What's 'homosexuality' mean to you?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
How we define homosexuality varies from place to place, and time to time. In the US there are many definitions for the same word. But they can differ quite a bit from 'any sexual act done with your own sex,' to more liberal defs where 'if you only ever have, and desire same-sex sex.'

But in other countries and cultures what 'gay' means is different. As in Brazil where only the 'bottom' or one penetrated is the gay one, and the 'top' or penetrator may identify and be thought of as 'staright.' This is actually like ancient Rome.

Also, given most (have seen 80%) of the US consumers of transsexual porn identify as straight, since they're looking at biological men usually with regular men, are these really 'straight' consumers?

So what's being gay mean to you? How is 'gay' getting defined? No wrong or right answers here, no gotchas or condemnations. Think a comparison of how we define things would be interesting.

I don't actually believe in gay/straight/bi. I think we all just have sex and it's usually another person speaking of us who says what we are. Or asks us to define ourselves for various reasons like on a dating website.

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