What Else Can Go Wrong At The Democratic National Carnival?

Going to the DNC? Bring marshmallows to roast as the DNC internally combusts and burns to the ground... :p
Well no matter what happens the report from the Liberal media will be beyond positive....
It will be considered textbook....
It will outshine all other conventions before it....
The media will make sure that it's known that it beat Trumps convention on all levels....
It will be taught in political science classes from now until the end of time......

Debbie is in her hotel room now sending out her last email instructions to an all to
eager Liberal media just tripping all over themselves in order to be part of history
as The Hildebeast prepares herself to enter the history books.
In the midst of Hillary's FBI investigation her own staff called her 'often confused' and 'technology challenged'.

Funny...they weren't just describing Hillary. They were describing Obama's entire Cabinet and the DNC! :p
Loathe I say this, but Muslim gunman with a huge gun and a backpack of ammo shot up the DNC, and still liberals would defend Muslim extremist and attack gun culture at the same time, Conflicted and neurotic this current batch of liberals seem Goodspeed, the DNC.
Really where?
Really where WHAT? Liberals are so confused and conflicted, seems endemic to ignore plain old American citizens. Just listen to us, we aren't your enemy. We don't want illegal aliens or gay marriage, stupid shit like that, common sense stuff. We aren't evil.
Proven! Hillary couldn't win the DNC candidacy by beating an old, btoken down, senile, self-identified Socialist Party member without a rigged DNC process, a rigged Super Delegate process, and voter fraud!

And THIS is the best the CROOKED, Christian / Jew-Hating DNC can offer for a candidate!

Delegates for Crazy Bernie protesting the fact there were screwed by the rigged system?
Occupy Wall Street people protesting in the streets?
Crooked Hillary having a coughing fit during her acceptance speech?
Crooked Hillary reminding the audience the 30,000 emails she deleted are not on the Wikileaks server.
Wacky Wasserman-Schultz reminding the audience she is a Jew and would therefore not approve the policy to point out Crazy Bernie was a Jew?
Wacky Wasserman-Schultz saying at least she did not email a pic of her private parts like her friend Anthony Weiner?
Unlike the gop convention , (a cluster fuck from start to finish) any thing that happens at the Democratic Convention will be a improvement.
We shall see.
Oh, the US is Democratic republic? What a delusion that is. We get a hobson's choice and that is the best we can do? Hillary or Trump? Really?THIS is the BEST of what American Representative democracy has to offer? TWO well monetarily endowed assholes/ Hillary or Trump? Wow. Can we get a mulligan?
How about that -- A plastic 'reset' prop wasn't the only thing Hillary and the Liberals gave Russia...they also gave them access to all of their e-mails and servers! :p

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