What will you be voting for in November?

What is your position on four main issues for 2010? (Multiple choice)

  • I believe we can spend ourselves out of the current economic situation.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I want Congress to spend only on absolutely necessary things.

    Votes: 17 73.9%
  • I favor higher taxes, especially on the rich, for deficit reduction.

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Unnecessary taxes hinder job creation and hurt everybody.

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • I will give up some freedoms and options for the common good.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I am unwilling to trust government with much of my freedom or opportunities.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • Deficit spending is necessary and is not a problem in these difficult economic times.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Deficit spending is digging us into a hole we may never fully recover from.

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • You didn't address my primary concerns and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 6 26.1%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Basically our vote in November will determine the direction the country will take for the next two years.

And for those things that affect all of us, it comes down to the following four issues:

***Government spending.

***Tax policy and the effect of that on jobs.

***Individual liberties, options, choices, and opportunities.

***Deficit spending and the short range and long range effect of that.

In my opinion, all citizens should now be focusing on these four issues, and whatever side they come down on re those four issues should determine who they vote for.

What say you? And who do you think is more likely to represent your views on those four issues?
Basically our vote in November will determine the direction the country will take for the next two years.

And for those things that affect all of us, it comes down to the following four issues:

***Government spending.

***Tax policy and the effect of that on jobs.

***Individual liberties, options, choices, and opportunities.

***Deficit spending and the short range and long range effect of that.

In my opinion, all citizens should now be focusing on these four issues, and whatever side they come down on re those four issues should determine who they vote for.

What say you? And who do you think is more likely to represent your views on those four issues?

I will vote for the President if he chooses to run again in 2012. You didn't mention foreign policy which is the issue dearest to my heart.

I will vote for Jerry Brown for governor.
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I will be voting for the candidate who is does not cater to corporations and lobbyists, and who has done a lot of education. Patty Murray has done a lot of education in our state, which probably helped Washington State to have the highest average SAT scores in the nation for the last seven years.
I'll be voting to end the Far left Agenda of this current president and congress.

Don't know much about the President, do you?
If you think he is far left, you probably should start reading up on what he has done.
Someone is far left does not pass a health care bill that will provide health insurance through private companies, they don't cater to big corporations, and they don't continue a War or increase troop numbers.
I'm voting for Increased Domestic Oil and Gas Drilling here in Louisiana and for high gas prices at the pump to boost royalties from distribution profits. It will help the business tremendously since the moritorium was put in..
I'll be voting to end the Far left Agenda of this current president and congress.

Don't know much about the President, do you?
If you think he is far left, you probably should start reading up on what he has done.
Someone is far left does not pass a health care bill that will provide health insurance through private companies, they don't cater to big corporations, and they don't continue a War or increase troop numbers.

Do you seriously think because you, a clear support of his, tells me he is not far left. I am just going to say ok you are right?

His actions, and more to the point. The Bills this FAR LEFT congress have been passing. Are indeed Far left Ideas.

You can keep claiming they are not, but I am not convinced in the least.

The Left knows they must do things slowly as they would be torn apart if they tried for everything they want all at once. The Direction Obama and the Dems want to take us is very clear, and very clearly a product of the far left.

Despite your attempts to claim it is not.
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What will you be voting for in November?

Lets see, some courthouse clowns, some statehouse clowns, and a rep in the inside the beltway circus.
I will be voting for the candidate who is does not cater to corporations and lobbyists, and who has done a lot of education. Patty Murray has done a lot of education in our state, which probably helped Washington State to have the highest average SAT scores in the nation for the last seven years.

While a single Senator, unless he or she is in a position to introduce significant legislation re that, can do little to affect education in any way, it is interesting that you put lobbyists and corporations as a high priority. So would the following affect your support for Murray?

Murray's Lobbying Criticism Comes Back to Bite
By Erin McPike - August 30, 2010

Democrats found some success in the last two campaign cycles by pointing fingers at Republicans for their connections to lobbyists and are whipping out that rhetoric again in key races. Now that Democrats have the ultimate control in Washington, D.C., however, Republicans are working to dismantle that message piece by piece, and the latest example is in Washington State.

Sen. Patty Murray, the fourth-ranking Democrat in Senate leadership, recently aired a TV ad attacking Republican opponent Dino Rossi for taking campaign donations from corporate lobbyists at a Beltway fundraiser earlier this summer. The closing message in the spot is this: "Dino puts his lobbyist contributors ahead of our jobs, and that won't get us back to work."

It may not be a direct comparison, but Murray has her own connection to lobbyists: About a dozen former high-level staffers to Murray now serve in high-profile lobbying jobs. More than a quarter of Murray's campaign kitty this cycle has come from PACs.

Bruce Boram, a Washington State GOP consultant who has advised Washington Republican Rep. Dave Reichert, called Murray's tactic "staggering."

"She's been a senator since 1992," Boram said. "Anybody can tell you that she's plugged in with lobbyists. She's taken lots of PAC money over the years, so trying to turn that around on Rossi is the ultimate pot calling the kettle black."
RealClearPolitics - Murray's Lobbying Criticism Comes Back to Bite

Top contributors to Murray campaigns:
ActBlue $133,324
Microsoft Corp $131,375
Boeing Co $89,800
Weyerhaeuser Co $39,449
Amgen Inc $38,300
Patty Murray: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Senator 2010 | OpenSecrets

So maybe you would like to rethink opposing PACs, lobbyists, and corporate contributions as a criteria for voting for or against somebody. You're gonna have a tough row to hoe to find somebody who doesn't receive contributions from these in one way or another.

Her position on the issues in the poll don't concern you at all?
I'll be voting to end the Far left Agenda of this current president and congress.

Don't know much about the President, do you?
If you think he is far left, you probably should start reading up on what he has done.
Someone is far left does not pass a health care bill that will provide health insurance through private companies, they don't cater to big corporations, and they don't continue a War or increase troop numbers.

A conservative does not force people to buy something they don't want. A conservative does not force people to buy something they don't want AND force them to also pay for millions of folks who can't afford what they are forced to have.

For that reason, healthcare falls into the freedom and options issue on the poll up there. And most Americans do not believe the President was either conservative or responsible with that healthcare bill and, with most of those who actually understand what it does, it is deeply unpopular.
I'll be voting to end the Far left Agenda of this current president and congress.

Don't know much about the President, do you?
If you think he is far left, you probably should start reading up on what he has done.
Someone is far left does not pass a health care bill that will provide health insurance through private companies, they don't cater to big corporations, and they don't continue a War or increase troop numbers.

Do you seriously think because you, a clear support of his, tells me he is not far left. I am just going to say ok you are right?

His actions, and more to the point. The Bills this FAR LEFT congress have been passing. Are indeed Far left Ideas.

You can keep claiming they are not, but I am not convinced in the least.

The Left knows they must do things slowly as they would be torn apart if they tried for everything they want all at once. The Direction Obama and the Dems want to take us is very clear, and very clearly a product of the far left.

Despite your attempts to claim it is not.

I am not far left, which why I like Obama.
If you think Obama is far left, you know nothing about the political spectrum. If you think Obama is a socialist, you know nothing about socialism. The reason Obama's approval rating went down after Obama care, well one of the biggest reasons, is because he lost the far left. They wanted to see him do more.
You do not know what you are talking about, in this case.
A far left President would not nominate a moderate judge. A far left judge would have passed socialized medicine, which Obama care is not. The only true form of socialized medicine in this country, is what the military recieves at the VA.
In socialized medicine, you do not go through a private insurance company, you do not see a private doctor, and you are not allowed to choose the company you go through. It would also cover everyone.
Not sure yet. My choice will be between what you see is what you get Democrats or Republicans who won't call themselves Republicans in their ads and invoke independent/conservative/tea party monikers and rhetoric to garner votes when in fact they are just recycled neocon/social conservatives. Where the hell are the libertarian candidates when you need them?
Berg (congress) / Hoeven (Senate)

Okay that's WHO you'll be voting for. But why? What do these folks offer that their opponents do not?

Berg, because Pomeroy is a corrupt establishment type who votes with Palosi and Co. and Hoeven because his Democratic challenger doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning and because he was/is a fantastic Governor that has done nothing but good for ND with his policies of increased energy production, low taxes, & fiscal discipline.
Berg (congress) / Hoeven (Senate)

Okay that's WHO you'll be voting for. But why? What do these folks offer that their opponents do not?

Berg, because Pomeroy is a corrupt establishment type who votes with Palosi and Co. and Hoeven because his Democratic challenger doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning and because he was/is a fantastic Governor that has done nothing but good for ND with his policies of increased energy production, low taxes, & fiscal discipline.

Then Bravo. I think if we voted for fiscal responsibility up there, we HAVE to go with the candidate most likely to support those issues we deem important. And for most of us, our most important concern these days is implementing policy that will allow the economy to turn around and become healthy again.

It is obvious that Obama and most Democrats in Congress are on the wrong track to accomplish that. So I will support any candidate willing to get us back on what I believe is the right track.

Even some Democrats support getting us back on the right track, but unfortunately they have little or no power to be heard or respected and only with a voting majority can anybody hope to accomplish much of anything.

The Democrats have accomplished a lot since they've had the power and the White House. Unfortunately, almost all of it is deeply unpopular. :)
It's interesting that Numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 have not received a single vote up there, and yet there are those here supporting Obama and the Democrat Congressional majority.

So is that ignorance? Or conviction? Partisanship/ideological? Hard to say huh?

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