what happened to the anti-war demonstrators


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Is there a double standard at work? "War is OK as long as a liberal democrat is in the white house"? What happened to Cindy Sheehan's froathing goggle eyed angry demonstrators? What happened to the liberal media's anti war reporting? The left wing loved to see the bombers drop daisy cutter devices on Yugoslavia while Clinton was in office but they went crazy when Bush received permission for boots on the ground in Iraq. Democrats gave permission and then spent the next couple of years undermining the mission but now they apparently support it.
You care. Likely no one else.

Forum is up and running fine. Just this post of 'yours' is dead as the proverbial door nail. :razz:

Is there a double standard at work? "War is OK as long as a liberal democrat is in the white house"? What happened to Cindy Sheehan's froathing goggle eyed angry demonstrators? What happened to the liberal media's anti war reporting? The left wing loved to see the bombers drop daisy cutter devices on Yugoslavia while Clinton was in office but they went crazy when Bush received permission for boots on the ground in Iraq. Democrats gave permission and then spent the next couple of years undermining the mission but now they apparently support it.

That was over Iraq. We're leaving Iraq. The protests weren't over getting back at the people that attacked us on 9/11 from Afghanistan.
Is there a double standard at work? "War is OK as long as a liberal democrat is in the white house"? What happened to Cindy Sheehan's froathing goggle eyed angry demonstrators? What happened to the liberal media's anti war reporting? The left wing loved to see the bombers drop daisy cutter devices on Yugoslavia while Clinton was in office but they went crazy when Bush received permission for boots on the ground in Iraq. Democrats gave permission and then spent the next couple of years undermining the mission but now they apparently support it.

That was over Iraq. We're leaving Iraq. The protests weren't over getting back at the people that attacked us on 9/11 from Afghanistan.

Bullcrap bro. We are still in Iraq, and we are not leaving Iraq anytime soon. Just as Gitmo will never be closed by Obama. Obama is a fraud who is owned by the Bankers. Where is that ugly loud mouth Cindy Sheehan now? LMAO! ~BH
Yeah but the president had authorization for Iraq and it turned out to be a success. Afghanistan is a different situation but is it sanctioned by the left as long as a radical left winger is in the white house? For the record every major conflict in the bloody 20th century happened under a democrat administration.
Yeah but the president had authorization for Iraq and it turned out to be a success. Afghanistan is a different situation but is it sanctioned by the left as long as a radical left winger is in the white house? For the record every major conflict in the bloody 20th century happened under a democrat administration.

As soon as you present the facts to alot of these Leftists, they run away and move on to their next bullshit arguement. ~BH
Yeah but the president had authorization for Iraq and it turned out to be a success. Afghanistan is a different situation but is it sanctioned by the left as long as a radical left winger is in the white house? For the record every major conflict in the bloody 20th century happened under a democrat administration.

As soon as you present the facts to alot of these Leftists, they run away and move on to their next bullshit arguement. ~BH

I'm embarassed for the left. They are victims of a corrupt media that uses them when it's convenient and they rely on an administration that they must know is lying to them. You can understand the old revolutionaries who are so mentally defective that they hate the United States although they enjoy the freedom the greatest Country offers them but there must be some vestage of sanity on the left that understands the double standard they are spoon fed every day.
You care. Likely no one else.

Forum is up and running fine. Just this post of 'yours' is dead as the proverbial door nail. :razz:


Tell us ropeman, would you demonstrate if every other kid in your neighborhood did? Would you demonstrate against the war if the media told you it was cool and all the singers grew their hair long and gobbled every drug they could get their hands on and told us that the war was bad for little children and kittins and assorted insects? It might be deja-vu all over again if a republican gets elected in 2012.
Yeah but the president had authorization for Iraq and it turned out to be a success. Afghanistan is a different situation but is it sanctioned by the left as long as a radical left winger is in the white house? For the record every major conflict in the bloody 20th century happened under a democrat administration.

As soon as you present the facts to alot of these Leftists, they run away and move on to their next bullshit arguement. ~BH

I'm embarassed for the left. They are victims of a corrupt media that uses them when it's convenient and they rely on an administration that they must know is lying to them. You can understand the old revolutionaries who are so mentally defective that they hate the United States although they enjoy the freedom the greatest Country offers them but there must be some vestage of sanity on the left that understands the double standard they are spoon fed every day.

The entire system has been cloned from previous systems that were built on the assumption that the masses are the same old sheople who have been herded for centuries by the number one weapon of the masters of puppets, which is = a so-called two party system which in truth, is and never has been anything more, than a two headed snake controlled by the same liars. Bow down to your masters, Your children surely will have no choice to. Fight for who you Love! ~BH

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