What are the odd quirks of your pet?

My rabbit loves those puff ball keychains. He will walk on his two hind legs if I dangle it in front of him to get it, and when I give it to him, he runs around with it in his mouth like a little puppy, all proud of himself. :p It is SO cute. I call him "puppy bunny" now.
I had a cat that would catch rabbits and eviscerate them on the front porch.
My rabbit loves those puff ball keychains. He will walk on his two hind legs if I dangle it in front of him to get it, and when I give it to him, he runs around with it in his mouth like a little puppy, all proud of himself. :p It is SO cute. I call him "puppy bunny" now.
I had a cat that would catch rabbits and eviscerate them on the front porch.

Some of you people have some serious fuckin issues. This is supposed to be a thread about people's pets, and you have to make an asshole comment. This is why I hate you people sometimes. You are really shitty assholes.
The cat that visits us every day and practically lives here (she belongs to the neighbors) likes to fish in my toilet.
My rabbit loves those puff ball keychains. He will walk on his two hind legs if I dangle it in front of him to get it, and when I give it to him, he runs around with it in his mouth like a little puppy, all proud of himself. :p It is SO cute. I call him "puppy bunny" now.
I had a cat that would catch rabbits and eviscerate them on the front porch.

Some of you people have some serious fuckin issues. This is supposed to be a thread about people's pets, and you have to make an asshole comment. This is why I hate you people sometimes. You are really shitty assholes.
Cats kill bunnies, get over it.
It's one of these. In fact, it is exactly like this one. He loves it so much. He will run around me in circles with it in his mouth and stop and swing it around. So funny. That bunny makes me smile and laugh. That is the good thing about pets. They make you happy.

Amen. :)
Wherever I am...there the Tiger is....has to fluff me every AM before the alarm goes off.....if he's wandered away will return if you call him.
Every blue moon...someone starts a really cool thread. This is one of them. The other one is LewDogs mayo white people marshmellow thread. :lol:
I just noticed this today.... My dog either has a strange reverence or fear of guitars.
He has an obsession with fetch and return of the ball, normally I do not allow the ball inside the house because if it rolls under a sofa or cabinet he will make short work of it in trying to get to the ball, he would chew through a 4x4 to get to his ball. Not pretty.

today a mistake was made and the ball was allowed inside the house, though luckily it didn't roll under any furniture .... instead it rolled up against an acoustic guitar that was leaning up against the wall. It was brought to my attention when working outside, I heard the dog barking Non- stop and loud.... I go in the house and the ball is sitting right there for the taking, just touching the guitar but he wont get it with even his paw... ( mind you, this is the dog who knows how to open the sliding glass door) but he's sitting back 3 feet away mesmerized and barking. I tested it out and sure enough, when I move the guitar towards him he backs away...
course, it could be just his way of telling me I've been playing out of key..

Any one else have pets with strange behavior?

I had a dog when I was a kid that would take one piece of kibble out of her bowl and set it down right in front of her.she would do this after eating all of her food. God help you if you touched it. She also had this little food dance and bark she would do.

that is crazy
and the other dog...semba...aussie ....takes everyones toys ....i mean everyone's toys and hoards them around his bed...this includes the cats toys...
My little dog who sang to mattress commercials passed away tonight. He was 15 years old long hair chihuahua. One of a kind personality. Bye Mesha. RIP

Sorry to hear that. 15 years is a very long life for a dog. He must have been one feisty little guy!
My dog growing up never adjusted to the loss of the carpet in the living room when he was around 10 or so (bugger lived to 21).

So he would gun for the door when someone came to it, and never realized he didn't have a carpet to slow down on until he was 5 feet away, at which point he backpedaled with futility until he slammed into the door.

He did that until he couldn't run anymore, (around 18)
My dog will watch TV for hours

anything in particular?

She likes commercials for some reason. Other than that Lassie, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, Santa paws or anything with animals in it
Mine will crouch her way to the set and her teeth will chatter when there's a nature show with birds.

She also wants her water from a Solo cup or the bathtub, not a water dish. I got her as a rescue and she had developed a couple of survival skills like that. I keep the Solo cup in a large mug so it won't tip over and it keeps her happy (and out of the tub).
I used to have a cat that would dip his paw in a glass of milk and lick the milk off his paw. I had to be careful where I left my milk!
Another cat I had would hiss all the time, even when he was happy, he would hiss. He would hiss at me and then rub up against me. He would hiss at anyone and everyone. One of my neighbors was petrified of him because he would hiss at her every time he saw her. Lol. He was a good cat though, Badooba.

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