WH tours could operate for 40 weeks to = cost of 4 hours for Air Force One to FL!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The U.S. military has provided an updated estimate on that cost, first published by a taxpayer watchdog group and confirmed by FoxNews.com, and the number is staggering -- $181,757 per hour. That's the price tag for shuttling around President Obama, who, as it turns out, has spent more days abroad in his first two years than any other president.

Read more: Military Pegs Hourly Air Force One Cost at $181G, as Obama Sets Travel Record | Fox News

"Republicans accuse the White House of playing politics," reports ABC. "But the White House says it is canceling the tours because sequester spending cuts have sliced $84 million out of the Secret Service's $1.6 billion budget. And they are the ones who secure the tours. They wouldn't say how much this saves, so, we did some math. Tours are open 20 hours a week and use 30 uniformed Secret Service officers at about $30 an hour. Total saved? Approximately $18,000 a week."
Report: W.H. Saves $18k Per Week By Canceling Tours | The Weekly Standard

It took Obama 2 hours to fly down and 2 hours to fly back to play golf with Tiger woods.
That's 4 hours at $727,000 or 40 weeks at $18,000 a week to operate tours! Almost a year!
YO.. Obama.. get your priorities straight!
You Obama defenders... REALLY???
This is so defenseless!
You keep badgering how filthy rich should be taxed more YET you are OK with Obama running around the country @ $181,000 an hour to run Air Force ONE and the WH tours are shut down because they cost in one week what running Air Force ONE for 6 minutes costs!
Aren't you people really disgusted with this behavior by Obama???

THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! from Iowa no less the state that got him elected and he treats them this way!!

A group of sixth graders from St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Waverly, Iowa has turned to the internet to save their school trip to the White House. The children were scheduled to tour the White House on March 16, but their visit was cancelled yesterday along with all other tours of the presidential residence due to “staffing reductions” caused by the so-called “sequester” budget cuts that took effect last Friday after lawmakers failed to make a deficit reduction deal. In an effort to muster support and salvage their trip, the school posted a brief video on Facebook featuring a plea from the children.
Maobama really thinks it's his house, not the people's house. Just another example of the boi king taking his ball and going home.
Aren't you Obama supporters ashamed?
YOUR President puts his golfing weekends ahead of children touring the WH!
How disgusting for 1/10th of what it takes to fly Air force one.. tours could continue for one Week!
So Martha vineyard is about $181,000 an hour up and $181,000 an hour back to D.C. for Air Force ONe.

So at $18,000 a week to keep WH tours going that's 20 weeks worth of services IF OBAMA STAYED HOME!!!
Again it is all about priorities, and we know the White House has stated that they want to make the people suffer for their indiscretion of not supporting the President.
I don't recall right-wingers complaining about previous presidents using Air Force One. President Obama is keeping us safe and taking care of business. What's the problem?
I don't recall right-wingers complaining about previous presidents using Air Force One. President Obama is keeping us safe and taking care of business. What's the problem?

Problem is poor children are wanting to tour the WH and the amount of ONE trip by Obama could keep tours going for 40 weeks..
You mean he isn't smart enough to figure out the Optics here???

A group of sixth graders from St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Waverly, Iowa has turned to the internet to save their school trip to the White House. The children were scheduled to tour the White House on March 16, but their visit was cancelled yesterday along with all other tours of the presidential residence due to “staffing reductions” caused by the so-called “sequester” budget cuts that took effect last Friday after lawmakers failed to make a deficit reduction deal.
In an effort to muster support and salvage their trip, the school posted a brief video on Facebook featuring a plea from the children.
One golfing trip or one campaign visit would allow Air Force ONE to save $700,000..
But see you don't comprehend the optics here and If Obama was so smart he'd make political hay of THIS opportunity!!

"I'm sure she was not consulted today," Gohmert said, after reading her quote.

Putting the tours back on schedule will only cost "one or two golf trips less" for the president, Gohmert argued.

Obama has long taken heat for his golf outings, and critics are quick to point out that he's played at least 115 times since taking office.
I don't recall right-wingers complaining about previous presidents using Air Force One. President Obama is keeping us safe and taking care of business. What's the problem?

Other Presidents were not cutting White House Tours or grounding the Blue Angels either.
All Obama is doing is going on golfing excursions and taking care of business which for him is planning other vacations. So the problem is his priorities.
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I don't recall right-wingers complaining about previous presidents using Air Force One. President Obama is keeping us safe and taking care of business. What's the problem?

I don't recall Clinton jetting around the country during the government shutdown, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

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