When he ran for president 15 years ago, Trump sang a different tune when it came to minorities & homosexuals

reading this is an interesting experience. it's like a whole different person. the only topic Trump has ever been consistent on is trade and that other countries are "laughing at us"

So explain in detail, what specifically he said then, that is different than what he has said now? Because I just read your link, and it doesn't seem he has switch positions on anything.
reading this is an interesting experience. it's like a whole different person. the only topic Trump has ever been consistent on is trade and that other countries are "laughing at us"

His tune never changed, only thing that changed was that some people started watching CNN.

" I grew up in New York City, a town with different races, religions, and peoples. It breeds tolerance. In all truth, I don’t care whether or not a person is gay. I judge people based on their capability, honesty, and merit. Being in the entertainment business — that is, owning casinos and … several large beauty pageants — I’ve worked with many gay people. I have met some tough, talented, capable, terrific people. Their lifestyle is of no interest to me."

What a monster!! Who in their mind would judge people on their character instead of based on their skin color and genitals. Certainly Biden would never fall for this.
The Reform Party of the United States of America, generally known as the Reform Party USA or the Reform Party, is a political party in the United States, founded in 1995 by Ross Perot. Wikipedia
Trump did not run for President 15 years ago that would have been 2005 he ran trying to get the reform party nomination in 2000 then ran in 2016 and now in 2020.
reading this is an interesting experience. it's like a whole different person. the only topic Trump has ever been consistent on is trade and that other countries are "laughing at us"

That is amazing. Never knew he ran before, much less his stated views on gays and Mexicans and advocated to provide universal cradle-to-grave health care for everyone by taxing corporations. He was wrong about the tax reform act of 1986 didn't have much to do with Bill Bradely, that was mostly Dan Rostankowski and sign by Ronald Reagan, who than made tax reform the centerpiece of his second term.
Thanks for posting that. I would have never seen it, as Advocate.com is not site I had heard of, or seen.
reading this is an interesting experience. it's like a whole different person. the only topic Trump has ever been consistent on is trade and that other countries are "laughing at us"

15 years ago I was skinnier, more active, had less painful joints and was a democrat. So what's yer point?

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