What Frightened You as a Kid?

Joan said:
Thunder and lightning still do me in! I will sit on the floor (bed frame is metal) until it passes over. I was also terrified of going into the basement.
I wasn't too fond of the basement either, and that's where our bathroom was. (my folks had duplexed the house to afford it)
But isn't it strange how something frightens one person and not another? I love thunder & lightning...as long as it itsn't tornado weather.
I think you wanted the regular smilie and not the bj....
I hope so anyway.
Common mistake.

Oh shit LMAO
I did that in a hurry (obviously so)
oy vey

Chaniging it now.

fuzzykitten99 said:
i was and still kind of am...they scare my son too.

i guess my cousin letting me watch IT when i was younger (he was babysitting me) did it.

It was a very scary movie except the ending was kind of anti climactic!

I am very scared of clowns, they just creep me out :eek:
fuzzykitten99 said:
i was and still kind of am...they scare my son too.

i guess my cousin letting me watch IT when i was younger (he was babysitting me) did it.

The book is much better.
no1tovote4 said:
The book is much better.

i read that book gave me nightmares....one night my bed tried to dump me out on the floor cuz the clown was hiding under my bed....fooking clowns
manu1959 said:
i read that book gave me nightmares....one night my bed tried to dump me out on the floor cuz the clown was hiding under my bed....fooking clowns

That's called an earthquake. You shouldn't blame 'dem fooking clowns!
no1tovote4 said:
P.S. I was also afraid of Demon Possession....

My father, of course, had no idea that this was one of my largest fears. He didn't live with us and had no idea what was happening at the church I was taken to.

He took me to see the Excorcist when it first came out. He had to sign a paper saying if he had a heart attack during the movie that the makers of the movie would not be responsible, this was a way that they used to promote this movie.

Well, my dad proceeded to get stoned before he took me in. He spent the entire movie stoned and laughing oblivious to my extreme fear....

(Wow, getting melancholy here ain't I?)

When that movie first came out I wasn't allowed to see it. My parents went to a drive in movie and I was supposed to fall asleep in the back of the car when that movie was playing, of course I wasn't sleeping and I had nightmares for months afterwards....
Bonnie said:
When that movie first came out I wasn't allowed to see it. My parents went to a drive in movie and I was supposed to fall asleep in the back of the car when that movie was playing, of course I wasn't sleeping and I had nightmares for months afterwards....

Yeah, and I couldn't tell my mother what was bothering me. If I told her I would get in trouble and likely wouldn't be able to see Dad for a while. Therefore I had to deal with all of it by myself.
no1tovote4 said:
Yeah, and I couldn't tell my mother what was bothering me. If I told her I would get in trouble and likely wouldn't be able to see Dad for a while. Therefore I had to deal with all of it by myself.


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