What The Hell Is With The Ninja Masks?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Standing in the middle of Grand Central Station in the TV news clip I just watched are three NYPD cops dressed in full combat regalia, including helmet, armor, bloused combat boots, sap gloves, grenades, M-16 submachine gun and -- goddamit -- Ninja masks! All black!

Masks! What the hell is with the masks?

This is by no means the first time we've seen this. In fact it has just popped into full realization that the sight has become so familiar to us we've grown accustomed to it and barely notice it -- in spite of the fact that it is a damned intimidating sight.

While there is a good reason for action-ready cops to be standing by in this time of potential terrorist activity, why are their faces obscured? Why can't I we their faces? Why are the faces of the S.W.A.T. cops who execute no-knock 3AM break-in raids of suspected pot dealers obscured? Why can't we see their faces? If there is some need to protect against some chemical dispersion, why can't those masks be pulled down until needed?

Again, it's good to see these cops in vulnerable places -- but why the masks? Are these the Secret Police?

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