When will voters blame Obama?

Another Obama bashathon. Bloody hell, haven't you conservatives got something else to whine about? Hey Willow, aren't you disappointed your super rich friends aren't getting their Wall St bonuses this year? I mean, these guys who destroyed your economy are such great role models...

hey! what did that cheap azz obama give the PM of the UK as a gift??
Another Obama bashathon. Bloody hell, haven't you conservatives got something else to whine about? Hey Willow, aren't you disappointed your super rich friends aren't getting their Wall St bonuses this year? I mean, these guys who destroyed your economy are such great role models...

With all due respect...weren't you the guys that were whining, crying, and bellyaching the last eight years...sayin' "We wuz robbed"????
Now it's our turn...so take a hike. :lol::lol:
With all due respect...weren't you the guys that were whining, crying, and bellyaching the last eight years...sayin' "We wuz robbed"????
Now it's our turn...so take a hike. :lol::lol:

Not really, cause I'm not a Yank. However, I can certainly put up a good argument that the Chimp won his first election in a dodgy fashion. Not so, the second one. Hey, if you want to champion a moron, be my guest....:lol::lol::lol:
Champion a moron
A "moron" who beat the best they could put up, twice. Including the "intellectual candidate" who it turns out, had worse grades in college than the "Dumbya?"

Oh that's right, most folks don't know that because Lerch Kerry didn't release his transcripts until the July following the election, after he and his motley crew kept suggesting that Bush was stupid and Lerch was the "intellectual" during the campaign.
With all due respect...weren't you the guys that were whining, crying, and bellyaching the last eight years...sayin' "We wuz robbed"????
Now it's our turn...so take a hike. :lol::lol:

Not really, cause I'm not a Yank. However, I can certainly put up a good argument that the Chimp won his first election in a dodgy fashion. Not so, the second one. Hey, if you want to champion a moron, be my guest....:lol::lol::lol:

Will the answer to our problems be solved with redistribution of wealth? Is capitalism dead? Is socialism the way out of this mess? I mean I see all the problems that Britain and Canada have, and they are in as big of a mess. To finalize this...I don't think that being rich should be punished. I sure do wish that I end up my life rich as hell. it's kinda like tha American dream. That's why we whipped England's ass a couple hundred + years ago.
.... most damning of all, if Obama has deliberately delayed fixing the financial crisis so that he could exploit the pain and fear the recession has brought us it to push through agenda items that have nothing to do with an economic recovery on an emergency basis.

That won't happen. He's not that kind of person. However, there are members of the Dem congress who definitely are....
wow, are you ever naive
Champion a moron
A "moron" who beat the best they could put up, twice. Including the "intellectual candidate" who it turns out, had worse grades in college than the "Dumbya?"

Oh that's right, most folks don't know that because Lerch Kerry didn't release his transcripts until the July following the election, after he and his motley crew kept suggesting that Bush was stupid and Lerch was the "intellectual" during the campaign.

As far as I'm concerned he only beat them once, and Kerry was hardly the best they could put up. And Dumbya was definitely not the best the GoP had either...
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.... most damning of all, if Obama has deliberately delayed fixing the financial crisis so that he could exploit the pain and fear the recession has brought us it to push through agenda items that have nothing to do with an economic recovery on an emergency basis.

That won't happen. He's not that kind of person. However, there are members of the Dem congress who definitely are....
wow, are you ever naive

I think he listens to the BBC news station.
Will the answer to our problems be solved with redistribution of wealth? Is capitalism dead? Is socialism the way out of this mess? I mean I see all the problems that Britain and Canada have, and they are in as big of a mess. To finalize this...I don't think that being rich should be punished. I sure do wish that I end up my life rich as hell. it's kinda like tha American dream. That's why we whipped England's ass a couple hundred + years ago.

No, I think a good mix of capitalism and socialism is good. And if all you wish to do is end up rich, then that's not much of a life's work IMO. Don't get me wrong, I like money too, but I'm not going to ride rough shod over people to get there.

You whipped your Mother Country's arse because you wanted freedom from taxes and freedom of ideas and to live how you wanted to, not to get rich...
Since Congress controls spending and since the markets started to tank after the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007, I'd say he inherited most of the problems. However, he's spending money faster than anyone in history which certainly hasn't helped the economy. (And the fact that most of the members of Congress that caused this problem are still in office, we've got some tough times ahead.)
Wasn't Mr Obama part of that congress?
Doesn't that me he inherited a problem he helped to create?
.... most damning of all, if Obama has deliberately delayed fixing the financial crisis so that he could exploit the pain and fear the recession has brought us it to push through agenda items that have nothing to do with an economic recovery on an emergency basis.

That won't happen. He's not that kind of person. However, there are members of the Dem congress who definitely are....

I suspect neither you nor I can do more than guess about what kind of person he is, but his close friend and chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, has said they should not waste this crisis, meaning that they should use it to force through agenda items on an emergency basis, and his biggest booster among economists, Paul Krugman, wrote columns during the campaign advising Obama to force through big ticket items like health insurance reform and aid to education regardless of how high the deficits or debt become.

I'm reserving judgment until I see what he does after the stress tests are completed, but I can't help but wonder about his priorities. He's already committed us to nearly $800 billion for the stimulus plan, sold as a recovery plan despite his acknowledgment at his press conference that it would not contribute to a recovery, and he is now asking for nearly $700 billion more for a reserve fund, a down payment, for health insurance reform that has not passed. That's nearly $1.5 trillion and not one penny of it addresses the financial crisis or the housing crisis. If ending the recession were the goal, wouldn't that money have been better spent offering $1.5 trillion to credit worthy consumers who want to buy GM or Ford cars or who want to buy some of the houses? If the most pressing goal is to end our current economic crisis, shouldn't we concentrate on saving Detroit and stabilizing the housing market before we spend huge sums on future projects?

Considering the facts that investing in the banks is already politically unpopular and the staggering size of the deficit and the projection that our national debt will double again over the next decade, how can Obama imagine he can ask Congress for huge sums of money this summer to fix our financial system after already demanding such huge sums for all these other projects? It just doesn't add up for me, so I've got to wonder what his priorities are, but I'll reserve judgment until I see what he does after the stress tests are in.
Another Obama bashathon. Bloody hell, haven't you conservatives got something else to whine about? Hey Willow, aren't you disappointed your super rich friends aren't getting their Wall St bonuses this year? I mean, these guys who destroyed your economy are such great role models...

hey! what did that cheap azz obama give the PM of the UK as a gift??

The cold shoulder and a snub??
Will the answer to our problems be solved with redistribution of wealth? Is capitalism dead? Is socialism the way out of this mess? I mean I see all the problems that Britain and Canada have, and they are in as big of a mess. To finalize this...I don't think that being rich should be punished. I sure do wish that I end up my life rich as hell. it's kinda like tha American dream. That's why we whipped England's ass a couple hundred + years ago.

No, I think a good mix of capitalism and socialism is good. And if all you wish to do is end up rich, then that's not much of a life's work IMO. Don't get me wrong, I like money too, but I'm not going to ride rough shod over people to get there.

You whipped your Mother Country's arse because you wanted freedom from taxes and freedom of ideas and to live how you wanted to, not to get rich...

Most people of wealth don't "ride rough shod" over people to get to that level. Most invest wisely, and work hard to attain their dream. We whiipped our Mother's Country's ass, because we didn't want to pay taxes aand freedom of idea's...yes. But, a major idea was Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Which to some meant the opportunity to gain wealth.
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Since Congress controls spending and since the markets started to tank after the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007, I'd say he inherited most of the problems. However, he's spending money faster than anyone in history which certainly hasn't helped the economy. (And the fact that most of the members of Congress that caused this problem are still in office, we've got some tough times ahead.)
Wasn't Mr Obama part of that congress?
Doesn't that me he inherited a problem he helped to create?

I betcha he voted "not present" so you cannot pin a damn thing on the obamalama!! :lol:
Since Congress controls spending and since the markets started to tank after the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007, I'd say he inherited most of the problems. However, he's spending money faster than anyone in history which certainly hasn't helped the economy. (And the fact that most of the members of Congress that caused this problem are still in office, we've got some tough times ahead.)
Wasn't Mr Obama part of that congress?
Doesn't that me he inherited a problem he helped to create?

I betcha he voted "not present" so you cannot pin a damn thing on the obamalama!! :lol:

There is that.
Grump you tool Bush did not wein the first election in Dodgy fashion which you know if you read something other than the Guardian.
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