What the hell is going on in Utah?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
There's some kind of fuckery going on in Utah. Long lines, digital system crashes, No internet connections, volunteers not showing up, valid voter IDs not loading, and a poll watcher for the Trump Campaign not being authorized to speak to the media. Most every other state has submitted their results, but Utah is still counting.

Was Utah selected as the testing ground for the 2024 election steal?

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues​

"At several locations, lack of internet slowed down and even stopped the process, leaving attendees stuck in long lines, according to a Utah Republican source familiar with the issues who wasn’t authorized to speak to media. Caucus-goers also had problems with the party’s online system, further fouling up the voting process. At Copper Hills High School, those problems reportedly caused hundreds of potential attendees to give up and go home...

...Axson said the party was still parsing through the totality of technical difficulties that led to voting delays. Part of the problem was that some precincts were “overwhelmed” with the number of people who came out to vote, he said. There were also a number of volunteers who didn’t show up, Axson added, and a lack of help and information in those precincts caused the situation to get “out of control.”

A volunteer at the GOP caucus at Riverton High School said the website didn’t seem to be working properly.

”So when people come up, either their voter ID doesn’t seem to load even though they’ve been voting for a long time,” he said, “or when we try and look them up by their name and address, that’s not coming up either.”

He explained that the website screen should pre-populate with voter information, but that wasn’t happening..."

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues
There's some kind of fuckery going on in Utah. Long lines, digital system crashes, No internet connections, volunteers not showing up, valid voter IDs not loading, and a poll watcher for the Trump Campaign not being authorized to speak to the media. Most every other state has submitted their results, but Utah is still counting.

Was Utah selected as the testing ground for the 2024 election steal?

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues​

"At several locations, lack of internet slowed down and even stopped the process, leaving attendees stuck in long lines, according to a Utah Republican source familiar with the issues who wasn’t authorized to speak to media. Caucus-goers also had problems with the party’s online system, further fouling up the voting process. At Copper Hills High School, those problems reportedly caused hundreds of potential attendees to give up and go home...

...Axson said the party was still parsing through the totality of technical difficulties that led to voting delays. Part of the problem was that some precincts were “overwhelmed” with the number of people who came out to vote, he said. There were also a number of volunteers who didn’t show up, Axson added, and a lack of help and information in those precincts caused the situation to get “out of control.”

A volunteer at the GOP caucus at Riverton High School said the website didn’t seem to be working properly.

”So when people come up, either their voter ID doesn’t seem to load even though they’ve been voting for a long time,” he said, “or when we try and look them up by their name and address, that’s not coming up either.”

He explained that the website screen should pre-populate with voter information, but that wasn’t happening..."

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues

Pray for America
Gosh, how did we ever survive before the internutz. This idiotic near total dependency on digital technology is a sign of insanity and infantilism.
Possibly .
But inevitable I suspect .
And impossible to reverse .
Another example of why some people I know who are active in network security don't keep any significant amounts of money in banks; they withdraw almost all their funds and keep it in cash. Went to a Panda Express yesterday and their electronic systems were down and they were only accepting cash; 3 out of every 4 people walking up to the door read the post on the door and turned around and left. They didn't even have a lousy $8-$12 on them to eat lunch with.

Cash is still king; those with it will be able to trade, those with only plastic will starve, which is most people.
Gosh, how did we ever survive before the internutz. This idiotic near total dependency on digital technology is a sign of insanity and infantilism.

Agreed. But being the devil's advocate here, can you imagine going to a library and trying to find the information you can find online with just a couple keystrokes?
Agreed. But being the devil's advocate here, can you imagine going to a library and trying to find the information you can find online with just a couple keystrokes?

So let libraries do the same jobs as archive.org does; it's kind of their job anyway. No need to rely on server farms in Russia or red china when a local one serves just as well. That way when the rip off private monopolies fail you still have your own local one.

For elections paper ballots work just as well.
There's some kind of fuckery going on in Utah. Long lines, digital system crashes, No internet connections, volunteers not showing up, valid voter IDs not loading, and a poll watcher for the Trump Campaign not being authorized to speak to the media. Most every other state has submitted their results, but Utah is still counting.

Was Utah selected as the testing ground for the 2024 election steal?

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues​

"At several locations, lack of internet slowed down and even stopped the process, leaving attendees stuck in long lines, according to a Utah Republican source familiar with the issues who wasn’t authorized to speak to media. Caucus-goers also had problems with the party’s online system, further fouling up the voting process. At Copper Hills High School, those problems reportedly caused hundreds of potential attendees to give up and go home...

...Axson said the party was still parsing through the totality of technical difficulties that led to voting delays. Part of the problem was that some precincts were “overwhelmed” with the number of people who came out to vote, he said. There were also a number of volunteers who didn’t show up, Axson added, and a lack of help and information in those precincts caused the situation to get “out of control.”

A volunteer at the GOP caucus at Riverton High School said the website didn’t seem to be working properly.

”So when people come up, either their voter ID doesn’t seem to load even though they’ve been voting for a long time,” he said, “or when we try and look them up by their name and address, that’s not coming up either.”

He explained that the website screen should pre-populate with voter information, but that wasn’t happening..."

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues
So let libraries do the same jobs as archive.org does; it's kind of their job anyway. No need to rely on server farms in Russia or red china when a local one serves just as well. That way when the rip off private monopolies fail you still have your own local one.

For elections paper ballots work just as well.
Rather naive.
Every library will be inflitrated and full of embedded spies whose job is to alter the truth .

Same effectively as Wiki has been doing since inception. .
Ask Miles Mathis what he thinks of your idea . He knows exactly how the supposed independent information sources work .
Not an honest one . All at the mercy of the Intel Agencies.
There's some kind of fuckery going on in Utah. Long lines, digital system crashes, No internet connections, volunteers not showing up, valid voter IDs not loading, and a poll watcher for the Trump Campaign not being authorized to speak to the media. Most every other state has submitted their results, but Utah is still counting.

Was Utah selected as the testing ground for the 2024 election steal?

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues​

"At several locations, lack of internet slowed down and even stopped the process, leaving attendees stuck in long lines, according to a Utah Republican source familiar with the issues who wasn’t authorized to speak to media. Caucus-goers also had problems with the party’s online system, further fouling up the voting process. At Copper Hills High School, those problems reportedly caused hundreds of potential attendees to give up and go home...

...Axson said the party was still parsing through the totality of technical difficulties that led to voting delays. Part of the problem was that some precincts were “overwhelmed” with the number of people who came out to vote, he said. There were also a number of volunteers who didn’t show up, Axson added, and a lack of help and information in those precincts caused the situation to get “out of control.”

A volunteer at the GOP caucus at Riverton High School said the website didn’t seem to be working properly.

”So when people come up, either their voter ID doesn’t seem to load even though they’ve been voting for a long time,” he said, “or when we try and look them up by their name and address, that’s not coming up either.”

He explained that the website screen should pre-populate with voter information, but that wasn’t happening..."

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues
The 2020 Presidental election was not stolen in states like Utah. It was stolen in the Democrat controlled big cities in swing states. Nothing more than the Democrats fraudulently creating enough ballots in high density areas to put Biden ahead in the state. Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The same thing was done in 2022 to make sure the Democrats won the Senate and kept the Red Wave from happening.

It will be done again in 2024. Big time. Absolutely no doubt. Maybe you are right and they are trying to up their game and were practicing in Utah. They don't have the control in Utah that would in other states and they can pull off the scam there they can pull it off anywhere.

We not longer have a Democracy. We live in a Banana Republic where the Leftest Party control the ballots and the government institutions.
The 2020 Presidental election was not stolen in states like Utah. It was stolen in the Democrat controlled big cities in swing states. Nothing more than the Democrats fraudulently creating enough ballots in high density areas to put Biden ahead in the state. Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The same thing was done in 2022 to make sure the Democrats won the Senate and kept the Red Wave from happening.

It will be done again in 2024. Big time. Absolutely no doubt. Maybe you are right and they are trying to up their game and were practicing in Utah. They don't have the control in Utah that would in other states and they can pull off the scam there they can pull it off anywhere.

We not longer have a Democracy. We live in a Banana Republic where the Leftest Party control the ballots and the government institutions.

Utah would be the state where anyone least suspects foul play.

Maybe it's my distrust of Democrats, I don't know. But judging from the way they're tried to disqualify Trump from the race, I would be suspicious of any anomalies that take place during the elections.
A veritable fifth column of CCP sleeper-cell saboteurs and foot soldiers, if you ask me. That's what the "Big Guy's" 10% paid for.

View attachment 913036
That could very well be happening.

However, this Potatohead clown is so damn stupid and so much of a screw up that in his demented mind nothing is wrong with allowing millions of potential Democrat voters flood into the country.

He is too damn stupid to understand they might be coming in for other reasons like to commit crimes, bring in drugs, get on welfare and even what you suggested.
Utah would be the state where anyone least suspects foul play.

Maybe it's my distrust of Democrats, I don't know. But judging from the way they're tried to disqualify Trump from the race, I would be suspicious of any anomalies that take place during the elections.
It is quite possible they are using Utah as a test bed.

The sad thing about this is that the Leftists are blatantly stealing our country and nobody seems to really care.

Just look how the Republicans did nothing in 2020 to stop the blatant thievery and they even helped to certify the election. They should have insisted on a Congressional audit like was done in 1876 but they were too chickenshit to even do that. The Supreme Court said they didn't want to get involved lest the goddamn Negroes riot again like they did during the 2020 Insurrection. The Republicans that won their seats didn't do anything because they were home safe.

Our country is screwed.
Utah would be the state where anyone least suspects foul play.

Maybe it's my distrust of Democrats, I don't know. But judging from the way they're tried to disqualify Trump from the race, I would be suspicious of any anomalies that take place during the elections.
The normal individual would think that....But Utah is brimming with stealth RINOs and prop players for Swamptown.

Orrin Hatch, John Huntsman, Mittens, Spencer Cox, the list goes on and on.
There's some kind of fuckery going on in Utah. Long lines, digital system crashes, No internet connections, volunteers not showing up, valid voter IDs not loading, and a poll watcher for the Trump Campaign not being authorized to speak to the media. Most every other state has submitted their results, but Utah is still counting.

Was Utah selected as the testing ground for the 2024 election steal?

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues​

"At several locations, lack of internet slowed down and even stopped the process, leaving attendees stuck in long lines, according to a Utah Republican source familiar with the issues who wasn’t authorized to speak to media. Caucus-goers also had problems with the party’s online system, further fouling up the voting process. At Copper Hills High School, those problems reportedly caused hundreds of potential attendees to give up and go home...

...Axson said the party was still parsing through the totality of technical difficulties that led to voting delays. Part of the problem was that some precincts were “overwhelmed” with the number of people who came out to vote, he said. There were also a number of volunteers who didn’t show up, Axson added, and a lack of help and information in those precincts caused the situation to get “out of control.”

A volunteer at the GOP caucus at Riverton High School said the website didn’t seem to be working properly.

”So when people come up, either their voter ID doesn’t seem to load even though they’ve been voting for a long time,” he said, “or when we try and look them up by their name and address, that’s not coming up either.”

He explained that the website screen should pre-populate with voter information, but that wasn’t happening..."

Super Tuesday: Utah Republicans favor Trump in chaotic presidential caucus overshadowed by voting system issues
It's a dry run for the republican excuses for losing.

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