What's the Difference between Right wing protests and Leftwing Protests?

Originally Posted by PubliusInfinitum
The reasoning sets aside the fluidity wherein by the time those individuals DIE OFF... you will have managed to GAIN PERSPECTIVE assuming nature didn't cash you in before you gather sufficient PERSPECTIVE... which is to say the EXPERIENCE to KNOW BETTER.


YOUR perspective's irrelevant if it isn't shared by a majority of voters...and as forceful as you try to impose your extreme right wing authoritarianism dogma, the American people don't buy it. They aren't hiding under their beds anymore like you are ma'am.

It is MORE than age, ma'am. It is generational. The current younger generation that voted heavily Democrat has a different set of values than your dogma ma'am. But, at least you didn't mis-quote Winston Churchill.

But let's use your ASSumption that people's perspective will eventually align with your dogma ma'am...

YOU fail to factor in human nature ma'am. Conservatives intrinsically resist change, so, in four years many moderate conservatives will be comfortable with President Barack Obama ... and if you right wing pea brains offer up an empty vessel fundie ideologue like Sarah Palin, it will make Reagan/Mondale look like a draw...
With the exception of New York and California the USA is a nation of right-wing religious zealots. In a recent poll more than 60% of Americans said they believed in creationism...60%. Good god but this is a shocking statistic that should alarm "thinking" people.
With the exception of New York and California the USA is a nation of right-wing religious zealots.

Italians are all Mafioso.

Arabs are all terrorists.

The rich are all heartless scumbags.

Europeans are all socialists.

Canadians are all lumberjacks.
Nope sorry first agents of government seen in New Orleans Post Katrina were US Coast Guard search and rescue choppers..

The difference is pretty obvious to anyone with an IQ above three. Which apparently leaves out most of the lefties here. We don't tear shit up and make a general pain in the ass of ourselves. It doesn't require all the cops in the world to keep right wingers from behaving like 2 years olds in the middle of a tantrum.

One of those dudes in the top picture looks enough like me to really creep me out.

Please don't lower OUR taxes President Obama... give it to the elite and the corporations that sponsored this... so they can invest it in jobs for workers overseas...


A $15 break in on ehand while jacking the commodity end up $45. is hardly a break. You're either really simple or really dishonest.
Originally Posted by PubliusInfinitum
The reasoning sets aside the fluidity wherein by the time those individuals DIE OFF... you will have managed to GAIN PERSPECTIVE assuming nature didn't cash you in before you gather sufficient PERSPECTIVE... which is to say the EXPERIENCE to KNOW BETTER.


YOUR perspective's irrelevant if it isn't shared by a majority of voters...and as forceful as you try to impose your extreme right wing authoritarianism dogma, the American people don't buy it. They aren't hiding under their beds anymore like you are ma'am.

It is MORE than age, ma'am. It is generational. The current younger generation that voted heavily Democrat has a different set of values than your dogma ma'am. But, at least you didn't mis-quote Winston Churchill.

But let's use your ASSumption that people's perspective will eventually align with your dogma ma'am...

YOU fail to factor in human nature ma'am. Conservatives intrinsically resist change, so, in four years many moderate conservatives will be comfortable with President Barack Obama ... and if you right wing pea brains offer up an empty vessel fundie ideologue like Sarah Palin, it will make Reagan/Mondale look like a draw...

Do you realize how many times this argument has been rolled out? Too many to count. MTV tries this every year.... "get out the vote," and it never works. As vehemently as the young people proclaim they're going to vote and change the world, it never happens. They wind up partying the night before and completely blow off election day because they have a hang over. The kegger party the night before was more important.

Older people take elections a lot more seriously, and they ALWAYS show up to vote. That's why young people chanting they're going to change the world NEVER IMPRESSES ANYONE... we all know it's a bunch of BS.
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That is hilarious, couldn't have put it better myself!!! I would say 99% if not 100% of the people in the right wing photo received a higher tax refund because of Obama's stimulus!!! Why don't they send it back in??
I don't feel like reading the thread, so I apologize to anyone that has already stated the ridiculously obvious answer to the question.

The question asks for generalizations so I offer (understanding that there will be exceptions):

Leftwing protests are typically about retaining or gaining individual rights and liberty

Rightwing protests are typically about retaining money or the right to collectively infringe on individual rights and liberty.
Originally Posted by PubliusInfinitum
The reasoning sets aside the fluidity wherein by the time those individuals DIE OFF... you will have managed to GAIN PERSPECTIVE assuming nature didn't cash you in before you gather sufficient PERSPECTIVE... which is to say the EXPERIENCE to KNOW BETTER.


YOUR perspective's irrelevant if it isn't shared by a majority of voters...

ROFLMNAO... yet another ad populum farce... and it is this very reason why Democraqcies fail and it is THAT reason why the Founders of the US REJECTED DEMOCRACY...

there is ABSOLUTELY NO CORRELATION BETWEEN THE VALIDITY OF A POSITION AND THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO ADHERE TO IT; and there is only ONE issue which determines RELEVANCE, where the context is RIGHT AND WRONG and that is VALIDITY; meaning the position rests upon a valid logical construct and within sound reasoning...

This imbecile believes that what is important is what THE MAJORITY WANTS... which is patently absurd. What is important is that the representtives adhere to the US CONSTITUTION and that they use virtuous prudence in their judgment, and implement policy which reflects such.

There is no discernable sign of virtue or prudence in the full scope of the ideologcal left and the Hussein administration is no exception.
Here's another right-wing rally:


ROFL... The KLAN? Right wing?

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD that's precious... Let's see, the Klan was founded by Bedford Nathan Forest, a Democrat; who founded the Klan FOR Democrats...

At BEST the klan is fascists, meaning their leftists who lean on a Nationalist BENT...

There's nothing Rightwing about Fascism and there's nothing rightwing about the Klan.
I don't feel like reading the thread, so I apologize to anyone that has already stated the ridiculously obvious answer to the question.

The question asks for generalizations so I offer (understanding that there will be exceptions):

Leftwing protests are typically about retaining or gaining individual rights and liberty

Rightwing protests are typically about retaining money or the right to collectively infringe on individual rights and liberty.

ROFLMNAO... Oh Mani... that hysterical.

Leftism is the idea that the false rights of the COLLECTIVE override the true and valid rights of the individual.

Left-think strikes AGAINST INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS; not for them. There is not a SINGLE position of the ideological left which even SPEAKS TO a valid and true individual right.

Of course, you're invited to cite one and where you run to point to the right to smoke crack, dope and shoot heroin; or a right to bust your bestest good buddy in the ass, these are NOT rights because the exercise of these rights infringe upon the rights of others... thus the sustaining responsibility to NOT infringe upon the means of others to exercise their rights is violated... thus they're not rights.

But don't let me slow ya down... tell us of these leftwing protest for greater INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS
How do gay people infringe on your rights?

Do you suggest they should be arrested for having sex?

BTW that protest was in Austraila and the ohter one pictured is from who knows where and why they were protesting.

Both show not one iota of violence on the part of the protestors.
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