What is your Summary of the Nunez Memo Impact?

What the Nunez Memo Proves is....

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Global Energy Capital LLC is a private equity firm specializing in investments in the energy sector. The firm prefers to invest in the oil and gas sector, as well as the oil-field service and alternative energy sectors. It primarily invests in emerging markets with a focus on Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Global Energy Capital LLC is based in New York, New York.

Global Energy Capital LLC: Private Company Information - Bloomberg
If only Trump could get those sanctions lifted.

Carter Page, CFA

Founder and managing partner of Global Energy Capital. He spent 7 years as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch in London, Moscow and New York where he most recently served as Chief Operating Officer of the Energy and Power Group. He was involved in over $25 billion of transactions in the energy and power sector. He spent 3 years in Moscow where he was responsible for the opening of the Merrill office and was an advisor on key transactions for Gazprom, RAO UES and others. Previously, Carter was a Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations where he was responsible for energy-related research on the Caspian Sea region. He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, holds a MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Carter is a frequent writer and lecturer on energy sector development in emerging markets.

Global Energy Capital LLC Management | Carter Page, CFA | James Richard | Private Equity Firm
Impressive resume.
I am curious as to how many here take it seriously.

I know I do.

The FISA Warrant courts are supposed to be the ONE AND ONLY ASSURANCE that our intelligence community is not abusing its power to investigate foreign spies by instead investigating innocent Americans for political or personal reasons.

They are only to issue these warrants on an American citizen IF there is 1) Probable cause that the American is working for a foreign government, and 2) it is criminal or treasonous in nature.

The application for the warrant is for transparency to the American people that our intelligence community is not going rogue and turning on its own people for ANY reason.

IT is now a proven fact that the FBI obtained a series of warrants on an American citizen without revealing key evidence and while with holding facts from the FISA court, which is criminal and an attempt to evade the FISA court's oversight of the intelligence collection process.

What are your feelings/concerns about this?
  • It says to me that Trump and the GOP care more about holding onto political control than they care about the country. They will do long-term damage to the FBI for short-term gain.
  • The GOP are expecting the Mueller investigation to unearth some very nasty things so they feel they must launch a preemptive attack to discredit and kill the messenger. Innocent people would welcome the chance to be publicly exonerated. Mr. Trump said, “As I have stated many times, a thorough investigation will confirm what we already know — there was no collusion between my campaign and any foreign entity". I think this memo is the work of a terrified man.
Global Energy Capital LLC is a private equity firm specializing in investments in the energy sector. The firm prefers to invest in the oil and gas sector, as well as the oil-field service and alternative energy sectors. It primarily invests in emerging markets with a focus on Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Global Energy Capital LLC is based in New York, New York.

Global Energy Capital LLC: Private Company Information - Bloomberg
If only Trump could get those sanctions lifted.

He has, in effect. The deadline for imposing the new sanctions came and went with Trump doing nothing.

The head of the Russian KGB, who is under sanction and not allowed into the USA because of his role in election interference, was just in Washington meeting with the CIA.

Trump claims the threat of sanctions will keep the Russians in line.
I am curious as to how many here take it seriously.

I know I do.

The FISA Warrant courts are supposed to be the ONE AND ONLY ASSURANCE that our intelligence community is not abusing its power to investigate foreign spies by instead investigating innocent Americans for political or personal reasons.

They are only to issue these warrants on an American citizen IF there is 1) Probable cause that the American is working for a foreign government, and 2) it is criminal or treasonous in nature.

The application for the warrant is for transparency to the American people that our intelligence community is not going rogue and turning on its own people for ANY reason.

IT is now a proven fact that the FBI obtained a series of warrants on an American citizen without revealing key evidence and while with holding facts from the FISA court, which is criminal and an attempt to evade the FISA court's oversight of the intelligence collection process.

What are your feelings/concerns about this?
Just right wing forms of chicanery.
Global Energy Capital LLC is a private equity firm specializing in investments in the energy sector. The firm prefers to invest in the oil and gas sector, as well as the oil-field service and alternative energy sectors. It primarily invests in emerging markets with a focus on Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Global Energy Capital LLC is based in New York, New York.

Global Energy Capital LLC: Private Company Information - Bloomberg
If only Trump could get those sanctions lifted.

He has, in effect. The deadline for imposing the new sanctions came and went with Trump doing nothing.

The head of the Russian KGB, who is under sanction and not allowed into the USA because of his role in election interference, was just in Washington meeting with the CIA.

Trump claims the threat of sanctions will keep the Russians in line.

I suspect he wants them to interfere in the elections of 2018 as well. Doing nothing is doing something!
Even Trump as a civilian should of not been doing business with the Russian oligarchs with the sanctions in place. Have the Trumps or are they doing business with the Magnitsky act people who are sanctioned??
Seems the Nunez memo is just being shrugged off
By the time the Democratic memo is released (if that ever happens) it will be old news

Meanwhile, the Mueller investigation continues
#2: Your argument includes Australia, though you are not clued up enough to know about the Reynolds line connection to Australia, which is also a Reynolds line connection to the Clinton mafia, the latter being CIA, not FBI.
Even Trump as a civilian should of not been doing business with the Russian oligarchs with the sanctions in place. Have the Trumps or are they doing business with the Magnitsky act people who are sanctioned??

Yes on both counts.

Trump personally signed the order letting the head of the KGB into the US to meet with the CIA. This is a clear signal to Putin that the sanctions no longer apply.
It's not a joke, Jim.......not a joke in the slightest. Our founding fathers spoke of the Jesuits and the Illuminati that they started. 6,000 books have been written about them. Many of those books have been suppressed and are very hard to find. Ever heard the old saying "All roads lead to Rome"? It's true and in ways you couldn't even fathom.
I know you take that stuff seriously, Dale, but it is funny when you look at it knowing that the Illuminati were eliminated centuries ago and what we have today are people trying to wear that dead skin to frighten targeted audiences.

"I know you take that stuff seriously, Dale, but it is funny when you look at it knowing that the Illuminati were eliminated centuries ago"

No, just like the Jesuit suppression of 1773 that led to the creation of the Bavarian Illuminati and it was revealed? Its simply went underground. The Jesuit, Illuminati, and Communist manifestos mirror each other where the ends justifies the means. Corrupting and compromising those in power is used by all three groups that are essentially one and the same. The Jesuits created the Bavarian Illuminati and they created communism. Their signs and symbols are right in front of your face if you know what to look for. Look at the back of the dollar bill. There is plenty of verifiable evidence that goes back to the days of George Washington that said that the Illuminati had infiltrated free-masonry. The Jesuits foment wars and revolutions and sow seeds of discontent. They were behind the assassination of Lincoln and Kennedy. The number of "Knights of Malta" like James Angleton and John McCone are numerous.

CIA Officer E. Howard Hunt says, the Jesuits form the greatest intelligence agency in the world
I am curious as to how many here take it seriously.

I know I do.

The FISA Warrant courts are supposed to be the ONE AND ONLY ASSURANCE that our intelligence community is not abusing its power to investigate foreign spies by instead investigating innocent Americans for political or personal reasons.

They are only to issue these warrants on an American citizen IF there is 1) Probable cause that the American is working for a foreign government, and 2) it is criminal or treasonous in nature.

The application for the warrant is for transparency to the American people that our intelligence community is not going rogue and turning on its own people for ANY reason.

IT is now a proven fact that the FBI obtained a series of warrants on an American citizen without revealing key evidence and while with holding facts from the FISA court, which is criminal and an attempt to evade the FISA court's oversight of the intelligence collection process.

What are your feelings/concerns about this?

you'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at it
I am curious as to how many here take it seriously.

I know I do.

The FISA Warrant courts are supposed to be the ONE AND ONLY ASSURANCE that our intelligence community is not abusing its power to investigate foreign spies by instead investigating innocent Americans for political or personal reasons.

They are only to issue these warrants on an American citizen IF there is 1) Probable cause that the American is working for a foreign government, and 2) it is criminal or treasonous in nature.

The application for the warrant is for transparency to the American people that our intelligence community is not going rogue and turning on its own people for ANY reason.

IT is now a proven fact that the FBI obtained a series of warrants on an American citizen without revealing key evidence and while with holding facts from the FISA court, which is criminal and an attempt to evade the FISA court's oversight of the intelligence collection process.

What are your feelings/concerns about this?
I voted what memo. Not because I'm clueless but because I AM SICK OF THIS SHIT.
"I know you take that stuff seriously, Dale, but it is funny when you look at it knowing that the Illuminati were eliminated centuries ago"

No, just like the Jesuit suppression of 1773 that led to the creation of the Bavarian Illuminati and it was revealed? Its simply went underground. The Jesuit, Illuminati, and Communist manifestos mirror each other where the ends justifies the means.

Yes, she was part of the vast Communist Illuminati Lizard Person conspiracy. I knew it all along.


Oh, no, she was just a frustrated lesbian with too much religion, but don't let that stop your crazy.

Their signs and symbols are right in front of your face if you know what to look for. Look at the back of the dollar bill.


Sweet Evil Jesus, Dale, are you really this crazy or do you just play a nut on the internet?

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