What well known person does everyone say you look like?

I don't know who people say I look like..but this is me last year:

You look good enough to abduct!
I was thinking of a long walk on the beach followed by some skinny-dipping.
This is an actual picture of me. Who do you guys think I look like?

I was his stand in some years ago, but those days are over.

aaah... Jake... yum yum :)
Jake Snarkey is full of crap as usual.
And you have always looked like Gilligan.
At least I don't look like you....like Mrs. Howel.

Well, I have to take care of some things before I go to work, so I'll be back to see which zombie I resemble the most! :2up: TTYL!
I sat next to Sally Field in one of my Paris trip in 2000 or 01. She is pretty, funny, and down to earth nice. Kind of short no more than 5'1.
I've been told I look like Marie Osmond.

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