Zone1 What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

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Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

Please give at least one paragraph as to WHY you chose as u did

Here's mine:

JWs don't believe in Hell. Well, what did Jesus die to save us from, then? Or what else would He have gone through such torture for? Please explain. The Mormons believe spirits are flying around everywhere in the universe, waiting for people to copulate (in marriage... don't know about fornication??) so as to bring those spirits into a body.. So yeh.. I don't know where they get this (although I can speculate).

The Episcopalians (founded by Henry VIII, mass murderer) are now allowing actively homosexual men to be ministers. Yikes! Whatever happened to homosexuality being a serious (mortal) sin? Or Whatever happened to Go and sin no more?
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Fundamentalist Later Day Saints. The polygamist cult. Every aspect of their religion is geared toward enslaving women and girls.
Independent Missionary Baptist is the group I grew up in all other sects seem to shun us and some along with a lot non Christian groups consider us the enemy. So it might be us. '' The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ all other paths lead to hell''
What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

Please give at least one paragraph as to WHY you chose as u did

Here's mine:

JWs don't believe in Hell. Well, what did Jesus die to save us from, then? Or what else would He have gone through such torture for? Please explain. The Mormons believe spirits are flying around everywhere in the universe, waiting for people to copulate (in marriage... don't know about fornication??) so as to bring those spirits into a body.. So yeh.. I don't know where they get this (although I can speculate).

The Episcopalians (founded by Henry VIII, mass murderer) are now allowing actively homosexual men to be ministers. Yikes! Whatever happened to homosexuality being a serious (mortal) sin? Or Whatever happened to Go and sin no more?
I'm not a Christian but it seems to me all the Christian sects are equally sane (or equally nutty if you prefer). They all focus on different interpretations of scripture which, to my non-Christian mind, and are all equally valid.
What about the Klan? ... you don't think they're totally nuts? ...

Why just Christians ... Zen Bhuddist are a danger to themselves and others ... them folks is mad crazy loony toons bozo ...
Mormonism, hands down.

Golden Plates
Hebrews in Pre-Columbian America
Baptizing dead people
Magic Underwear
Plural Marriage (until God told them to stop)
Keeping black people as second class members (until God told them to stop)
Their prophets marrying teenage girls.
Plural Marriage (until God told them to stop)

Man told them to stop ... God allows a man to have more than one wife ... if he dares ... all the stories in the Bible end in heartache and folly, but God never disallowed the practice ...
What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

Please give at least one paragraph as to WHY you chose as u did

Here's mine:

JWs don't believe in Hell. Well, what did Jesus die to save us from, then? Or what else would He have gone through such torture for? Please explain. The Mormons believe spirits are flying around everywhere in the universe, waiting for people to copulate (in marriage... don't know about fornication??) so as to bring those spirits into a body.. So yeh.. I don't know where they get this (although I can speculate).

The Episcopalians (founded by Henry VIII, mass murderer) are now allowing actively homosexual men to be ministers. Yikes! Whatever happened to homosexuality being a serious (mortal) sin? Or Whatever happened to Go and sin no more?
There is only "ONE" New Testament Church. (Eph. 4:5-6) All others deal in False Doctrines. Satan has no better weapon than deception and a lying tongue.....when the faith is divided, the more division the more power is given to the god of this world which is satan (2 Cor. 4:4) There scriptures teach there would be many false doctrines instructed by the traditions of men rather than instruction from the Holy Spirit of Truth which inspired the scriptures. (2 Tim. 4:3-4) You can witness this in all the false denominations today as they teach only the things that people want to hear........ignoring that which they think might offend the world.

There are "thousands" of denominations......each teaching a different doctrine, yet all claim to be following the Doctrine of Christ Jesus. Are all churches correct? All attempt to use a different name in order to distinguish themselves. If they all cannot be it possible to find that ONE TRUE CHRUCH?

The Bible tells us that God is not satisfied with conflicting doctrines as God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33)

The Christ prayed that all those who would believe in Him be of one mind, one accord. (John 17:17-23). If the Lord prayed for must be possible. Unity can only be achived if there is a Standard to calibrate TRUTH. Unity is required if the "world is to believe........" Unity is possible if the Word of God is used to calibrate all doctrine.

"All scripture is (inspired).......breathed out by God, and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equiped for every good work." -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17

To find the ONE TRUE CHURCH. We must put all things to the test by use of the Word of God (Isa. 8:19-20, 1 Thess. 5:21).....the ONE TRUE CHURCH is not constucted upon BLIND FAITH as "faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." -- Romans 10:17

Jesus Christ must be accepted as the only "authority" in religion. (Matt. 28:18, Luke 6:46, John 14:15, 15:14, Acts 2:36, Col. 3:17, Heb. 5:8-9). Many of the false demoninations deny the deity of Jesus........and teach an Anti-Christ Doctrine. (1 John 2:18)

How do you know the ONE TRUE CHURCH? It will bear His Name as King of that kingdom/church.....Jesus is the head of that body called His kingdom/church. If that head is severed from that cannot live. (Eph. 1:22-23, 1 Cor. 12:20)

Chirst is defined as the King; the church is HIS kingdom (Matthew 16:18-19, Col. 1:13, 1 Tim. 6:15). Christ is defined as the bridegroom with the church His bride (2 Cor. 11:1-2, Rev. 19:7, 22:17).

Christ is defined as the Sheperd; with the church His Flock (John 10:11, 1 Peter 5:4). Christ is the owner of the Kingdom, the church is His possession; the purchase price was HIS BLOOD. (Acts 20:28)

Christ is the builder; the church is His building. (Matt.16:18, 1 Cor. 3:9, Eph. 2:19-22)

All spiritual blessings come from Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:3) No one can be IN CHRIST without being in His kingdom/church. The Lord adds to His kingdom/church all who obey the gospel. (Acts 2:38, 41,47)

We are BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST (the kingdom/church) -- Gal. 3:26-27. We are baptized into HIS BODY the church -- 1 Cor. 12:13

Christ is the savior........the church is saved (Acts 2:47, Eph. 5:23). All men are "reconciled" to God by Jesus Christ in the church (Eph. 2:14-16, 1:22-23)

Scriptural example: Philip preached Christ in Samaria (Acts 8:5) In order to preach Christ, one must preach of His church/kingdom in order to be added to that kingdom. The ONE TRUE CHURCH is part of God's plan to provide salvation to all mankind as He would have all men be saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4)

In order to find that truth one must show themselves approved unto God........rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Tim. 2:15)

God's plan? We are told in the Holy Scriptures that God had established a plan for man's salvation through Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world.......even before time itself began (1 Peter 1:20, 2 Tim. 1:9). This plan remained a mystery from mankind until God was ready for the seed of Abraham (Jesus) to introduce that Plan through the Apostles as inspired by the Holy Spirit. This plan was hidden even from the prophets of the O.T. until God was ready to implement it (Eph. 3:5,6, 1 Peter 1:10-12) The plan was revealed through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 3:5, 1 Peter 1:12)

Today the MYSTERY has been revealed (Col. 1:26)....the truth has been revealed by Jesus Christ.......and those who hear His voice hear that truth (come to the knowledge of the that was the very mission of deliver truth to mankind). Everyone that is OF THAT TRUTH HEARETH THE VOICE OF CHRIST (John 5:24, 18:37)
What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

Please give at least one paragraph as to WHY you chose as u did

Here's mine:

JWs don't believe in Hell. Well, what did Jesus die to save us from, then? Or what else would He have gone through such torture for? Please explain. The Mormons believe spirits are flying around everywhere in the universe, waiting for people to copulate (in marriage... don't know about fornication??) so as to bring those spirits into a body.. So yeh.. I don't know where they get this (although I can speculate).

The Episcopalians (founded by Henry VIII, mass murderer) are now allowing actively homosexual men to be ministers. Yikes! Whatever happened to homosexuality being a serious (mortal) sin? Or Whatever happened to Go and sin no more?


Their leader, Joseph Smith, looking into a hat at a magic rock and saw revelations that somehow, some way, God didn't get around to letting us know until Joseph Smith. Then Joseph got to creep on a bunch of teenage girls for a long time before attempting to "translate" the Book of Abraham, which he said was, yeah. lost writings of Abraham. This was in the mid-1800s when there was no internet and Egyptian scholars were light on the ground in mid-America. Well, when the hieroglyphics were finally translated accurately, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Abraham. It was a typical Egyptian funeral document.

Mormons will tell you that this is okay; you have to interpret the book "spiritually" or some such. Uh huh. In other Biblical contexts it would mean Joe Smith is entirely discredited.

This is not to mention the fact that they believe Satan and Jesus are spirit-brothers (really), and that every good Mormon will go on to inhabit their own planet (really) populated with their wives and children. Oh, and that God is also married. Basically just the fevered dreams of Joseph Smith, failed prophet.

Mormons are generally good-hearted people who have been terribly snowballed. I will now be attacked by Mormons for being hateful. But I am not hateful. I do, however, tell the truth in all I say above.

Their leader, Joseph Smith, looking into a hat at a magic rock and saw revelations that somehow, some way, God didn't get around to letting us know until Joseph Smith. Then Joseph got to creep on a bunch of teenage girls for a long time before attempting to "translate" the Book of Abraham, which he said was, yeah. lost writings of Abraham. This was in the mid-1800s when there was no internet and Egyptian scholars were light on the ground in mid-America. Well, when the hieroglyphics were finally translated accurately, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Abraham. It was a typical Egyptian funeral document.

Holy Cow, Sue actually said something sensible!

Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day .
oneness pentecostalism. Apparently Jesus is the father sometimes and holy spirit other times. and the son.
If we seem nutty to you
just remember one thing
The mighty oak was once a nut like me

It is so easy to find reasons for disbelief, that when there is something right in front of us in which to believe, our conditioning has us dismissing belief.

Some can't believe in Catholicism because of this belief;
Cannot believe in the LDS faith because of that belief;
And let's not get started on the Baptists, Buddhists and Baha'i

No doubt, along the way, every religion has gotten things wrong. I don't believe this matters to God. As long as we hold belief in Him, He is the light that finds us wherever we are and grows us nuts upwards towards Him for He has destined us to become mighty oaks.
If we seem nutty to you
just remember one thing
The mighty oak was once a nut like me

It is so easy to find reasons for disbelief, that when there is something right in front of us in which to believe, our conditioning has us dismissing belief.

Some can't believe in Catholicism because of this belief;
Cannot believe in the LDS faith because of that belief;
And let's not get started on the Baptists, Buddhists and Baha'i

No doubt, along the way, every religion has gotten things wrong. I don't believe this matters to God. As long as we hold belief in Him, He is the light that finds us wherever we are and grows us nuts upwards towards Him for He has destined us to become mighty oaks.

Or maybe, just maybe, there isn't a God, and religion just reflects our fear of death.
Or maybe, just maybe, there isn't a God, and religion just reflects our fear of death.
Maybe..........fear is an emotion, and actions based upon emotion are neither logical or reasonable. Most fears exist due to a lack of knowledge, one fears what they do not know. Fear can get out of hand when we don't know exactly what we fear because we don't know what action to take against it. You stated the perfect example.....DEATH, its both illogical and unreasonable to fear death, as death is as natural as birth, all things physical are created with an expiration date, "Best if used by.........".

"The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are as bold as a lion." -- Prov. 28:1. Thus, fear does not promote religious faith as religious faith promotes strength and character, it gives a reason to stand your ground when all your emotions are telling you to run like a stripped ass monkey. There is only one method to eliminate fear from your life, examine your fears and you will find that about 99% of that which we fear are simply elements of a fearful mind. The human mind creates many things through imagination.....but one thing that the mind can't create is the simplisity of morality, as morality does not exist in nature, thus the question becomes, what force is transcendent of nature?
For you, are words 'holy' and 'huckster' synonymous?

Pretty much.

Maybe..........fear is an emotion, and actions based upon emotion are neither logical or reasonable. Most fears exist due to a lack of knowledge, one fears what they do not know. Fear can get out of hand when we don't know exactly what we fear because we don't know what action to take against it. You stated the perfect example.....DEATH, its both illogical and unreasonable to fear death, as death is as natural as birth, all things physical are created with an expiration date, "Best if used by.........".

Actually, it's very much sensible to fear death, it's a matter of self-preservation. It's pretty much primal from our animal ancestors. The only problem is humans are aware of their own mortality. An animal knows to avoid death, but it isn't aware of death's inevitability.

"The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are as bold as a lion." -- Prov. 28:1. Thus, fear does not promote religious faith as religious faith promotes strength and character, it gives a reason to stand your ground when all your emotions are telling you to run like a stripped ass monkey. There is only one method to eliminate fear from your life, examine your fears and you will find that about 99% of that which we fear are simply elements of a fearful mind. The human mind creates many things through imagination.....but one thing that the mind can't create is the simplisity of morality, as morality does not exist in nature, thus the question becomes, what force is transcendent of nature?

If the afterlife was so awesome, and you were all so certain it was a thing, you'd all be committing mass suicide like the Branch Davidians or People's Temple. That's the extreme end of religious crazy, where they have these poor fools so suckered they'll kill themselves because a Holy Huckster told them to.

Morality sans religion is just the cost of living in a civil society. Since humans are social creatures, we always have the balance between doing what we want and doing what is accepted by society. The problem with religion is that they will make up often arbitrary rules to impose on people whether they want them or not.

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