Diamond Member
Uhh….if you think you have the best ideas for the nation, you should, by definition, be trying to get elected/re-elected. If you don’t care about the future of the nation, why run at all?Okay. If you’re happy with the results, as someone who knows, I’m in no position to argue.
Oh brother.
Really?? Before Clinton bombed 3 Arab countries in a year. Before his Sec State said that 300,000 deaths from US containment was "acceptable collateral damage". Before Bush got us entangled in Democratic Imperialism and nation building and before Obama/Clinton helped to create 3 or 4 sucking vacuums of power in the Mid East as terrorist havens --- we were telling folks that Arab states NEEDED SOB dictators for stability. And it was not in our interest to step between their tribal wars.
Same deal on domestic issues like domestic spying, asset forfeiture, gay issues, abuses out of the drug wars and ending corporate handouts. HELL -- we agree with Bernie on about half of his issues. Just that Bernie doesn't really know how things work in the Capitalist system so he can;'t IMPROVE it -- only attack it.
Spoken as someone who never had a candidate that had to worry about re-election, public opinion, or a political agenda. Its easy to criticize those who have called the plays. I’ll be interested to see how a libertarian reacts when there is skin in the game.
I wish you and your party well. But the American people have spoken by having two flawed choices and not paying much attention to the Libertarians.
Why SHOULD we "worry" about re-election? We are not a monarchy or dynasty.
Sounds as if you’re not willing to compromise.And we don't NEED a political "agenda". We have a set of principles that anyone can learn about. If they don’t like those principles, we don't FORCE them or bribe them to re-elect us by comprising those principles.
I doubt on many un-nuanced topics, you get 4 PPs from most candidates.A foreign concept to the party animals for sure. But you don't get 4 different position statements from us within the same election cycle.
The ideals of principles, citizen service, and a BIG dose of humility about serving in public office will EVENTUALLY be very attractive to America. Given the ride we're on sliding into a large bucket of political horsecrap and slime.
Not worried. There are always those who think the end is going to happen any old day now. The major parties will co-opt the Libertarian ideas that poll well and claim them for their own.
America has not yet spoken. In fact, MAYBE they won't even show up. Would be an even BIGGER partisan defeat if the Prez was determined by a historic low number of voters. LOTS of possibilities when you drag politics to THIS low of a level.. And you only offer candidates that will make this polarization and mistrust infinitely greater =-- Regardless of which damaged lunatic you choose. It's a race to the bottom. And the bottom is in sight.
America is in a leadership crisis. And we need an intervention..
We have a person running who has served in the federal government as Senator and SoS. She’s doing very well. Not worried about that at all.
What we have are intractable “principles” on both sides. More unwillingness to compromise is the last thing we need.One person, or a group of people thinking that they "have the best ideas for the nation," is part of the cancer that's been growing in this country. There aren't many people in this country who believe in actual freedom, what they believe is their version of "freedom" should pressed upon all. These versions of "freedom" are nothing more than a superiority complex that's saying "I know what's best for the individual and/or the collective, and I'm going to pass legislation make sure it happens." Would y'all not agree with that characterization?Uhh….if you think you have the best ideas for the nation, you should, by definition, be trying to get elected/re-elected. If you don’t care about the future of the nation, why run at all?
To me the statement, "if you think you have the best ideas for the nation, you should, by definition, be trying to get elected/re-elected," is a scary notion. To quote tears for fears "everybody wants to rule the world." That doesn't mean that every one is a great ruler, simply that they wish to rule. Someone who thinks they have a better way to rule, then must impose it. Even with the best of intentions, that ruler is now playing a giant game of chess, where the pieces are groups and demographics of people. The individual disappears in this giant game of chess, because there is no other way for the person in charge to grasp the concept of 320 million individual people, so they have to simplify us into the form of demographics and statistics, even though it is not representative of who we are as individuals. It's like Stalins famous quote (and im paraphrasing) one death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic...that's so true because there is no way for our brains to grasp the fact that one million individuals died, we understand one million have died, but there is no way to personify and empathize with that many people.
I don't where you got the idea that the LParty is in the game to be arrogant or FORCE anyone to accept an ideology. We are in the game to SERVE. And we don't pander for power. The entire concept of 3rd party politics is to DIVERSIFY choices on the ballot. So if the 2 major parties have entirely lost their principles and their integrity --- there are alternatives. (which is now CLEARLY the case)
The Green Party should be there offering THEIR dreams of turning America into a subsidized franchise of communes. And We should be there to offer an experienced management team that is ASKING to be elected to be elected. NOT EXPECTING to be elected --- just because they've have candidates who have made hostile takeovers of Brand Name parties.
But I WILL say -- that we've been 25 years AHEAD of American public opinion and political thought. On foreign policy, on economic choice, on Civil Liberties and a LOT of other areas.We will talking about ISSUES and problem solving. Governors like Johnson/Weld are GREAT at stuff like that. Let the Brand Name parties TRY to accelerate the partisan poo-flinging -- EVENTUALLY folks will tire of the REAL arrogance and intoxication of gaining power. We're not in it to build dynasties or twist arms.
It's an old concept. A forgotten concept. But that's what political CHOICE should be about.