What is the lefts plan by getting us wrapped up in all these conflicts? They must realize that most Americans are against funding all these wars.

There is no force on earth trained better than ours. If you can't see the inference you're an idiot.
That’s what I said. Are you lucid right now? You were previously touting how well the Chinese were trained. Get some sleep. You seem confused.
So suddenly the right wing position is that Biden shouldn't be supporting Israel?

Wow...quite a change.
So suddenly the right wing position is that Biden shouldn't be supporting Israel?

Wow...quite a change.
They are a very confused party. So confused that my father, a lifelong Republican, voted for Clinton and Biden!
You mean you didn’t know Joe’s neocons are Jewish? Lol.
All of these wars are part of the

Project for the New American Century​

which was spearheaded under the marketing banner of being the original neocon philosophy but's it's really more neoisrael neobolshevik.

Guess who Kagan's wife is? Yep Victoria Nuland who runs the show in Ukraine and oversaw the coup there in 2014. They want war with Iran and thus then Russia. They want to rebolshevik it, globohomo it, flood it with 25 million african migrants and outlaw the Russian Orthodox Church like Zelensky did with the Ukraine Orthodox Church.

"In 1996, Kristol and Kagan wrote an article for Foreign Affairs that become a sort of founding statement for the new neoconservative agenda. Entitled “Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy,” the article established several pillars of a post-Cold War foreign policy agenda, including maintaining a benevolent hegemony based in part on a willingness to use force unilaterally and preemptively. Kristol and Kagan asked rhetorically: “What should the U.S. role be? Benevolent global hegemony. Having defeated the ‘evil empire,’ the United States enjoys strategic and ideological predominance. The first objective of U.S. foreign policy should be to preserve and enhance that predominance by strengthening America’s security, supporting its friends, advancing its interests, and standing up for its principles around the world.”[7]

PNAC served as an institutional vehicle for advocating the ideas laid out in this article. Housed in the same Washington, D.C. office building as the American Enterprise Institute, PNAC was staffed by a number of emerging neoconservatives who generated statements and open letters on various themes and marshaled the gathering of signatures of elite political actors. The founding of PNAC marked a “complete generational transition” in neoconservatism that occurred somewhere “between the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Bosnian war,” write conservative scholars Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke in their 2004 book America Alone. “By the later half of the 1990s, Kagan, William Kristol, [Joshua] Muravchik, [Richard] Perle, [and Paul] Wolfowitz … had assumed the leadership roles that had long been held by Nathan Glazer, Irving Kristol, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Norman Podhoretz. The younger neoconservatives had filled a space left by the increasing inability of older neoconservative views to provide a sufficient interpretative framework for the changing realities of international events in the 1990s.”[9]
PNAC’s June 1997 statement of principles repeated many of the same goals laid out in Kristol and Kagan’s Foreign Affairs article, including the use of preemptive force.

The destruction of Middle East countries was preplanned, intentional, in order to make Israel the King and in essence completely align DC with Israel.
They are a very confused party. So confused that my father, a lifelong Republican, voted for Clinton and Biden!
The Democrats used to be the party of peace and anti-war.
Who's confused now???
The Democrats used to be the party of peace and anti-war.
Who's confused now???
The thing about war now, is the rank and file of the two sides of the duopoly always align together. There is little infighting or disagreements when it comes to war. Ds, Rs, cons, and libs generally speaking all align to support war pushed by the ruling class and state controlled media.

It’s hard to believe these Americans are still duped by the establishment narratives and war propaganda, after so many war lies have been exposed since the War on Terror began.
The democrats weren't again war, they were against senseless wars.
Like the war in Iraq (2003)
40% of Dems in Congress voted yes to the war and 58% of them in Senate voted yes. Regarding the Patriot Act I give Tom Daschle and another Dem some credit for trying to hold that up and not get it signed. But the CIA sent them anthrax in the mail so they got in line.
40% of Dems in Congress voted yes to the war and 58% of them in Senate voted yes. Regarding the Patriot Act I give Tom Daschle and another Dem some credit for trying to hold that up and not get it signed. But the CIA sent them anthrax in the mail so they got in line.
Agreed. The anthrax story is often forgotten, but was likely a government operation to promote further erosion of American civil liberties.

Ron Unz has a good column on this subject.
American Pravda: The Forgotten Anthrax Attacks
And don't forget anti War Obama carried out Bush's policies just like he was Bush.
No doubt. The two are blood brothers from different mothers. Somehow many Ds and libs don’t know this.

They’ll still say W was horrendous, but O was good. Lol.
So what's the payoff for them? I get the Biden ties with the Ukraine crap but what's up with all the Saber rattling everywhere else?
He's going to screw around and get us so bogged down everywhere else that if China so chooses they will walk all over Taiwan. Yes Taiwan, a place of actual major value to the US because of the chip industry. If that were to happen China would have control of the majority of the chip industry that our entire lives revolve around. And covid proved that because when the chip industry came to a halt everything that required chips to function became a scarce commodity and prices went though the roof. Add to that our current chip battle with China and you can see that Taiwan is even more valuable to them now.
So what about Yemen? We’re involved there too
40% of Dems in Congress voted yes to the war and 58% of them in Senate voted yes. Regarding the Patriot Act I give Tom Daschle and another Dem some credit for trying to hold that up and not get it signed. But the CIA sent them anthrax in the mail so they got in line.
The democrats didn't vote for war. They voted for giving Bush the power to go after the 9-11 terrorist organization. Bush then used that authorization to go after terrorists, to go after Sadam Hussein instead.
No doubt. The two are blood brothers from different mothers. Somehow many Ds and libs don’t know this.

They’ll still say W was horrendous, but O was good. Lol.
W went after Saddam Husein
O went after Osama binLaden

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