Run!

White House: Too early to say Jeff Sessions will step aside in Russia election tampering investigation
Poor brainwashed liberal... I wonder if you liberals will ever get your brains back or will volunteer to stay brainwashed by Soros owned liberal Media....

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