What is the point of signing any treaty at all?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
iran is going to be building whatever it is building so what is the point of signing a treaty that allows them to continue to do what they have been doing the whole time.
iran is going to be building whatever it is building so what is the point of signing a treaty that allows them to continue to do what they have been doing the whole time.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency's(IAEA) nuclear verification activities in Iraq they were within months of a being able to produce 3 nukes. That's what the treaty is about.....shutting that activity down and inspecting to see that it stays down. DUUUUHH!!!
iran is going to be building whatever it is building so what is the point of signing a treaty that allows them to continue to do what they have been doing the whole time.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency's(IAEA) nuclear verification activities in Iraq they were within months of a being able to produce 3 nukes. That's what the treaty is about.....shutting that activity down and inspecting to see that it stays down. DUUUUHH!!!
Except for the fact WE don't get to inspect it. Friends of Iran do and we have to take their word for it.
The point of signing a non verifiable treaty is to give the public a false sense of security so the president can say he's done something to protect us when in fact he has made us more vulnerable.
"What is the point of signing any treaty at all?"

There's clearly no point in 'discussing' the agreement at all with ignorant, closed-minded conservatives who know nothing of the accord's provisions, who are ignorant of the fact that other nations besides the United States are signing the agreement, and that with an agreement in place should Iran fail to abide by those provisions, the accord would help facilitate a military strike by the signatory nations where such a response would likely be impossible absent the accord.

The willful ignorance of conservatives is the true threat.
"What is the point of signing any treaty at all?"

There's clearly no point in 'discussing' the agreement at all with ignorant, closed-minded conservatives who know nothing of the accord's provisions, who are ignorant of the fact that other nations besides the United States are signing the agreement, and that with an agreement in place should Iran fail to abide by those provisions, the accord would help facilitate a military strike by the signatory nations where such a response would likely be impossible absent the accord.

The willful ignorance of conservatives is the true threat.
Don't you ever get tired of defending terrorists and the president who loves them?
iran is going to be building whatever it is building so what is the point of signing a treaty that allows them to continue to do what they have been doing the whole time.

People who are afraid of Iran should lock themselves in their basement and pull the blanky over their heads. These people have become ponderous with their fear of everything in life.

Scared? Good, go hide.
iran is going to be building whatever it is building so what is the point of signing a treaty that allows them to continue to do what they have been doing the whole time.

People who are afraid of Iran should lock themselves in their basement and pull the blanky over their heads. These people have become ponderous with their fear of everything in life.

Scared? Good, go hide.
Grow up.
iran is going to be building whatever it is building so what is the point of signing a treaty that allows them to continue to do what they have been doing the whole time.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency's(IAEA) nuclear verification activities in Iraq they were within months of a being able to produce 3 nukes. That's what the treaty is about.....shutting that activity down and inspecting to see that it stays down. DUUUUHH!!!
Except for the fact WE don't get to inspect it. Friends of Iran do and we have to take their word for it.

Bullshit! The IAEA will be involved in every inspection.
iran is going to be building whatever it is building so what is the point of signing a treaty that allows them to continue to do what they have been doing the whole time.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency's(IAEA) nuclear verification activities in Iraq they were within months of a being able to produce 3 nukes. That's what the treaty is about.....shutting that activity down and inspecting to see that it stays down. DUUUUHH!!!
Except for the fact WE don't get to inspect it. Friends of Iran do and we have to take their word for it.

Bullshit! The IAEA will be involved in every inspection.
It's not even a treaty, and it's not binding. I don't believe that you hacks think Iran will abide by it or allow inspections. And Obama won't care if they don't allow any because all this charade is is a stall tactic to help them obtain their nukes.
Conservative = Irrational Fear of everything

Iran is no threat to the US, none. Israel can handle their own problems. Iran will not develop an atomic bomb. And let's be clear, we are talking about 'atomic' bomb, not nuclear. A thermo-nuclear bomb has 1000 times the yield as an atomic weapon.

But for cons fear overrides any rationality so the point is mute.
iran is going to be building whatever it is building so what is the point of signing a treaty that allows them to continue to do what they have been doing the whole time.

Actually, the so-called treaty allows them to do it faster because $150 billion in frozen assets can now be used to fund their nuclear program. And they discovered they have uranium in abundance. They should send Obama a thank you for all his help in making their evil goal a reality.

iran is going to be building whatever it is building so what is the point of signing a treaty that allows them to continue to do what they have been doing the whole time.

Actually, the so-called treaty allows them to do it faster because $150 billion in frozen assets can now be used to fund their nuclear program. And they discovered they have uranium in abundance. They should send Obama a thank you for all his help in making their evil goal a reality.

This was a prearranged deal between Islamic terrorists and our Islamic president.
"What is the point of signing any treaty at all?"

There's clearly no point in 'discussing' the agreement at all with ignorant, closed-minded conservatives who know nothing of the accord's provisions, who are ignorant of the fact that other nations besides the United States are signing the agreement, and that with an agreement in place should Iran fail to abide by those provisions, the accord would help facilitate a military strike by the signatory nations where such a response would likely be impossible absent the accord.

The willful ignorance of conservatives is the true threat.

Here is a pile of ignorance for you. In this country the people are represented by the legislative branch. The senate then approves of treaties that the people who elect them agree with. It is called representative democracy. I guess we can say the agreement is valid because other countries signed it but what is the point of having any kind of democracy if the fact that every other legislature in the world approval is seems to be able to override our own democratic process.
Conservative = Irrational Fear of everything

Iran is no threat to the US, none. Israel can handle their own problems. Iran will not develop an atomic bomb. And let's be clear, we are talking about 'atomic' bomb, not nuclear. A thermo-nuclear bomb has 1000 times the yield as an atomic weapon.

But for cons fear overrides any rationality so the point is mute.

Here is an observation. Liberals seem go out of their way to defend our enemies.
Conservative = Irrational Fear of everything

Iran is no threat to the US, none. Israel can handle their own problems. Iran will not develop an atomic bomb. And let's be clear, we are talking about 'atomic' bomb, not nuclear. A thermo-nuclear bomb has 1000 times the yield as an atomic weapon.

But for cons fear overrides any rationality so the point is mute.

Here is an observation. Liberals seem go out of their way to defend our enemies.

You believe your own lies, this is inherently the trait of the conservative mind.

The type of mind that elects someone to office who allows an attack ON AMERICAN SOIL that kills 3,000 Americans in the financial district in our greatest city...

And then elects that idiot AGAIN. Who then invaded a nation that wasn't responsible for the attack, costing 5,000 American soldiers their lives and costing 4 trillion dollars and opened the door to the insane asylum in the middle east which is beheading children now.

There is no reason to listen to anything that comes from these people. They live in a fantasy world where they are never wrong and everyone else is never right. Even when the evidence is 100% opposite of their belief system. They are children who accept no responsibility for what they do.
Conservative = Irrational Fear of everything

Iran is no threat to the US, none. Israel can handle their own problems. Iran will not develop an atomic bomb. And let's be clear, we are talking about 'atomic' bomb, not nuclear. A thermo-nuclear bomb has 1000 times the yield as an atomic weapon.

But for cons fear overrides any rationality so the point is mute.

Here is an observation. Liberals seem go out of their way to defend our enemies.

You believe your own lies, this is inherently the trait of the conservative mind.

The type of mind that elects someone to office who allows an attack ON AMERICAN SOIL that kills 3,000 Americans in the financial district in our greatest city...

And then elects that idiot AGAIN. Who then invaded a nation that wasn't responsible for the attack, costing 5,000 American soldiers their lives and costing 4 trillion dollars and opened the door to the insane asylum in the middle east which is beheading children now.

There is no reason to listen to anything that comes from these people. They live in a fantasy world where they are never wrong and everyone else is never right. Even when the evidence is 100% opposite of their belief system. They are children who accept no responsibility for what they do.

George bush allowed 911 to happen. He told his aides to just sit there and let it happen. I'm sure he laughed some diabolical laugh in a diabolical way as it was hapoenning just like every villian does. I don't know what is worse. A party that allowed 911 to happen or a party that seems to have thought America had it coming and feels to guilty to do anything about it.

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