What is the difference between liberalism and racism?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
A good example of racism is when a bunch of rednecks from Alabama form a club and tell themselves how much better they are because they are white. They begin to believe this about themselves and approach every other race as inferior because they told themselves that it is true and who are they to disagree that they are so awesome. It just feels pretty damn good to convince yourself that you are better than these people because they ain't as white as you.

We have 'liberals's who gather in groups as CNN and college campuses and tell themselves how much better they are than every other political group. They begin to really believe this and treat everyone else as inferior just like every other racist in the world does. What is the difference between the two at this point?
A good example of racism is when a bunch of rednecks from Alabama form a club and tell themselves how much better they are because they are white. They begin to believe this about themselves and approach every other race as inferior because they told themselves that it is true and who are they to disagree that they are so awesome. It just feels pretty damn good to convince yourself that you are better than these people because they ain't as white as you.

We have 'liberals's who gather in groups as CNN and college campuses and tell themselves how much better they are than every other political group. They begin to really believe this and treat everyone else as inferior just like every other racist in the world does. What is the difference between the two at this point?

It's pretty easy to figure all that out when the right elected that lying orange fool. Yes, we are much better than him and his followers. Judging only on his proven lies is enough to make that clear.
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A good example of racism is when a bunch of rednecks from Alabama form a club and tell themselves how much better they are because they are white. They begin to believe this about themselves and approach every other race as inferior because they told themselves that it is true and who are they to disagree that they are so awesome. It just feels pretty damn good to convince yourself that you are better than these people because they ain't as white as you.

We have 'liberals's who gather in groups as CNN and college campuses and tell themselves how much better they are than every other political group. They begin to really believe this and treat everyone else as inferior just like every other racist in the world does. What is the difference between the two at this point?

It's pretty easy to figure all that out when the right elected that lying orange fool. Yes, we are much better than him and his followers. Judging only on his proven lies is enough to make that clear.

I'm sure you all tell yourselves that but that doesn't necessarily make it true. Your observation that the right elected an orange haired fool may be something you all agree with but the fact that you all agree with it doesn't make it true because what if you all happen to think something that is false simultaneously. You can all sit around and think the earth is warming up but whether or not it is doesn't depend on your observation or group hallucination that it is.
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Anyways, I just can't see how it is different than a bunch of racist who sit around and tell themselves how much better they are than blacks because they don't go on welfare as much. They all sit in a circle and close out all other opinions that contradict their own superior opinions of themselves. The cycle will continue until they are full blooded racist and I don't see how the same thing can't happen within closed political circles that really don't listen to anything that tells them that they are wrong. You would just think your intellect and the intellect of your party created the best opinion in the world which must meanyou are one of those people who have one of the best minds in the world because you are in that group. It didn't matter whether or not you contributed to it but more that you are a part of that group and it is like white racist telling themselves that they are better because they don't go on welfare and yet ignore the fact white rural areas often have a ton of welfare recipients themselves. But they are white and they can't see their own hypocracy because their white friends in the circle says that only blacks do that shit.
A good example of racism is when a bunch of rednecks from Alabama form a club and tell themselves how much better they are because they are white. They begin to believe this about themselves and approach every other race as inferior because they told themselves that it is true and who are they to disagree that they are so awesome. It just feels pretty damn good to convince yourself that you are better than these people because they ain't as white as you.

We have 'liberals's who gather in groups as CNN and college campuses and tell themselves how much better they are than every other political group. They begin to really believe this and treat everyone else as inferior just like every other racist in the world does. What is the difference between the two at this point?

It's pretty easy to figure all that out when the right elected that lying orange fool. Yes, we are much better than him and his followers. Judging only on his proven lies is enough to make that clear.

I'm sure you all tell yourselves that but that doesn't necessarily make it true. Your observation that the right elected an orange haired fool may be something you all agree with but the fact that you all agree with it doesn't make it true because what if you all happen to think something that is false simultaneously. You can all sit around and think the earth is warming up but whether or not it is doesn't depend on your observation or group hallucination that it is.

You sound like a 5 year old trying to explain to his parents why it doesn't make sense for him to eat his vegetables.

I can't comprehend that insult because I can't comprehend the idea that government is my parent who knows what is best for me. Perhaps you can circle jerk some post out to explain that a little more.
Nobody believes that. People who know the facts ARE better than those who don't, are misinformed and brainwashed, and duped and vote for those who ruin the country. Like racists.
One is blind hatred of skin color that is different from his= racism
Liberalism is the condition of being civilized and wanting to try new things....Not being a backwards piece of shit that wants to climb in trees and grow fur.

Liberals believe in education, science, and improving society....Pretty much humanism....

Conservatives like the asshole that posted this would love to be just like the isis. That is his dream and we both fucking know it.
They're more like the thugs in the inner cities who wait for whitey to come along. Violence has become their new preferred method.
A good example of racism is when a bunch of rednecks from Alabama form a club and tell themselves how much better they are because they are white. They begin to believe this about themselves and approach every other race as inferior because they told themselves that it is true and who are they to disagree that they are so awesome. It just feels pretty damn good to convince yourself that you are better than these people because they ain't as white as you.

We have 'liberals's who gather in groups as CNN and college campuses and tell themselves how much better they are than every other political group. They begin to really believe this and treat everyone else as inferior just like every other racist in the world does. What is the difference between the two at this point?

Racism - in it's broadest meaning - is the feeling that certain races or ethnicities are naturally superior to others.

I think what you're talking about is simple elitist bigotry.

It's like when a group of rich conservatives gather in groups such as Fox and Wall Street and tell themselves they're superior to every other political group and treat poor people as inferior. It's not racism, it's elitism.

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