Where are all Corona dead in Belarus?Is the President punished by NWO for Corona Hoax denying?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
President Lukashenko said at the beginning Corona is a Hoax and Lie, not much worst as common cold. He imposed nothing in Belarus, therefore thankful people of Belarus confirmed him as president at the fifth time, more as 80% voted for him.
NWO doesn't accepted it and began to destabilize situation: western presstitutes, 'politicians', paid 'protestors' ( mostly Ukrainians, pollacks, Jews, Caucasians etc ) began to condemn 'rigged' elections.
But why no one presstitute report about Corona dead in Belarus?
Because there are almost none, Corona is a lie.
Rubber Room Crap
No need to describe your contributions, we can all see them.

The 'contributions' of 'posters' like that from above is to push NWO agenda, to smear posters and to derail threads.
But the 'unconvinient' question stay: why presstitutes NEVER report about Corona danger in Belarus where nothing going on, no masks, no lockdowns, no 6 feet social distancing etc.

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