Zone1 What is China doing with these balloons?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The Chinese are not dumb when it comes to attacking their enemies around the world.....they are taking their time, setting pieces in place. So.....what is their goal with these balloons?

Is it simple surveillance? Or is it something more dangerous?

They didn't build balloons the size of 5 buses and send them across the world for fun.

Is it possible they used them to spread another virus across our country? The Japanese in World War 2 tried to infect California with the plague using balloons launched from submarines. Is it possible they are spreading something across our military bases via these balloons?

Japan's biowarfare experts had hoped to launch biological attacks on the U.S. in 1944 with balloon bombs filled with bubonic plague, anthrax, rinderpest, and smut fungus.[1]

The Japanese failed....but the Chinese? Do they have a new bio weapon they just dispersed against us?
They are probably not getting much surveillance that they can already get by orbiting satellites. I think their main mission is to scare people and have them upset, to create confusion about their goals.
They are probably not getting much surveillance that they can already get by orbiting satellites. I think their main mission is to scare people and have them upset, to create confusion about their goals.

Seems counter to what the Chinese have been doing around the world to this point. They have been slowly infiltrating countries, buying up the 3rd world, but nothing so overt as to draw attention among the masses.........why now?
Seems counter to what the Chinese have been doing around the world to this point. They have been slowly infiltrating countries, buying up the 3rd world, but nothing so overt as to draw attention among the masses.........why now?
They want exposure from the media, they want the world talking about them. It's a new era of aggressiveness from China which has been in the making for years. Expect more antics like these.
This is the end result of so many U.S assets going dark during Obamas final term. It's much more difficult to get a handle on their strategy when you don't have eyes inside. This lack of Western infiltration is going to ensure a Cold War with more guessing involved. More guess work places greater risk of a hot, even destructive confrontation. The hubris and naivety of some over the years did not help.

They are probably not getting much surveillance that they can already get by orbiting satellites.
That's ridiculous. The satellites are at a much higher altitude, and thus much further away from their targets. And the maneuverable balloons can loiter over the target gathering intelligence for much longer that a satellite going ~7,000 mph that flys by the target in a split second.
That's ridiculous. The satellites are at a much higher altitude, and thus much further away from their targets. And the maneuverable balloons can loiter over the target gathering intelligence for much longer that a satellite going ~7,000 mph that flys by the target in a split second.
You sure about that? You already know what capability the balloons had in sometimes overcast conditions at 66,000 feet? You don't even know about the camera strength on satellites.
They're not trying to evade detection, so this is likely some sort of pressure tactic. They want us to do something or not do something. Not sure what - maybe they're pissed off about our going back to the Philippines. They thought the Yankees were losing clout in the Pacific, and Chairman Xi is too dumb to figure out that we were losing clout and there was a rethink about cooperation with the US...until his aggression convinced the rest of Asia that maybe having a US presence there isn't such a bad thing after all.
They're not trying to evade detection, so this is likely some sort of pressure tactic. They want us to do something or not do something. Not sure what - maybe they're pissed off about our going back to the Philippines. They thought the Yankees were losing clout in the Pacific, and Chairman Xi is too dumb to figure out that we were losing clout and there was a rethink about cooperation with the US...until his aggression convinced the rest of Asia that maybe having a US presence there isn't such a bad thing after all.
Good point. Of much greater concern is China building islands in the middle of the South China Sea. It not only gives them a port or landing strip but it forces U.S. shipping to change routes to avoid getting too close.
Story #1

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U.S. Uses $400K Missile to Shoot Down Chinese 'Spy Balloon,' Destroys All Its Electronics

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Video: Ok, so here’s what I just caught I few minutes ago out my window. I saw a jet go by so fast and then explosion in the sky. Holy crap!

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Corbett • 02/10/2023 • 16 Comments

Story #1: U.S. Uses $400K Missile to Shoot Down Chinese 'Spy Balloon,' Destroys All Its Electronics

Story #2: Biden Regime Quietly Frees One of 9/11 Terrorist Planners From Gitmo As the Whole Country Watches the Chinese Spy Balloon

Story #3: Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s Ex-President, Dies Aged 79
There are just four or five possibilities with this bizarre moment, one its China, which its not, but lets just say it is, operating offensive weapons inside US airspace in immediate aftermath of having their balloon splashed after a sub-moron named Biden allowed it to transit the entire length of the interior United States! Why a weapon, because the F22 that shot it down reported the object was actively attacking his onboard electronic sensors, and that is very very hard to do against a 5th gen fighter, and is an overt act of war, its not china doing that!

Its Russia, who has at least 40,000 - 60,000 dead Russian boys, killed in Ukraine by the United States and a sub-moron named Biden who continues to escalate that war, and is in fact at war with Russia, and that is also on top of the mysterious explosion of at least 1 equally mysterious Russian satellite in high orbit over planet just this past week, a story which immediately was buried following widespread media attention, and that is the hallmark of NSA shutting them down, and such is not hard as virtually 98% of all North American media is an arm of the intelligence agencies anyway! So its possible Russia is responding with a poor mans stealth weapon in guise of drones, they do have the technical know-how to do such!!!

Or, its the United States doing this, specifically to manipulate its population into enthusiastically going to war with China, Russia, or both! This is my best considered possibility, its all just to damn convenient and beneficial to a sub-moron named Biden, who along with being a psychopathic sub-moron, is also the most corrupted human being currently living on earth, and he like all psychopaths, moves to cement his rule over the serfs!!!

It also could be a combination of Biden, and fascist psychopaths within the national security state, specifically the defense industry, again endeavoring to gin up war lust within the US population. This is my dark horse possibility, it goes without saying that the vast vast majority of you are simply incapable of projecting the necessary amount of cynicism to match wits with these psychopaths(that is a good thing BTW). because I assure you they are all utterly ruthless and fully capable or perpetrating atrocity in pursuit of power and increased wealth!

Then there is another outside possibility to consider, someone else entirely is on the planet, and they are chiming in on the evil path the United States has embarked upon, and they are demonstrating how wildly technologically advanced they are over us, and are in the vein of donkey and carrot, leading us to inescapable conclusion of continuing to piss them off, by allowing us to perceive select prepositioned weapons that can literally shut us down!
Good point. Of much greater concern is China building islands in the middle of the South China Sea. It not only gives them a port or landing strip but it forces U.S. shipping to change routes to avoid getting too close.

Yeah, and Asian countries (including the Phils) are getting pissed off at China's harassing their vessels in the sea and making blanket claims to mineral and fishing rights. The mineral rights in particular are maybe China's way of saying, we own future exploration for battery mining, etc.

I also wonder what surveillance activities we've conducted on them that maybe they're aware of and not happy about - maybe nothing at all, but it doesn't hurt to ask those kinds of questions. When the Cuban missile crisis happened, we thought it was the Russians going mad. Turns out they put their missiles in Cuba to push ours out of Turkey. We agreed to take our missiles out of Turkey and they promptly removed theirs out of Cuba. So this could be tit for tat and maybe gets resolved behind closed doors.

But I don't know...I'm concerned because everything I've observed about Xi Jinping over the past 10 or so years is that this fucker thinks he's some sort of divine leader sent from the heavens above and that he can do no wrong, and he generally gets rid of people who dare question him. He's exactly the kind of idiot who could start an accidental war.

Putin is a crackpot too, but we've had a lot of time to understand how he thinks, and what he will and won't do, and it turns out the Russian military is a joke without a punchline. We're still trying to figure out Xi and while his military isn't battle tested, their tech is actually pretty good and it's getting better all the time.
They are probably not getting much surveillance that they can already get by orbiting satellites.
This is the question we have to answer to understand the intent.

What can they do from 60,000 ft that they can't do from orbit?

One thing is see when we don't know they're looking.

We know when satellites pass overhead.

And we'll always hidden our secrets from those overflights when possible.

So that's my guess.
Seems counter to what the Chinese have been doing around the world to this point. They have been slowly infiltrating countries, buying up the 3rd world, but nothing so overt as to draw attention among the masses.........why now?
Maybe they did it to show the American people just how stupid and worthless we are.

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