When its ok to quit a job without having another one lined up


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
I wanted to share this story with everyone.

On Sept 25th I walked off my job. I'd had enough. They showed favoritism like nothing I'd ever seen before. They hired a lady 6 weeks before I started, and only a month before they hired me. (I started 2 weeks later). The rules were:

1. A week vacation only AFTER having worked there a year
2. An hour for lunch
3. No real sick leave, if you leave you aren't paid.

Well, 6 weeks after I started this lady took a 2 week vacation. Keep in mind she'd been working there about 4 months at that point. I had to cover for her, as her and I shared the entire burden of the company. I wasn't paid extra for my efforts, nothing. When she had personal business to attend to, she would just leave. She was salaried so she got full pay. When I had to leave I was hourly (even though our ending wages were within a few dollars of each other) so I had to clock out. I didn't get paid.

I had to be at work on time because I opened the company each morning. I COULD NOT be late. Well, she didn't get in until a half hour later and so when she arrived didn't matter, nobody kept her on a time clock. So she got there when she wanted, 815, 820 sometimes 830. She was supposed to be there at 8am.

She would constantly play on Facebook, so much that she lost her office and was moved into an office right next to the owner of the company. (One time I had 9 orders on my desk, she had zero. I heard her start laughing and I asked her what she was laughing at and she said her friend posted something funny on Facebook. I about went ballistic.)

Later on she told everyone she was going to physical therapy and then to the doctor and so she wouldn't be back that afternoon. (She left at lunch) I just so happened to drive by her 2nd job at 5pm because it was near my house and I noticed her car in parking lot. She was supposed to be back at her other job helping me but instead went to her 2nd job after her doctor appointment. What was her punishment? Being fired? Oh hell no, now she had to clock in. Not because she lost her salary but simply to keep track of her.

Fast forward some more. I was hit on my motorcycle and wound up in the ER two different times for injuries I sustained. I was not on the clock when hit so I lost all that pay, and I was forced to clock out when I'd leave to go to physical therapy for months after the accident. So I again lost all that pay. Well, one day she doesn't show up for work and low and behold she had a brain annurism. She won't be back to work for MONTHS. Now I'm covering for her totally. Doing her job and mine. Not getting a raise nothing. I find out that the owner of the company is PAYING HER FULL SALARY WHILE SHES GONE. Now keep in mind she was a terrible employee when she was there and yet he's doing this for her. But he wouldn't pay me a dime while I was in the hospital or out for physical therapy and I'm the one who kept that fucking business going all the times she was gone. My boss actually accessed the software that we used to input all of the orders for the company and it showed that I input 97% of the data. She input 3 percent. She got preferential treatment dispite being a horrible employee.

Then one day someone who had talked shit about me not knowing I was in the bathroom and could hear everything asked me for help during my lunch break. I laughed in his face. He ran to the owner of the company who then fussed at me for not helping him. I said he'd treated me like shit from day one, talked shit about me the whole fucking time and then asks for my help? I told the boss I refused to help him and would continue to do so and if he didn't like it fire me. Well he couldn't fire me because I was the only one left for that company. The next day I told him I was done. I ran into one of the drivers later on and he told me when I quit they had to hire 4 people to replace me.

I knew I had enough savings to hold me over until I found another job. I wound up buying a truck to pull my boat and going to truck driving school. I have since obtained my CDL. I was told I have a job waiting for me from a guy I knew from my old job who I worked with off site.

I think sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and in this instance, I did just that. Oh yea, I forgot to mention, the guy that I refused to help burned the warehouse down a couple of weeks after I quit. I'd talked to my boss many times about how unsafe he was when he worked. But they loved him and so they ignored me.
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I wanted to share this story with everyone.

On Sept 25th I walked off my job. I'd had enough. They showed favoritism like nothing I'd ever seen before. They hired a lady 6 weeks before I started, and only a month before they hired me. (I started 2 weeks later). The rules were:

1. A week vacation only AFTER having worked there a year
2. An hour for lunch
3. No real sick leave, if you leave you aren't paid.

Well, 6 weeks after I started this lady took a 2 week vacation. Keep in mind she'd been working there about 4 months at that point. I had to cover for her, as her and I shared the entire burden of the company. I wasn't paid extra for my efforts, nothing. When she had personal business to attend to, she would just leave. She was salaried so she got full pay. When I had to leave I was hourly (even though our ending wages were within a few dollars of each other) so I had to clock out. I didn't get paid.

I had to be at work on time because I opened the company each morning. I COULD NOT be late. Well, she didn't get in until a half hour later and so when she arrived didn't matter, nobody kept her on a time clock. So she got there when she wanted, 815, 820 sometimes 830. She was supposed to be there at 8am.

She would constantly play on Facebook, so much that she lost her office and was moved into an office right next to the owner of the company. (One time I had 9 orders on my desk, she had zero. I heard her start laughing and I asked her what she was laughing at and she said her friend posted something funny on Facebook. I about went ballistic.)

Later on she told everyone she was going to physical therapy and then to the doctor and so she wouldn't be back that afternoon. (She left at lunch) I just so happened to drive by her 2nd job at 5pm because it was near my house and I noticed her car in parking lot. She was supposed to be back at her other job helping me but instead went to her 2nd job after her doctor appointment. What was her punishment? Being fired? Oh hell no, now she had to clock in. Not because she lost her salary but simply to keep track of her.

Fast forward some more. I was hit on my motorcycle and wound up in the ER two different times for injuries I sustained. I was not on the clock when hit so I lost all that pay, and I was forced to clock out when I'd leave to go to physical therapy for months after the accident. So I again lost all that pay. Well, one day she doesn't show up for work and low and behold she had a brain annurism. She won't be back to work for MONTHS. Now I'm covering for her totally. Doing her job and mine. Not getting a raise nothing. I find out that the owner of the company is PAYING HER FULL SALARY WHILE SHES GONE. Now keep in mind she was a terrible employee when she was there and yet he's doing this for her. But he wouldn't pay me a dime while I was in the hospital or out for physical therapy and I'm the one who kept that fucking business going all the times she was gone. My boss actually accessed the software that we used to input all of the orders for the company and it showed that I input 97% of the data. She input 3 percent. She got preferential treatment dispite being a horrible employee.

Then one day someone who had talked shit about me not knowing I was in the bathroom and could hear everything asked me for help during my lunch break. I laughed in his face. He ran to the owner of the company who then fussed at me for not helping him. I said he'd treated me like shit from day one, talked shit about me the whole fucking time and then asks for my help? I told the boss I refused to help him and would continue to do so and if he didn't like it fire me. Well he couldn't fire me because I was the only one left for that company. The next day I told him I was done. I ran into one of the drivers later on and he told me when I quit they had to hire 4 people to replace me.

I knew I had enough savings to hold me over until I found another job. I wound up buying a truck to pull my boat and going to truck driving school. I have since obtained my CDL. I was told I have a job waiting for me from a guy I knew from my old job who I worked with off site.

I think sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and in this instance, I did just that. Oh yea, I forgot to mention, the guy that I refused to help burned the ware house down a couple of weeks after I quit. I'd talked to my boss many times about how unsafe he was when he worked. But they loved him and so they ignored me.
I THINK she was sucking dick. Happens you know, company paid whore for the boss.
You'd think so but she was big fat ugly and old. I doubt that's what it was. I think its because he felt sorry for her. I mean she was 60 years old, didn't even own a house, she rented a house and had just bought a car she could barely afford. Her kids were doing better than she was.
Good luck to you. Small companies often show favoritism I've seen it. If you are good at what you do, you'll find something better.
Good luck to you. Small companies often show favoritism I've seen it. If you are good at what you do, you'll find something better.

Thank you and you're right. My boss had a guy working for him for 30 years, he literally told me that man could do no wrong. Well, one time my coworker and another lady who worked for a sister company were chatting about working weekends. Well, I was told when I started I was not going to have to work them unless things got really bad. Well, those two ladies do, they were mentioning about how they work weekends and I just made the comment "I don't have to work weekends." Well one of the ladies I guess took that as I was refusing to work weekends even if asked and then went and told the guy who'd been there 30 years that my boss worshipped. That somehow got flipped around to "He's refusing to work a weekend" and I end up getting reprimanded for it!! I went to that dudes face and said you tell me what weekend did I refuse to work. His reply "Well, I don't remember" I said yea because it never happened. I was never asked!!

But since that guy could do no wrong. the boss believed him and not me. That was the beginning of the end for me. I knew I couldn't work in a place like that.
It's amazing to me how personality driven small companies are. It's hard enough to make it as a small business and then you add the 'he said she said' nonsense and blatant favoritism you wonder these companies survive.
I agree. I didn't even mention that when I started they promised to meet my pay from the last job I had and after having worked there almost 2 years weren't even close. That company was nothing but lip service. I knew they weren't going to ever pay me well when that guy who had been working there 30 years still lived in a double wide trailer. The lady who had been working there for 20 years still rented a single wide.

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