What happened?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Hopefully Sci Fi now Syfy god I hate that name will return to real sci fi! Change it back please! I have no problem with reality shows unless they dominate a channel. Channels like Syfy and the History Channel have descended into crap! Syfy has Sharknado and stupid reality shows! On the History Channel we have Ancient Aliens and Redneck crap! What the hell happened? How did the American TV viewer become so retarded?
Some of it IMO can be interesting, albeit in very small doses.

Although I will admint to being taken in for short times with really lousy programs like that boo-boo family and Toddlers & Tiaras. But my interest was more the disbelief that people actually lead such lives. Predominantly fat to obese mothers entering little girls, and some boys, beginning just months old sometimes, in beauty pageants that often border on child abuse to me. Very weird people (says the moron who actually watched a few episodes).
Hopefully Sci Fi now Syfy god I hate that name will return to real sci fi! Change it back please! I have no problem with reality shows unless they dominate a channel. Channels like Syfy and the History Channel have descended into crap! Syfy has Sharknado and stupid reality shows! On the History Channel we have Ancient Aliens and Redneck crap! What the hell happened? How did the American TV viewer become so retarded?

Repeat after me...


We live in a new world of social media whereby anyone with a smartphone can feel important because they can tweet and post selfies on Facebook.

It's depressing.
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" (loosely attributed to H.L. Mencken)

As long as the unwashed keep enabling the Dick Dynasties and Pawn Stars and naked people stranded on an island (whatever that's called) by watching them, the swillmongers will continue to dig to see who can lower the bar the lowest.

It's part of the inherent nature of television.

And I agree with Peach, this doesn't belong in "Politics" -- I'd put it in "Media".

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