Zone1 What does The Chosen People actually mean?

There are no opposing accounts that document the first Christians didn't worship Jesus as God.
Sure there is. Hundreds of years before your idolatrous perversion of Christianity existed.

In the gospel of John it is written that after Jesus asked the remaining disciples if they would leave him too after many couldn't stomach him saying "unless you eat my flesh you can have no life in you" (life being the promise for fulfilling the Laws demands) explaining to them that "accept the WORDS I speak" is what he meant by saying "eat my flesh" (the produce, the fruit of his mind), teaching from God, bread from heaven, manna, the food of angels, that became his "flesh", a new metaphor for bread from heaven, a more satisfying revelation from God which is the ONLY right way to understand and comply with the Law's demands that fulfills the promise of life, to which Simon Peter replied, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are The Holy one OF GOD", not God himself, derp, the prophet that Moses said would be a Jewish man, like him, who would be sent by God to "convey all of HIS commands". Deuteronomy 18:18, an ordinary froward Jewish man which just makes what Jesus accomplished so much more "miraculous" than your fake triune supernatural, almighty (yet edible), virgin diddling, sacrificial mangod and all the miracles of the brazen lie that scripture is to be taken literally.
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That’s exactly the kind of things that religious nutjobs say.

What I have made known has never been seen or heard of before from any religious nutjob.

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings shut their mouths in disgust; for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts". Isaiah 52:14
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there are no recordings you claim regarding the content of the christian bible construed by the crucifiers for their purposes without a single letter written by jesus included in their book.

they knew their destiny and provided nothing for them to use against him than verbal accounts passed down through the ages of the true events of the 1st century.
Ding makes no claims of the bibles being literally true, but he has admitted that none of it was ever intended to be true.

What I have made known has never been seen or heard of before from any religious nutjob.

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings shut their mouths in disgust; for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts". Isaiah 52:14
Ding's and your god created everythingk, except wellll.......... for literally everything.
Ding makes no claims of the bibles being literally true, but he has admitted that none of it was ever intended to be true.

Don't be silly. Ding doesn't know what he is talking about. He claims that the creation story in genesis is an allegorical account of the Big Bang passed down through the ages even though no one was there to witness the event.


He also claims that God diddled a virgin to become fully human and abolished his own laws and performed supernatural demonstrations of power over reality by controlling matter, the weather, curing physical deformities with a word, raising the dead, healing diseases and popping into and out of locked rooms after the crucifixion just to freak out his friends.
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Ding's and your god created everythingk, except wellll.......... for literally everything.
You don't know what you are talking about.

Ding professes to believe in a trinity that molested a Jewish virgin to father himself. Derp.

I believe in and personally know an unknown God that never impregnated a Jewish virgin, never became a man, and doesn't give a crap about what people eat, what they wear, or the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds, the only living God ever in existence.

Would you like proof of his existence? That is, if you need more proof than dings insanity.

Be careful what you ask for. It may all seem crazy but, I assure you, it only seems that way.
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Don't be silly. Ding doesn't know what he is talking about. He claims that the creation story in genesis is an allegorical account of the Big Bang passed down through the ages even though no one was there to witness the event.


He also claims that God diddled a virgin to become fully human and abolished his own laws and performed supernatural demonstrations of power over reality by controlling matter, the weather, curing physical deformities with a word, raising the dead, healing diseases and popping into and out of locked rooms after the crucifixion just to freak out his friends.
I have to agree with Ding on at least one point.

It's all allegorical bullsh-t. It wouldn't hurt you to just admit it too.
You don't know what you are talking about.

Ding professes to believe in a trinity that molested a Jewish virgin to father himself. Derp.

I believe in and know an unknown God that never impregnated a virgin, never became human, doesn't give a crap about what people eat, what they wear, or the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds, the only living God ever in existence.

Would you like proof of his existence? That is, if you need more proof than dings insanity.
I'll consider your proof.
Be careful what you ask for. It may seem crazy to you but I assure you it only seems that way

And I have now and it's still bogus bullsh-t and loony tunes with a joory twist this time.
I have to agree with Ding on at least one point.

It's all allegorical bullsh-t. It wouldn't hurt you to just admit it too.
Like I said, Ding professes to believe that scripture is a historical document, not a fairy tale. And it may seem like allegorical bullshit to you but all fiction, including the Bible, alludes to fact. You just don't possess the key to understanding the figurative language of the prophets

Seriously, what you call allegorical bullshit is easily understood by grade school children.

How is it that what can be easily understood with an elementary education remains above your grasp?

Would you like for my God to fix your brain?
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Like I said Ding professes to believe that scripture is a historical document, not a fairy tale. And it may seem like allegorical bullshit to you but all fiction including the Bible alludes to fact. You just don't possess the key to understanding the figurative language of the prophets

Seriously, what you call allegorical bullshit is easily understood by grade school children.
No, that's what the literally true stories are for. Confessing to it all being allegorical bullsh-t is for when you grow up.
I have been watching the TV series Chosen and have questions about 1st Century Jewish life and beliefs:
1. What does "the chosen people" actually mean? Was it a special covenant with God that excluded all other people?
2. Were there really 500+ rules that had to be followed on pain of banishment or death?
3. What happened to false prophets who claimed to be the Messiah? Were they all killed?
4. Setting aside the alleged divinity of Jesus, are current Jewish beliefs more in line with modern Christian values or ancient Jewish rules?

OP...a Jew.

jew ackboom.webp
No, that's what the literally true stories are for. Confessing to it all being allegorical bullsh-t is for when you grow up.

When a baby is hungry you give it milk, not piss. When a child is curious about the outside world you feed it fairy tales, not a crock of shit. The harsh realities are for adults with teeth.

If you were fed piss and a crock of shit in commie land you do have my condolences.:itsok:

You may in your imagination think that you grew up but you haven't risen from the dead.
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When a baby is hungry you give it milk, not piss. When a child is curious about the outside world you feed it fairy tales, not a crock of shit. The harsh realities are for adults with teeth.

If you were fed piss and a crock of shit in commie land you do have my condolences.:itsok:
Does your god bite?

That's not my dog.
OK. Just don't be alarmed when you wake up one day bewildered having had strange dreams of being probed by aliens.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he won't bite your hand. This is the principal difference between the god and a dog.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he won't bite your hand. This is the principal difference between the god and a dog.

So, you are starving. I am happy that you had the courage to admit that.

Eat my flesh and you will never hunger again.
No. My God is like a dedicated loving and benevolent Father. If you heed his codified instruction you will enjoy abundant blessings and eternal life here on earth in his realm. If you don't listen and do it, he will abandon you to your folly and your mind will remain in chaos.

Like dings.

If that "bites" my God won't give a shit. Its your own fault, your own doing, your own choice.
I asked my Dog and he said to pay no attention to the bullsh-t. They only want our money (god cookies) and then when they get their hooks in you, they say you have to give more or they'll start biting at your conscience.

My Dog is not human and he never asks for money
Does your god bite?

That's not my dog.
No. My God is like a dedicated loving and benevolent Father. If you heed his codified instruction you will enjoy abundant blessings and eternal life here on earth in his realm. If you don't listen and do it, he will abandon you to your folly and your mind will remain in chaos.

Like ding, trump, putin, and every foul and loathsome unclean creature burning in Gehenna.

If that "bites" my God won't give a shit. Its your own fault, your own doing, your own choice.

My God is not a man, so he does not lie; he is not human, so he does not change his mind.
I asked my Dog and he said to pay no attention to the bullsh-t. They only want our money (god cookies) and then when they get their hooks in you, they say you have to give more or they'll start biting at your conscience

Who is this "they" you speak of? Trump? Putin? Or only "religious" con artists?

You seem to be suffering the ill effects of eating bread baked on human dung.
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My Dog is not human and he never asks for money

Awesome. But does he hump your leg, shit on the floor, lick his ass, and then your face? My God is not human, never asks anyone for money, and doesn't shit on the floor or lick his ass.

I don't either. Do you?

Or do you just kiss Putins ass like trump or any loyal and subservient, castrated commie, broken by trained personnel, who gets all of his instructions from a dog, a lily white cur?
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