What If People Spoke Like Donald Trump

Of course they do, who does it benefit. People like "the donald" and they want everyone else that HELPS make this country run, Wait, be patient. It will come to you.,
F*cker Liars.

And the real lie they tell. Trickle down economy. Via ronnie reagan.

Yes, trickle down is a clear failure as an economic stimulus and yet they still try to sell it as the gospel.
There's no rhyme or reason to it. It's simply a kind of religious faith that must be followed. The shit does not even help most moderately rich people in the long run much less the rabble.
Bwa hahahahahahaHAHA!

(Bernie Sanders supporter here, just trolling the Trump thread... ;-D )

So, there's no way I'd trust Trump with the presidency, but he certainly is entertaining. And while his thinking may be abhorrent, at least he's honest about what he's thinking (or maybe just too dumb to keep his mouth shut?).

I like this one:

Unfortunately, he's right. The middle class who used to maintain their homes and whose taxes provided money to maintain cities and public services has largely vanished, leaving entire cities on the East Coast looking like abandoned slums. It's absolutely appalling.

-- Paravani


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What if people spoke more like Donald Trump?

There would be a lot more Truth in American politics and far less Bullshit.

For better, or worse, or something in-between.

Oh, and, far less vote-whoring and pandering to whiny-biotch minority groups, in such matters as Illegal Aliens.

Elegantly expressed in-code as "Phukk political correctness."

Almost forgot that one.

And that would definitely be a good thing.

Hope that helps.
I think the real significance of the Trump candidacy is that it represents the ultimate expression of the dumbing down of the electorate. If the superficial one liners and childish bombast of a cheap carnival barker seem persuasive, what does that say about his followers and potential constituency? Trump seems to be grandstanding by shooting for the low mark, when people ask questions he can always just respond with bluff, bluster, BS, finger pointing, and playing the victim.
What if people spoke more like Donald Trump?

There would be a lot more Truth in American politics and far less Bullshit.

For better, or worse, or something in-between.

Oh, and, far less vote-whoring and pandering to whiny-biotch minority groups, in such matters as Illegal Aliens.

Elegantly expressed in-code as "Phukk political correctness."

Almost forgot that one.

And that would definitely be a good thing.

Hope that helps.
I think the real significance of the Trump candidacy is that it represents the ultimate expression of the dumbing down of the electorate. If the superficial one liners and childish bombast of a cheap carnival barker seem persuasive, what does that say about his followers and potential constituency? Trump seems to be grandstanding by shooting for the low mark, when people ask questions he can always just respond with bluff, bluster, BS, finger pointing, and playing the victim.

Here is an example of a simple one liner that worked


That isn't even a sentence! You criticize trump for using one liners but at least those one liners have more than one word. The only reason you voted for Obama is because he said change. That is a one syllable word! What if he just barked? What if he went woof! Would you have voted for him. Woof! Makes more sense than change because when my dog goes woof I know to feed it but if it ever said change I would be like wtf does that mean.
If they all spoke like Trump we have honest politicians rather than the mouth breathing PC assholes we currently have.

If you ask Trump a question he'll give you his honest answer and he doesn't give a shit if you like his answer or not.

Rather refreshing.

As for occupied?? He needs to go occupy a sewer some where. That way he can be closer to the shit he spews. LOL
...I think the real significance of the Trump candidacy is that it represents the ultimate expression of the dumbing down of the electorate. If the superficial one liners and childish bombast of a cheap carnival barker seem persuasive, what does that say about his followers and potential constituency? Trump seems to be grandstanding by shooting for the low mark, when people ask questions he can always just respond with bluff, bluster, BS, finger pointing, and playing the victim.
You confuse Lack of Intelligence with Forceful Manifestations of Disgust.

Your fellow countrymen who are enjoying his campaign are every bit as intelligent and politically-aware and patriotic and laden with goodwill as you are.

It's just that they are enjoying the clown-show because it makes the mainstream political establishment squirm, while you are not enjoying it.

That's the only real difference.
most people do talk like Trump. of course most people arent funning for the office of President

and of course most left-wingers probably dont talk like he does; being politically-correct houseplants that they are.
I just added some "other" quotes from Trump, to that post.

Care to comment on them?

Or would you rather just stick to your cherry-picked nonsense?
First one is just alarmist bullshit.

Second one is a plutocrats wet dream that does nothing.

Third one is Fascist bullshit that has been our policy for years and resulted in a prison system that is eating us alive.

Fourth one demonstrates a total ignorance of education.

Funny, Obama called the debt "unpatriotic"

Moonbat, any response?
What if people spoke more like Donald Trump?

There would be a lot more Truth in American politics and far less Bullshit.

For better, or worse, or something in-between.

Oh, and, far less vote-whoring and pandering to whiny-biotch minority groups, in such matters as Illegal Aliens.

Elegantly expressed in-code as "Phukk political correctness."

Almost forgot that one.

And that would definitely be a good thing.

Hope that helps.
I think the real significance of the Trump candidacy is that it represents the ultimate expression of the dumbing down of the electorate. If the superficial one liners and childish bombast of a cheap carnival barker seem persuasive, what does that say about his followers and potential constituency? Trump seems to be grandstanding by shooting for the low mark, when people ask questions he can always just respond with bluff, bluster, BS, finger pointing, and playing the victim.

Here is an example of a simple one liner that worked


That isn't even a sentence! You criticize trump for using one liners but at least those one liners have more than one word. The only reason you voted for Obama is because he said change. That is a one syllable word! What if he just barked? What if he went woof! Would you have voted for him. Woof! Makes more sense than change because when my dog goes woof I know to feed it but if it ever said change I would be like wtf does that mean.
Is that what got him elected? The word change? Really? I didn't know, thanks for clearing that up.
...I think the real significance of the Trump candidacy is that it represents the ultimate expression of the dumbing down of the electorate. If the superficial one liners and childish bombast of a cheap carnival barker seem persuasive, what does that say about his followers and potential constituency? Trump seems to be grandstanding by shooting for the low mark, when people ask questions he can always just respond with bluff, bluster, BS, finger pointing, and playing the victim.
You confuse Lack of Intelligence with Forceful Manifestations of Disgust.

Your fellow countrymen who are enjoying his campaign are every bit as intelligent and politically-aware and patriotic and laden with goodwill as you are.

It's just that they are enjoying the clown-show because it makes the mainstream political establishment squirm, while you are not enjoying it.

That's the only real difference.
I see, so it's just another reality TV show, nothing to be concerned about.
most people do talk like Trump. of course most people arent funning for the office of President

and of course most left-wingers probably dont talk like he does; being politically-correct houseplants that they are.
No doubt most of the people you know are crude, crass, cowardly and unintelligent. That's why you like Trump.

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