Will the answer to our problems be solved with redistribution of wealth? Is capitalism dead? Is socialism the way out of this mess? I mean I see all the problems that Britain and Canada have, and they are in as big of a mess. To finalize this...I don't think that being rich should be punished. I sure do wish that I end up my life rich as hell. it's kinda like tha American dream. That's why we whipped England's ass a couple hundred + years ago.
No, I think a good mix of capitalism and socialism is good. And if all you wish to do is end up rich, then that's not much of a life's work IMO. Don't get me wrong, I like money too, but I'm not going to ride rough shod over people to get there.
You whipped your Mother Country's arse because you wanted freedom from taxes and freedom of ideas and to live how you wanted to, not to get rich...