Sorry, precedent was set. The state's job is to enforce the precedent. Go ahead, overturn it. I promise you that within 5 years, all of these laws and legislation will be overturned. And you'll lose all of your political clout in the process. Again, keep returning to the hammer as a means enforcement and eventually it will be used on you.You do know evangelicals are far more strictly pro-life than Catholics, right?
Roe was Judicial strong-arming that failed, it failed at eliminating the argument. 50 years later we are still at it. All overturning Roe does is return the argument to the people via the State level legislatures.
Again, all you are saying is "give me my way, and pray the other side gets the end result eventually"
That isn't compromise, but you pretend it is. At least the guys here posting "no compromise" have the honesty to admit as such.