What would you do with a billion dollars?

I would set up an organization that would vet anyone who asked for help.

For example, if one truly needed money for a crucial medical operation, I would pay for the operation.

I would pay the rent of any unhoused person who wanted to leave the streets.

I would pay people to maintain a huge ranch that would provide a home for thousands of stray and abandoned pets.

And I would pay the employees of my vetting organization and that pet ranch a very generous salary with all the benefits (medical insurance, etc.).
Buy this board and make all the mods LGBT members. I'd allow them to post gay and trans stuff all day long. ;)
Which only proves what many say about perversion

Wherever there is degeneration and apathy, there also is sexual perversion, cold depravity, miscarriage, premature old age, grumbling youth, there is a decline in the arts, indifference to science, and injustice in all its forms.
Anton Chekhov
Then why are churches always begging for it?
God says in the Bible that the affairs of the church and an offering to the pastor must be kept up financially.

However God also tells us to be content with what we have. God also tells us not to seek after riches.
Money destroys the heart of mankind and it harms relatives so they never be all they could have been. Rich people's money gets their relatives hooked on drugs, porn, alcohol, and especially gambling. They will live a rotten life and never seek after God and His righteousness. There is a whole lot of bad associated with have a ton of money.

When you have a lot of money you have to become a mummy. Any and everything you do and say will get you sued.
Buy this board and make all the mods LGBT members. I'd allow them to post gay and trans stuff all day long. ;)
so you would make all the mods suck dick, get fucked in the ass and eat pussy,,

my arent you a forceful one,,,

we already know how you want to teach children how to have gay sex,,

Stormlover said:
The benefits of teaching our kids to be bisexual. Think about it! Lets say your best friend is a man which is typically true and they typically turn out to be the most reliable people you know and the person you can trust. Why not marry him? Same can be said if you're female, your female bestie. The second benefit of teaching our next generation to be bisexual is the simple fact that a lot of people don't have partners and the cold truth is being bisexual opens the door to a lot less loniness.

The advantages are huge! A relationship shouldn't only be about having kids but stability in your life, trust and companionship. We as a society choose the opposite sex blindly and most of the time this person isn't worth the shit as a friend and person you can trust unlike a lot of your same sex friends. That is just the truth. This causes divorce and nastiness as the opposite sex generally has been taught to dislike the other sex and that trends to destroy relationships.

I don't disagree with the goals of the teachers teaching this because it opens doors towards stronger relationships with people that are far better for you then being forced to deal with some unknown of the opposite sex. Why shouldn't it be taught? Gay marriage is legal and there's nothing wrong with it. Be gay, Be bi and be happy!
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We have plenty of Billionaires in the US,
yet MOST don't do the wonderful things that many of you have suggested.

Your suggestions of........are great, why don't the CURRENT Billionaires do the wonderful things suggested below.

and then go around the world being a secret santa,,

I would keep maybe 5 million and give the rest away.

Give half to my church straight off.

I would set up an organization that would vet anyone who asked for help.

would pay people to maintain a huge ranch that would provide a home for thousands of stray and abandoned pets.

And I would pay the employees of my vetting organization and that pet ranch a very generous salary with all the benefits (medical insurance, etc.).

for the most part its all original,,
except for the red paint, bucket seats, carb, ignition and radiator,,

gonna redo all the suspension this yr,, springs gave out yrs ago,, still runs pretty good but should do a rebuild on both engine and trans at some point,,
I have a 67 mustang that I restored.
I have owned for almost 30 years now.
My church is in the process of being added on to and so some of my fortune would go in that direction. I've been donating to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital since 2008 and some of my fortune would go in that direction too.

God bless you and the kids who are there and my church always!!!

yi"The winner of last summer's $1.08-billion Powerball jackpot has been revealed — and another prize is up for grabs Saturday.

Yanira Alvarez purchased the winning ticket last July from Las Palmitas Mini Market in downtown Los Angeles, according to a California Lottery news release. The organization didn't release any details about Alvarez's residence or occupation."

I would give everyone some money if I won a billion dollars. what would you do?
I would buy my brothers nice houses and cars. I would build a compound for my wife and I and our kids with a large underground bunker with tunnels connecting all our houses. I would stock it with enough goods to survive a zombie apocalypse.

I would donate money to completely rebuild our church. It's in really bad shape.

And I would pay for our local schools' field trips so the children would not be forced to be candy salesmen.

Speaking of candy salesmen, I would buy every box of the Girl Scout Thin Mints in the county every year.

I would spend the rest flying to children's hospitals all over the country and paying for surgeries and treatments for kids who can't afford the care they need. I would also buy medical equipment that poor rural areas need.
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