What if both parties committed to protecting and preserving America’s founding principles, values, tradition and history?

I could find pictures of him with all the rich and powerful of the establishment, he used to hob nob with them all. But you would still deny it, you need that string to cling to.
You're getting a little dramatic aren't you?
I always figured all the rich and powerful attended the same events and crossed paths....but it's more than that huh? Is this one of those "because I said so and want to believe it to be so" sort of things or have you attended these meetings with the "insiders"?
You're getting a little dramatic aren't you?
I always figured all the rich and powerful attended the same events and crossed paths....but it's more than that huh? Is this one of those "because I said so and want to believe it to be so" sort of things or have you attended these meetings with the "insiders"?

It is all an act, all the hate shown by those in DC towards each other is as real as the hate in the WWE.

Riddle me this, during the heart of the first impeachment right before the end of 2019 these people that just hated each other so very much all came together and passed a whole slew of bills spending more money and fucking with the retirement system, among other things, and Trump signed them all without a word to anyone.

How can that happen if they all hate each other so much?

Dude, you are being played, they want us divided so they can do whatever they want. They have been working to divide us ever since 1992.
It is all an act, all the hate shown by those in DC towards each other is as real as the hate in the WWE.

Riddle me this, during the heart of the first impeachment right before the end of 2019 these people that just hated each other so very much all came together and passed a whole slew of bills spending more money and fucking with the retirement system, among other things, and Trump signed them all without a word to anyone.

How can that happen if they all hate each other so much?

Dude, you are being played, they want us divided so they can do whatever they want. They have been working to divide us ever since 1992.
This grand conspiracy you speak of…why do you suppose ousted politicians run out of DC never expose such conspiracy?
Don’t ask your new friends “Do you hate America” read their posts and connect the dots.
What do they say about Americas core / founding tenets?
What do they say about protestant christianity?
What do they say about Americas right to sovereignty?
What do they say about capitalism?
What do they say about the sanctity of life?
Do they vehemently defend your First Amendment right?
Do they defend your Sencond Amendment right?
Do they stand against tyrannical government OR do they support a government that can force you to put medicine in your body that you do not want?
The Doctor's Wife
I’m curious…have you looked at the posting history of your beloved new friends?
Does what they post indicate that they LOVE America at its core?

You gotta include trigger warnings the next time you use these problematic words.

Some founder principles, like self reliance and independence, are good, but our past was also colonialism, imperialism, manifest destiny, murdering natives, slavery, etc.
We have gotten worse in some ways but better in others.
What if both moved their platforms to perfectly align with our founders intent?
What if both parties committed to putting Americans and America first?
What if both parties agreed to ONLY do work for American citizens?
What if we got back to the JFK era when only little things separated the parties?

Isn’t it awfully strange that the aforementioned has to be asked?
then the DNC wouldn’t exist
Most of the time when you see posts that include "both parties" they are from democrats who suffer from buyers remorse. If you are interested in what the Founding Fathers envisioned you have to go with the GOP. Democrats are busy tearing down statues of FF like Jefferson in NYC.
The JFK Democrats were almost Republicans…the parties were divided by minor things only…WHY?
Because at the bedrock of both parties was a deep desire to put America and Americans first. These new-age PROGRESSIVE Democrats have cultivated a hatred for America among the classes of people that never fit in. Concurrently they’ve injected millions of foreigners within our society…foreigners who can’t give two fucks about America at its core.
Todays Democrat Party is the Hate America, Change America Party…. Slade3200 and Coyote are platinum members of this Party.
Except for I love America and I love human beings and I love our earth. So your claims are brainwashed BS and it’s obvious
Don’t ask your new friends “Do you hate America” read their posts and connect the dots.
What do they say about Americas core / founding tenets?
What do they say about protestant christianity?
What do they say about Americas right to sovereignty?
What do they say about capitalism?
What do they say about the sanctity of life?
Do they vehemently defend your First Amendment right?
Do they defend your Sencond Amendment right?
Do they stand against tyrannical government OR do they support a government that can force you to put medicine in your body that you do not want?
You seem awfully worked up and jealous over our friends ship. It’s ok BL, stop being such an ignorant douchebag and you might get some friends too!
You seem awfully worked up and jealous over our friends ship. It’s ok BL, stop being such an ignorant douchebag and you might get some friends too!

Yeah I never thought about that before he probably is jealous lol I just had enough of that tyrant and put him on ignore. :D
I know that…like I said, you and Slade3200 are of the founding member group that manifested and fosters the Hate America, Change America Party.

No you didn't say that. You said this:

Todays Democrat Party is the Hate America, Change America Party…. Slade3200 and Coyote are platinum members of this Party.
What if both moved their platforms to perfectly align with our founders intent?
What if both parties committed to putting Americans and America first?
What if both parties agreed to ONLY do work for American citizens?
What if we got back to the JFK era when only little things separated the parties?

Isn’t it awfully strange that the aforementioned has to be asked?

Hell would freeze over.

Democratsvhave proven they don't give a damn about anything but money, power, and Marxist authoritarian control at any cost.....
You seem awfully worked up and jealous over our friends ship. It’s ok BL, stop being such an ignorant douchebag and you might get some friends too!
hahaha...yeah, go with that....cause you've seen me become friends with Leftys here.
Maybe that is true after all,.. because it turns out that Coyote and Slade3200 aren't democrats. ;)
easyt65 said:
Democratsvhave proven they don't give a damn about anything but money, power, and Marxist authoritarian control at any cost.....

Do either of you know any democrats in real life, people you know personally, that only care about money power and authoritarian control at any cost?? Trump doesn’t count, I’m asking about personal Relationships

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