Zone1 What if Trump was Right?

Oh you can just go fuck all the way off after that bullshit.
I will be kicking your ass a tad bit more now. Your retardation cannot be propagated.
It's not beneficial to mankind.

Isn't it interesting that these shady things always happen in Republican leaning districts?

The plot to reverse the results of the 2020 Georgia vote included an effort to leverage breached voter data, according to the indictment of former President Donald Trump handed down yesterday by a Fulton County, Georgia, grand jury.

Trump attorney Sidney Powell, who gained wide notoriety for her efforts to bring conspiracy theories about Dominion Voting Systems to public attention, was named "special counsel" on the heels of a Dec. 18, 2020, meeting with Trump, advisor Rudy Giuliani and others with "broad authority to investigate allegations of voter fraud in Georgia and elsewhere."

In a May 2022 deposition before the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, Powell indicated that Trump, Giuliani and others discussed the possibility of issuing an executive order and presidential findings to permit the federal seizure of voting machines.

By the time of this meeting, Powell had already tapped Atlanta-based forensic data services provider SullivanStrickler to analyze voting equipment. Powell, who was indicted for multiple violations of Georgia law, allegedly set in motion a scheme to breach election equipment in Georgia's rural and heavily Republican Coffee County.

According to reporting from CNN, the Coffee County machines were mentioned in orders drafted to allow for the seizure of voting equipment.

When the plot to steal data from election equipment in Coffee County first came to light, Georgia authorities sought help from the FBI in collecting evidence and exploring possible links between that breach and similar breaches in Michigan and Nevada.

So now all the news junkies will have their next bowl of pablum, and be able to shriek about how they KNEW all along that Trump was a criminal, and he tried to overthrow the government, blah, blah, blah.

But here is the question I would like to address (and get some serious pondrification from others). What if Trump was right? What if the combination of the suppressed Hunter Biden Laptop story, Zuckerberg's half-billion dollar campaign to illegally buy Biden votes, vote harvesting in Atlanta and elsewhere, and shenanigans with voting rules by various Secretaries of State truly did amount to stealing the 2020 election?

If it makes it easier, imagine that the result went the opposite way, and all of those factors favored Trump. How should Biden have acted in that case?

If a sitting Presidential KNOWS that the election was stolen - knows it for a fact - and there is no legal remedy for the theft, how should s/he respond?

DO NOT use this space to re-argue whether Trump was right or not. PRESUME that he was right. How should he have handled it?
But it has been proven that trump was not right.

So now all the news junkies will have their next bowl of pablum, and be able to shriek about how they KNEW all along that Trump was a criminal, and he tried to overthrow the government, blah, blah, blah.

But here is the question I would like to address (and get some serious pondrification from others). What if Trump was right? What if the combination of the suppressed Hunter Biden Laptop story, Zuckerberg's half-billion dollar campaign to illegally buy Biden votes, vote harvesting in Atlanta and elsewhere, and shenanigans with voting rules by various Secretaries of State truly did amount to stealing the 2020 election?

If it makes it easier, imagine that the result went the opposite way, and all of those factors favored Trump. How should Biden have acted in that case?

If a sitting Presidential KNOWS that the election was stolen - knows it for a fact - and there is no legal remedy for the theft, how should s/he respond?

DO NOT use this space to re-argue whether Trump was right or not. PRESUME that he was right. How should he have handled it?

IF he was screwed, like Gore was in 2000, then he should have taken it like Gore took it. Like a man.

Or when Hillary got robbed in 2016. She actually won Michigan in 2016. Remember Jill Stein wanted a recount? They didn't say her reasons for wanting one were wrong. They said no because no way a recount would have changed the fact she only got 1% of the votes. Why didn't Hillary ask for a recount? Because she's not a little bitch like Trump. She's not willing to expose the shadiness that happens in our elections. We're supposed to be an example to the rest of the world.

Free and fair elections? Maybe not
Don't invade sovereign nations? We did it. In Iraq

All the things we tell other countries not to do, we do ourselves.
In 2000, Al Gore knew he was right
He lost Florida by 500 votes in a state of 20 million
He lost by a total of 2 Electoral Votes
The brother of his opponent was the Governor of Florida

Al Gore exhausted his legal challenges and stepped aside for the good of the country.
As Vice President, he was responsible for confirming the EVs
Like Mike Pence, he refused to interfere.

Trump should have done the same
Al Gore tried to steal the election, thank goodness he failed.
Al Gore tried to steal the election, thank goodness he failed.

Just think
Al Gore won the popular vote by 1 million votes, lost the EV by 2 and the state of Florida by just 500 votes.
Bush’s brother made the rules in Florida.
AND Gore was the Vice President who certified the Electoral Vote

Just imagine if Trump had lost under those conditions
Because we figured out what you were doing and were watching.
Well that's a bad answer because Trump was watching very closely in 2015 and very closely in 2019. So close he was accusing us of rigging it even before the election took place. He only shut up the two times he won.

God you're pathetic. And you think Trump's going to help a pathetic guy like you?
Well that's a bad answer because Trump was watching very closely in 2015 and very closely in 2019. So close he was accusing us of rigging it even before the election took place.

So was Hillary:

Trump "knows he’s an illegitimate president," Clinton said. "I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did … I know he knows this wasn’t on the level."

In an October 2020 interview with The Atlantic, Clinton said, "There was a widespread understanding that [the 2016] election was not on the level. We still don’t know what happened … but you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, ‘Whoa, something’s not right here.’"

So her Steele Dossier was a flop?

I get it, only counts if Trump calls foul.....

God you're pathetic. And you think Trump's going to help a pathetic guy like you?
He'll work even harder for you...............:adoreheart:
Bush’s brother made the rules in Florida.
What rules were that?
Because we figured out what you were doing and were watching.

So was Hillary:

Trump "knows he’s an illegitimate president," Clinton said. "I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did … I know he knows this wasn’t on the level."

In an October 2020 interview with The Atlantic, Clinton said, "There was a widespread understanding that [the 2016] election was not on the level. We still don’t know what happened … but you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, ‘Whoa, something’s not right here.’"

So her Steele Dossier was a flop?

I get it, only counts if Trump calls foul.....

He'll work even harder for you...............:adoreheart:

What rules were that?
Absolutely Trump stole Michigan in 2016. That's why he thought it happened to him when in 2020 we had a Democratic governor. Because in 2016, it did happen.

Why else would Trump call the SOS in Georgia and act like finding 11,000 more votes should be no problem? Because Rick Snyder did it for Donald in MI in 2016.

Why else would Trump put Rick Snyder's boss' wife to run the Department of Education? How naive are you dude? It was payback for helping Trump "win" Michigan.

And why do you think Jill Stein of the Green Party wanted a recount in 2016 in Michigan? She knew something shady happened. They denied her the recount. Not because she was wrong. But because she only got 1% of the vote. No recount was going to change her outcome. But Hillary wasn't going to ask for a recount. She took her ass raping like a man. Just like Gore did.

Trump loses legitimately and cries foul. And asks for recounts.

You know what's scary? This fraud supreme court we have would have gone along with the steal in 2020 if it were closer. But Trump lost every swing state so they couldn't. They'd look as crazy as Rudy looks to us all now.
But Hillary wasn't going to ask for a recount. She took her ass raping like a man.

You can run the best campaign,” she told a forum in Los Angeles, “and still have the election stolen from you.”

This fraud supreme court we have would have gone along with the steal in 2020 if it were closer.
Where did they go....where did they go...........we got your number..............LOL


You can run the best campaign,” she told a forum in Los Angeles, “and still have the election stolen from you.”

Where did they go....where did they go...........we got your number..............LOL

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2020 proved how lazy voters are. Everyone was sent absentee ballots because we were in a pandemic and most people didn't want to go stand in line. So people who are too lazy to go stand in line voted.

Even if we did that again, Trump would have still won this time. He legitimately won. I think the last two elections that were legit and Republicans won were Bush 1 and Trump 2024. All other POTUS wins by Republicans were rigged.

Remember Trump said to the Georgia Republican, "come on man, you can FIND 11,000 more votes I know you can. Give me a break"

Remember Trump said that? Why would he think that? Trump won Michigan by 10,704 votes. That's because Rick Snyder "found" him those votes. Then Trump put Rick's boss' wife in charge of the Department of Education. A reward for delivering Michigan.

Remember Jill Stein wanted a recount in MI because of irregularities and they shot her down. But not because her claims were bogus. She caught the steal and they shut it down. Why Hillary bent over and took it I have no idea. Like Gore took it when Bush stole 2000.

Kerry tried to ask for a recount in Ohio 2004 and Ken Blackwell, who btw says Trump is a threat to our democracy, certified the Ohio vote QUICKLY and Ohio law says a recount can't be had once the vote has been certified. Very slick Ken.

So now all the news junkies will have their next bowl of pablum, and be able to shriek about how they KNEW all along that Trump was a criminal, and he tried to overthrow the government, blah, blah, blah.

But here is the question I would like to address (and get some serious pondrification from others). What if Trump was right? What if the combination of the suppressed Hunter Biden Laptop story, Zuckerberg's half-billion dollar campaign to illegally buy Biden votes, vote harvesting in Atlanta and elsewhere, and shenanigans with voting rules by various Secretaries of State truly did amount to stealing the 2020 election?

If it makes it easier, imagine that the result went the opposite way, and all of those factors favored Trump. How should Biden have acted in that case?

If a sitting Presidential KNOWS that the election was stolen - knows it for a fact - and there is no legal remedy for the theft, how should s/he respond?

DO NOT use this space to re-argue whether Trump was right or not. PRESUME that he was right. How should he have handled it?
Hey, we knew Trump was a criminal long before today.
Hey, we knew Trump was a criminal long before today.

Imagine if the headlines read Harris or Biden Organization found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud. Would it sink their presidency?

Trump Organization found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud​

Or if Republicans had actual evidence the Biden's committed fraud

In 2019, ProPublica revealed stark inconsistencies between what the Trump Organization had reported to tax authorities and what it told lenders about the finances of one of its towers. A judge this week ruled the company had committed fraud.​

New York State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron, having previously made a preliminary finding that Trump, his sons and some Trump Organization executives “had a propensity to engage in persistent fraud by submitting false and misleading Statements of Financial Condition,” granted a partial summary judgment in favor of the state of New York. “Even with a preliminary injunction in place,” his lacerating opinion noted, “and with an independent monitor overseeing their compliance, defendants have continued to disseminate false and misleading information while conducting business.”
Remember Trump said to the Georgia Republican, "come on man, you can FIND 11,000 more votes I know you can. Give me a break"
What did Trump mean by that?

So people who are too lazy to go stand in line voted.
You're saying that people who never bothered to vote suddenly voted?
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