What would you do?


Gold Member
Nov 1, 2008
Federal Way WA
Here I sit, at the church, giving out lunches to the homeless. I keep thinking about how if I had the money, I'd do more. One man came in and the sun is just killing him, I wish we could hand out sunscreen. I'd love to have the money to put together a summer kit and a winter kit that we could hand out to the homeless. I'd love to be able to give out bus tickets.

I'd like to be able to give out more food when they've eaten our lunches and are still hungry.

If I won the lottery, I'd like to work the cash register at a grocery store for 5 minutes, and when it comes time to pay just say, "No, it's on me.".

What would you do, if you had the money? I mean to help others, not the buy a new car and pay your bills things, but what you would do after that.
i dont know i have gotten pretty jaded of late...there is a free food program here..and its the same old same old...really nice cars etc....

i cant go anywhere it seems without being pan handled....happened to me last at about 11:50 today....at wendy's...the kid left without his wallet blah blah blah i gave him a dollar....
There's no end to "generosity". No matter what you are giving away, there will always be somebody there to accept your gift. There will always be the poor around us. Being kind hearted and generous is a noble thing until people learn how to simply take advantage of you. I'm not saying don't be kind hearted or generous. What I am saying though is to be on guard against people who will take advantage of you or the situation.

To be more specific and to directly answer your question, I'd like to buy the world a Coke...
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I don't know what I'll do when I have the money. But I am trying to learn the discipline now to handle it with good judgment and generousity when I do
Here I sit, at the church, giving out lunches to the homeless. I keep thinking about how if I had the money, I'd do more. One man came in and the sun is just killing him, I wish we could hand out sunscreen. I'd love to have the money to put together a summer kit and a winter kit that we could hand out to the homeless. I'd love to be able to give out bus tickets.

I'd like to be able to give out more food when they've eaten our lunches and are still hungry.

If I won the lottery, I'd like to work the cash register at a grocery store for 5 minutes, and when it comes time to pay just say, "No, it's on me.".

What would you do, if you had the money? I mean to help others, not the buy a new car and pay your bills things, but what you would do after that.

I would offer scholarships.
If I had more money (think millionaire) honestly I think I would be constantly at angst. I'd feel guilty, worthless, and unfulfilled. What I think I would do is live comfortably (nothing more than what would be considered upper-middle class) and try to help those who genuinely need it. This would likely be older folks who do not have children willing or able to support them. It could also include people who have mental health issues or just about anyone.

I think I understand why so many people with money do drugs or aren't mentally stable. I think I would be screwed up in so many ways if I had a bunch of money.
I'd donate time instead of money by volunteering for an adult literacy program. The time commitment is more than I can handle right now - but it's on my to do list when I eventually retire.
I would build a huge estate, and have all the abused, negleted, unloved children come live with me.

Sadly, I don't think there is a house on earth big enough for all of them. :(

SO I guess I'd build one! :D
I would build a huge estate, and have all the abused, negleted, unloved children come live with me.

Sadly, I don't think there is a house on earth big enough for all of them. :(

SO I guess I'd build one! :D
Michael Jackson's house still for sale?
My son and I met a woman with two small children on a public street who asked for the final $10 to get a motel for the night. My son, as frugal a person as I have ever met, immediately gave her the money. I did not say a word as we proceeded, and he said, "Let the sin be on her rather than me if I misjudged."

Mormons understand this principle. It is made clear in Mosiah 4, where they are told never to judge the worth of those who seek charity.
I would buy my very best friend a big truck and a lot of guns and an island :D
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Here I sit, at the church, giving out lunches to the homeless. I keep thinking about how if I had the money, I'd do more. One man came in and the sun is just killing him, I wish we could hand out sunscreen. I'd love to have the money to put together a summer kit and a winter kit that we could hand out to the homeless. I'd love to be able to give out bus tickets.

I'd like to be able to give out more food when they've eaten our lunches and are still hungry.

If I won the lottery, I'd like to work the cash register at a grocery store for 5 minutes, and when it comes time to pay just say, "No, it's on me.".

What would you do, if you had the money? I mean to help others, not the buy a new car and pay your bills things, but what you would do after that.

What a compassionate woman you are, Againshelia. I've had this very fantasy for many years. After all the purchasing and investing for loved ones, I'd like to establish a philanthropic organization. There are people in my life I think have had unique experiences and whose ability to affect change is untapped.

We'd solicit requests, mainly from individuals. My own bias is in favor of the life-altering gift: sending a foster kid to college, or buying a small house for a single mother. But it is not so much about the people we'd help....its about the experience of giving, designed in the manner each of us sees as most needed, and the effect that I think such a thing would have on me and my beloveds.
On a serious note, I would buy indeed take care of everyone I care about. . I would buy USMB :lol:
Okay, now I'm gonna be greedy. If any of you win the lottery, $25,000 a year would pay for a full-time live in caregiver for my son Andrew. Please?
Okay, now I'm gonna be greedy. If any of you win the lottery, $25,000 a year would pay for a full-time live in caregiver for my son Andrew. Please?

I promise you Shelia, as Gunny and CW as my witness, that I would do that for you, someone I've never met, if I won the lottery.


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