When the Government Tries To Fix a Problem, But Only Makes It Worse


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Itā€™s called ā€œThe Rat Effect.ā€

Seems good-hearted government agents donā€™t always think of the results of their actions. This story provides some amusing, if not also depressing, examples.

It starts telling about the French modernizing Hanoi by installing sewers.

Unfortunately for Dourmer, the dark and cool sewers eventually attracted pests. With difficult access and a labyrinth of tunnels most predators wouldnā€™t venture into, the subterranean maze quickly became a rat highway. The rodent population soon exploded.

Got so bad they started by paying 1 cent per tail so people would kill the rats.

Problem was, people would cut off the tails and release the rats back into the sewers to breed more.

Also tells of Maoā€™s order to kill sparrows and Moocelle Obamaā€™s healthy lunch initiative.

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