Diamond Member
Del is being the logical one here, you guys are being insane and acting like five year olds.sober up.
Brilliant answer, and so efficient. It only took you two words to say, "I have no answer, and stop being logical at me while I'm busy kissing Obama's ass."
Oh, yeah. "Sober up" is the logical post, and "Why does the President have time to lobby for the Olympics and not to attend the anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down?" is the insane, five-year-old post. And you're a rocket scientist, and flying monkeys are zooming out of your ass.

The more you tweekos "respond" - if one can even call it that - with nothing but name-calling, the more obvious it becomes that you know your hero fucked up, and you just don't want to remove your lips from his ass cheek and admit it.
Thanks for your surrender. Please move along in an orderly fashion to your next stunning defeat.