When will an AI achieve the same intelligence as a human being?

When will an AI achieve the same intelligence as a human being?

  • 2030

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 2035

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2040

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 2050

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2060

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 2070

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 2080

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never. It will not happen

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters
I voted never. Now let me qualify that. In terms of the capacity of AI to out-perform the human mind in terms of processing information, I think it's already there. Look at all the technological things that were impossible before computers. Look at the things we are able to accomplish with the aid of computers today. Examining the results of large hadron colliders would be impossible without the amazing power of computers. BUT....

There is something that no computer AI will ever be able to achieve and that involves mankind's spiritual connection. (Cue the anti-God nuts) Humans have the capacity to connect with spiritual nature which is the catalyst for our inspiration and our inspiration drives our achievement. Computers are not spiritually-connected and they never can be.... unless spiritual nature acts to convey that into them somehow. And it's entirely in that regard that AI will never match humanity.
Hi Boss,
The thread ( and the poll ) is in the economic forum hence the interest is in when exactly computers will be able to do what 80% of humans can do. I voted 2040.
Arguably computers might never be able to do what a genius can do ( though some computer scientists think those extra 50 IQ points are a cakewalk ), but for practical purposes the question is when will an AI be able to do 80% of human tasks.
A computer can never be "self aware" which I believe is the definition of A.I. that people are looking for.

An abstract AI layer might be aware of the situation of the rest of the layers providing input. For practical purposes the computer will be self aware, just as some robots can straighten themselves when toppled. Those robots are aware of their own position .
A computer can never be "self aware" which I believe is the definition of A.I. that people are looking for.

An abstract AI layer might be aware of the situation of the rest of the layers providing input. For practical purposes the computer will be self aware, just as some robots can straighten themselves when toppled. Those robots are aware of their own position .
That's not A.I. A.I. is passing the Turing test, convincing a human that the computer is a human. But even if a computer passes the Turing test, it is only imitating human intelligence, it is not actually intelligent like a human.
A computer can never be "self aware" which I believe is the definition of A.I. that people are looking for.

An abstract AI layer might be aware of the situation of the rest of the layers providing input. For practical purposes the computer will be self aware, just as some robots can straighten themselves when toppled. Those robots are aware of their own position .
That's not A.I. A.I. is passing the Turing test, convincing a human that the computer is a human. But even if a computer passes the Turing test, it is only imitating human intelligence, it is not actually intelligent like a human.

I am just pointing out that computers can be self-aware to limited degree right now.
Self awareness has degrees. All animals have some degree of self awareness and even among humans the degree of self awareness varies.
The Turing test is only slightly related to self awareness.
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I voted never. Now let me qualify that. In terms of the capacity of AI to out-perform the human mind in terms of processing information, I think it's already there. Look at all the technological things that were impossible before computers. Look at the things we are able to accomplish with the aid of computers today. Examining the results of large hadron colliders would be impossible without the amazing power of computers. BUT....

There is something that no computer AI will ever be able to achieve and that involves mankind's spiritual connection. (Cue the anti-God nuts) Humans have the capacity to connect with spiritual nature which is the catalyst for our inspiration and our inspiration drives our achievement. Computers are not spiritually-connected and they never can be.... unless spiritual nature acts to convey that into them somehow. And it's entirely in that regard that AI will never match humanity.
Hi Boss,
The thread ( and the poll ) is in the economic forum hence the interest is in when exactly computers will be able to do what 80% of humans can do. I voted 2040.
Arguably computers might never be able to do what a genius can do ( though some computer scientists think those extra 50 IQ points are a cakewalk ), but for practical purposes the question is when will an AI be able to do 80% of human tasks.

Again, computers are already capable of being much smarter than the average person. We rely on computers every day to process information on a scale humans can't even fathom. To do so more efficiently and faster than any human is capable of and without human error. With all due respect for the forum integrity, I just think the missing element in computers is human spiritual connection... the thing that makes us humanity. Computers will never achieve that because it is endowed by Spiritual Nature. It doesn't take a genius or intelligence to have love, empathy, compassion, morals and ethics. When it comes to that kind of thing, the dumbest person in the world beats the most sophisticated computer.
I voted never. Now let me qualify that. In terms of the capacity of AI to out-perform the human mind in terms of processing information, I think it's already there. Look at all the technological things that were impossible before computers. Look at the things we are able to accomplish with the aid of computers today. Examining the results of large hadron colliders would be impossible without the amazing power of computers. BUT....

There is something that no computer AI will ever be able to achieve and that involves mankind's spiritual connection. (Cue the anti-God nuts) Humans have the capacity to connect with spiritual nature which is the catalyst for our inspiration and our inspiration drives our achievement. Computers are not spiritually-connected and they never can be.... unless spiritual nature acts to convey that into them somehow. And it's entirely in that regard that AI will never match humanity.
Hi Boss,
The thread ( and the poll ) is in the economic forum hence the interest is in when exactly computers will be able to do what 80% of humans can do. I voted 2040.
Arguably computers might never be able to do what a genius can do ( though some computer scientists think those extra 50 IQ points are a cakewalk ), but for practical purposes the question is when will an AI be able to do 80% of human tasks.

Again, computers are already capable of being much smarter than the average person. We rely on computers every day to process information on a scale humans can't even fathom. To do so more efficiently and faster than any human is capable of and without human error. With all due respect for the forum integrity, I just think the missing element in computers is human spiritual connection... the thing that makes us humanity. Computers will never achieve that because it is endowed by Spiritual Nature. It doesn't take a genius or intelligence to have love, empathy, compassion, morals and ethics. When it comes to that kind of thing, the dumbest person in the world beats the most sophisticated computer.

Computers are just begining to be skillfull enough to drive, so I wouldn't say they have already surpassed human beings.
They are just starting to do correctly menial tasks like identifying an object or walking. Running on two legs is something no robot can do right now.
Those are some examples of how computers have not catched up with humans .... yet.
Computers are just begining to be skillfull enough to drive, so I wouldn't say they have already surpassed human beings.
They are just starting to do correctly menial tasks like identifying an object or walking. Running on two legs is something no robot can do right now.
Those are some examples of how computers have not catched up with humans .... yet.

None of those things are constraints of the computer itself. It's engineering technology and compatibility with the computer but the computer is fully capable of the task. What's ironic is that the computers can actually assist in the engineering tasks. Computers will ultimately figure out how to make robots run on two legs. But computers will never be inspired to do this on their own or have the inspiration to apply the engineering practically... that takes a human mind... inspired by something greater than self.
. But computers will never be inspired to do this on their own or have the inspiration to apply the engineering practically... that takes a human mind... inspired by something greater than self.

gibberish! A computer can easily be programmed to think in terms of reduced costs, greater efficiency, most healthful, most funny, most caring, etc etc.
. But computers will never be inspired to do this on their own or have the inspiration to apply the engineering practically... that takes a human mind... inspired by something greater than self.

gibberish! A computer can easily be programmed to think in terms of reduced costs, greater efficiency, most healthful, most funny, most caring, etc etc.

That's NOT what I said.
A computer can easily be programmed

Therein lies the rub.... A computer requires a human to program it. The HUMAN has the inspiration. The HUMAN decides what it wants the computer to do. The computer never decides that it needs to program itself to do this or that.... unless a HUMAN decides to program the computer to decide things. It's a dichotomy.
. But computers will never be inspired to do this on their own or have the inspiration to apply the engineering practically... that takes a human mind... inspired by something greater than self.

gibberish! A computer can easily be programmed to think in terms of reduced costs, greater efficiency, most healthful, most funny, most caring, etc etc.

That's NOT what I said.

sure it is you were pretending to yourself that inspiration is something special that a computer cant copy
What is the difference between being intelligent and replicating intelligence? There may be an ineffable nuance to 'human' 'intelligence', but computer intelligence may equal human capacity, especially (as inferred in a previous post) the capacity often displayed in the world.
I don't know if I can explain it to someone who isn't a computer scientist, but everything they show on TV and the movies about computers is misleading.

Computers don't "think" all they do is process code.

Computers don't "see" all they do is interpret data gathered by video devices and interpret it using code.

Computers don't "hear" all they do is interpret data gathered by audio devices and interpret it using code.

Computers don't "communicate" all they do is use code to translate concepts in a computer-based language to a language that humans can understand.

But even programming languages mean nothing to a computer. These must be broken down into bits which have either a "1" or "0" value, because binary is the only language a computer truly understands.

So to the computer, all the world looks like is a series of "1's" and "0's" running through its processor. It is not aware of anything higher than that, and no computer ever will be.

What makes you think human minds are, fundamentally, any different?
. But computers will never be inspired to do this on their own or have the inspiration to apply the engineering practically... that takes a human mind... inspired by something greater than self.

gibberish! A computer can easily be programmed to think in terms of reduced costs, greater efficiency, most healthful, most funny, most caring, etc etc.

That's NOT what I said.

sure it is you were pretending to yourself that inspiration is something special that a computer cant copy

Again, you are talking about what a human can make a computer do. The computer can never inspire itself to do something it is not programmed to do.
. But computers will never be inspired to do this on their own or have the inspiration to apply the engineering practically... that takes a human mind... inspired by something greater than self.

gibberish! A computer can easily be programmed to think in terms of reduced costs, greater efficiency, most healthful, most funny, most caring, etc etc.

That's NOT what I said.

sure it is you were pretending to yourself that inspiration is something special that a computer cant copy

Again, you are talking about what a human can make a computer do. The computer can never inspire itself to do something it is not programmed to do.
and a human cant inspire itself to do something it isn't programmed to do!!
.. unless a HUMAN decides to program the computer to decide things. It's a dichotomy.

actually your parents and culture program you or inspire you to decide things. A programmer can program a computer the same way

No, actually they don't. They influence me... inspiration comes from within. It is guided by spirituality of the individual. A programmer can program a computer... you said it all right there.

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