When candidate Obama (2007) promised to End the War as soon as he became President


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
what Year was that suppose to be?

The Iraq war never ended, after the withdrawal we had at least 4000 troops in Iraq with elite Forces doing offense raids almost daily and that's not including the massive Merc buildup he allowed; he greatly increased troop deployment way more vs. Bush in Afghanistan, which is still going on today...so what Wars did he end again and when is this promised suppose to happen?

Obama learned the same thing Nixon did when Nixon promised to end the Vietnam War in 1968. It took Nixon another six years to get it done.
Obama learned the same thing Nixon did when Nixon promised to end the Vietnam War in 1968. It took Nixon another six years to get it done.

Nixon also resigned.

When will Obama ape that?
There was indisputable evidence Nixon obstructed justice.

Where is yours that Obama has done the same?
You'll find out Monday when you go to work, find all your belongings on the curb and Pedro is doing your job. At minimum wage.
Obama learned the same thing Nixon did when Nixon promised to end the Vietnam War in 1968. It took Nixon another six years to get it done.

Nixon also resigned.

When will Obama ape that?
There was indisputable evidence Nixon obstructed justice.

Where is yours that Obama has done the same?
You'll find out Monday when you go to work, find all your belongings on the curb and Pedro is doing your job. At minimum wage.
Did that happen to you? You sound bitter. Maybe you should have finished high school so you didn't end up as a burger flipper or janitor.
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Obama learned the same thing Nixon did when Nixon promised to end the Vietnam War in 1968. It took Nixon another six years to get it done.

Nixon also resigned.

When will Obama ape that?
There was indisputable evidence Nixon obstructed justice.

Where is yours that Obama has done the same?
You'll find out Monday when you go to work, find all your belongings on the curb and Pedro is doing your job. At minimum wage.
Did that happen to you? You sound bitter. Maybe you should have finished high school so you didn't end up as a burger flipper or janitor.
You shoulda been a shrink. You're so smart.
You shoulda been a shrink. You're so smart.
Someone was just complaining the other day on this forum that the mainstream media said "not a word" about the low 4.4 percent unemployment we had in 2006. He was lying out of his ass about the media's silence, but that is not the point.

We had 4.4 percent unemployment with the same number, if not more, of Mexican immigrants we have today.

Can you guess what happened between 2006 and today that caused a massive spike in unemployment?

It was in all the papers.

Hint: It had nothing to do with Mexicans.
Here's the thing about 2008 candidate Obama. He kept writing checks the American people were not going to be able to cash. All sorts of government spending plans, this guy had.

But what really got to me was how he kept saying he was going to pay for some of this stuff from the "savings" of ending the wars.

Suppose you earned $4000 a month, but spent $5000 a month. You are going into debt at the rate of $1000 a month. Let's say that $500 of that extra spending is on hookers and blow. Then you tell your dubious banker you are going to quit the hookers and blow, and use the "savings" to buy groceries.

You see the problem?

That's Obama, and he should have been shredded for this bogus math, and a myriad of other legitimate problems there were about him. Instead, the opposition decided to manufacture a lot of bullshit about him.
The opposition pointed out his voodoo mathematical analysis as did the congressional budget office, however the press and his minions were successful in detracting attention away from his legerdemain. Americans returned to the polls and reelected this pretender.
He also made promises about how you could keep your doctor. But nobody on the left seems at all concerned about that.

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