What About Berlin?

sober up.

Brilliant answer, and so efficient. It only took you two words to say, "I have no answer, and stop being logical at me while I'm busy kissing Obama's ass."
Del is being the logical one here, you guys are being insane and acting like five year olds.

Oh, yeah. "Sober up" is the logical post, and "Why does the President have time to lobby for the Olympics and not to attend the anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down?" is the insane, five-year-old post. And you're a rocket scientist, and flying monkeys are zooming out of your ass. :cuckoo:

The more you tweekos "respond" - if one can even call it that - with nothing but name-calling, the more obvious it becomes that you know your hero fucked up, and you just don't want to remove your lips from his ass cheek and admit it.

Thanks for your surrender. Please move along in an orderly fashion to your next stunning defeat.
Oh...so now the right wingnuts have stopped sending a bill every time Obama fires up Air Force One

Only when he uses it for the things we actually provide it for. See, there's this thing that employed people have called a "job description". When he uses Air Force One to meet his "job description", we have no problem with that. When he uses it for things that AREN'T in his "job description", we object.

I realize, though, that talking to a leftist about job descriptions is like talking to a dog about nuclear physics. They just sit there, gazing blankly at you, waiting for you to toss them a Snausage.

How bout we do this?

We can have the President clear his trips through message boards to make sure he is keeping you folks happy

How about this? You have the President clear his trips through common sense, decency, and a reasonable definition of what his job is, instead of through the prism of his own narcissism and hatred of America.

And you take down that Obama shrine in your bedroom.
well that sounds easy doesn't it Luissa??? Did he ever have plans to go to Berlin? So, don't use Fort Hood as an easy out. Our guys didn't die so he could cover his ass did they?

what are you even talking about? I think you need to seek help willow.

me see help? you were the one excusing him from Berlin because of Ft. Hood. One had absolutely nothing to do with the other..

Let me help Luissa out, since apparently plain English leaves her saying, "What are you even talking about?" in total bewilderment.

See, Luissa, it's been common knowledge that the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall was coming up for . . . oh, about twenty years. So Obama certainly knew about it for the not-quite-a-year that he's been in office. On the other hand, no one knew that some Muslim guy was going to go batshit at Ft. Hood and start shooting people until it happened. (Notice that I'm not taking a page out of the Leftist Bush Derangement Syndrome playbook and accusing the President of having secret knowledge of the attack ahead of time.) Which means that for Ft. Hood to be the only reason he's not going to Berlin, he would have had to have scheduled the trip to Berlin, then canceled it when the shooting happened. But he didn't. So what was his excuse for not ever having planned to go at all, since it couldn't have been Ft. Hood? What was on his schedule for this week instead?
Oh...so now the right wingnuts have stopped sending a bill every time Obama fires up Air Force One

Only when he uses it for the things we actually provide it for. See, there's this thing that employed people have called a "job description". When he uses Air Force One to meet his "job description", we have no problem with that. When he uses it for things that AREN'T in his "job description", we object.

I realize, though, that talking to a leftist about job descriptions is like talking to a dog about nuclear physics. They just sit there, gazing blankly at you, waiting for you to toss them a Snausage.

How bout we do this?

We can have the President clear his trips through message boards to make sure he is keeping you folks happy

They want him to fly economy if he goes on vacation, and take a bus to Camp David. Oops, they don't think he should take weekends off--might be spotted on the dreaded golf course--and Heaven Forbid an entire week on vacation. They want him to stay right in the Oval Office making proposals they can trash.

Basically, in response to the constant criticism, I'd like to say there are several things that I'm not pleased with regarding Obama's first year in office, BUT as long as the cons continue to play silly politics regarding Obama, which means criticizing every breath he takes, accusing him of attempting to take over the country either by quasi Nazism or a secret society, that he is not a citizen, that he continues to "pal around with" Bill Ayers, blah blah blah, then I will continue to push back. On those rare occasions when I HAVE expressed opposition to something he put forward or something that doesn't pass the smell test, it goes ignored in favor of some rant about his use of teleprompters and the like. This is the kind of nonsense that will backfire on the people doing it, trust me.
Only when he uses it for the things we actually provide it for. See, there's this thing that employed people have called a "job description". When he uses Air Force One to meet his "job description", we have no problem with that. When he uses it for things that AREN'T in his "job description", we object.

I realize, though, that talking to a leftist about job descriptions is like talking to a dog about nuclear physics. They just sit there, gazing blankly at you, waiting for you to toss them a Snausage.

How bout we do this?

We can have the President clear his trips through message boards to make sure he is keeping you folks happy

How about this? You have the President clear his trips through common sense, decency, and a reasonable definition of what his job is, instead of through the prism of his own narcissism and hatred of America.

And you take down that Obama shrine in your bedroom.
:lol: You mean why doesn't he ask your permission and advice on his every move.

Calm down, you twit...the bile is bad for you.
Why do we have to pick which one we wanted him to go to? Do we taxpayers not cough up for the man to have a jet? Air Force One. Ever heard of it? Explain to me why he couldn't have done both. His schedule appears to have time to drop everything and flit off to all manner of other places on errands that AREN'T HIS FRIGGING JOB. So why can't he drop everything and flit off on errands that are?

Oh...so now the right wingnuts have stopped sending a bill every time Obama fires up Air Force One

Only when he uses it for the things we actually provide it for. See, there's this thing that employed people have called a "job description". When he uses Air Force One to meet his "job description", we have no problem with that. When he uses it for things that AREN'T in his "job description", we object.

I realize, though, that talking to a leftist about job descriptions is like talking to a dog about nuclear physics. They just sit there, gazing blankly at you, waiting for you to toss them a Snausage.

Air Force One is a flying Oval Office, with all the communication amenities as on the ground. Even Ronald Reagan said that he often needed "alone time" to read, study, and make decisions and he cherished his time on Air Force One. And by the way, since FDR took the first trip on one, they ALL have used Air Force One for personal use and campaign stops. Once more, you (collectively) seem to think this is something "new" with the Obama administration.
Brilliant answer, and so efficient. It only took you two words to say, "I have no answer, and stop being logical at me while I'm busy kissing Obama's ass."

Wasn't President Obama and the First Lady at Ft Hood yesterday?

Brilliant and touching speech wouldn't you say Cecilie??

One by one, President Barack Obama spoke the names and told the stories Tuesday of the 13 people slain in the Fort Hood shooting rampage, honoring their memories even as he denounced the "twisted logic" that led to their deaths.

"No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor," Obama told the crowd on a steamy Texas afternoon. "And for what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice -- in this world and the next."

As for the victims and the soldiers who rushed to help them, Obama said, "We need not look to the past for greatness, because it is before our very eyes." He spoke at a memorial service before a crowd estimated at 15,000 on this enormous Army post.

Yes, I was deeply impressed by his carefully-orchestrated photo op. I certainly have no criticisms about Obama's skill at self-promotion.

Now wipe the drool off your chin and go change into a pair of dry pants.

Don't you recognize that you are merely sounding like a pitiful sore loser?
what are you even talking about? I think you need to seek help willow.

me see help? you were the one excusing him from Berlin because of Ft. Hood. One had absolutely nothing to do with the other..

Let me help Luissa out, since apparently plain English leaves her saying, "What are you even talking about?" in total bewilderment.

See, Luissa, it's been common knowledge that the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall was coming up for . . . oh, about twenty years. So Obama certainly knew about it for the not-quite-a-year that he's been in office. On the other hand, no one knew that some Muslim guy was going to go batshit at Ft. Hood and start shooting people until it happened. (Notice that I'm not taking a page out of the Leftist Bush Derangement Syndrome playbook and accusing the President of having secret knowledge of the attack ahead of time.) Which means that for Ft. Hood to be the only reason he's not going to Berlin, he would have had to have scheduled the trip to Berlin, then canceled it when the shooting happened. But he didn't. So what was his excuse for not ever having planned to go at all, since it couldn't have been Ft. Hood? What was on his schedule for this week instead?

Geezus, would some one please try to find out this woman's location and tell her mental health professionals that she's escaped? She's ready to explode. Pathetic.
Brilliant answer, and so efficient. It only took you two words to say, "I have no answer, and stop being logical at me while I'm busy kissing Obama's ass."
Del is being the logical one here, you guys are being insane and acting like five year olds.

Oh, yeah. "Sober up" is the logical post, and "Why does the President have time to lobby for the Olympics and not to attend the anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down?" is the insane, five-year-old post. And you're a rocket scientist, and flying monkeys are zooming out of your ass. :cuckoo:

The more you tweekos "respond" - if one can even call it that - with nothing but name-calling, the more obvious it becomes that you know your hero fucked up, and you just don't want to remove your lips from his ass cheek and admit it.

Thanks for your surrender. Please move along in an orderly fashion to your next stunning defeat.

How did he fuck up? He went to Copenhagen like most every other President or Prime Minister did who was trying to get the Olympics which bring in quite a bit of revenue. Last time I checked we were in a recession.
He didn't go to Berlin because guess what we had a national tragedy last week which overrides an anniversary in another country.
And me calling you a five year old sounds about right, because only five year olds keep whining about something they don't think is fair and for not getting their way.
Del is being the logical one here, you guys are being insane and acting like five year olds.

Oh, yeah. "Sober up" is the logical post, and "Why does the President have time to lobby for the Olympics and not to attend the anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down?" is the insane, five-year-old post. And you're a rocket scientist, and flying monkeys are zooming out of your ass. :cuckoo:

The more you tweekos "respond" - if one can even call it that - with nothing but name-calling, the more obvious it becomes that you know your hero fucked up, and you just don't want to remove your lips from his ass cheek and admit it.

Thanks for your surrender. Please move along in an orderly fashion to your next stunning defeat.

How did he fuck up? He went to Copenhagen like most every other President or Prime Minister did who was trying to get the Olympics which bring in quite a bit of revenue. Last time I checked we were in a recession.
He didn't go to Berlin because guess what we had a national tragedy last week which overrides an anniversary in another country.
And me calling you a five year old sounds about right, because only five year olds keep whining about something they don't think is fair and for not getting their way.

it was clear in october that obama would not come to berlin, so what.

has nothing to do with the ft hood shootings.

unless he planned a surprise visit and called that off.

obama was not needed in berlin, there were enough celebrities who caressed each others balls. they even rebuilt some wall and made it fall again like dominoes.

stupid motherfucking shit. :evil:

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