When will the Right Understand that WHITE is a Race?

And whites who practice and deny racism are the zeroes in the white community.
You see what is not there... that is called
Schizophrenia which is a chronic mental disorder that affects a person's thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and social interactions:

You see what is not there... that is called
Schizophrenia which is a chronic mental disorder that affects a person's thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and social interactions:

I don’t think IM2 is mentally ill. I think he suffers from seeing what he expects to see or what is important to him. Like when you get a new car, you suddenly notice them everywhere when before you never noticed them. He also suffers from transference, he attributes his actions and attitudes to the people he meets rather than taking them at face value. He considers race to be the single most important thing in the world, so he projects that on others. He is a racist, so he expects everyone else to be racist.
I really don't understand the far left's obsession with race. They claims it's just a "social construct," but all they ever do is harp on it.
I have a Confederate flag on my wall. I am not a racist.


If you're not down with that, I have two words for ya. Suck It!


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