Where Did This Begin?

You're so proud of your ignorance. And too ignorant to realize it.

Have I chased PoliticalChic out of her own thread with my simple question? Again?? :lol:
I know the definition of woke, but like communism, it doesnt matter, it's the practical application that matters. And woke is just a new term for social justice warrior, because people saw them to be horrific and they changed the label. Dems do this all the time. It's not our first rodeo.
Nope, you guys couch the language as alert to racism. IT's not that, becasue woke is just another form of communism cloaked in "white supremacy" EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Sexism, and homophobia........it's just a new term on the same shit you guys have been peddling for 50 years.
You can't tell us the definition either. You're terrified to even look it up. Sad!
False. Try again. Or... you know... just look it up. :lol:
alert to injustice in society, especially racism., which is what I said. AGain same shit as an SJW....they are the people that show up for ANTIFA and BLM rallies or want you kicked out of society for saying men can't have babies.......Sorry man, you lose.
Only if you threaten my children. Then I'll make you. I'll find you, and make you. But first i'll make a public spectacle out of your helpless whining ass, so everyone can see what leftards really look like.

You dumb fuckers think you can get in everyone's face and no one can do anything about it? Think again.

You, you're just a stupid troll. You're not worth any effort. There are bigger fucktards than you on my radar screen right now.

You just need to understand you're picking a fight whenever you get in someone's face. And this white boy hasn't been cuckified by the liberals. And there are millions more like me. MILLIONS.
alert to injustice in society, especially racism., which is what I said. AGain same shit as an SJW....they are the people that show up for ANTIFA and BLM rallies or want you kicked out of society for saying men can't have babies.......Sorry man, you lose.
You said that was gibberish and then something about your boyfriends. That's false.
Only if you threaten my children. Then I'll make you. I'll find you, and make you. But first i'll make a public spectacle out of your helpless whining ass, so everyone can see what leftards really look like.

You dumb fuckers think you can get in everyone's face and no one can do anything about it? Think again.

You, you're just a stupid troll. You're not worth any effort. There are bigger fucktards than you on my radar screen right now.

You just need to understand you're picking a fight whenever you get in someone's face. And this white boy hasn't been cuckified by the liberals. And there are millions more like me. MILLIONS.
Holy shit, you're a delusional little pussy, aren't you? :lol:
You said that was gibberish and then something about your boyfriends. That's false.
Nope, I shit on you, gave you the definition and told you the truth. I get it you're a leftwinger, you deny reality every day, with stupid shit like men can have kids, guns just shoot people and defending yourself is murder becasue stabbing a criminal trying to kill you that happens to be black is wrong.....
Aren't you embarrassed? You throw around terms and don't have the first clue what they mean. A mature adult would be embarrassed.

How and when did you decide that this is what you want in an American government?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
1. If I wasn't pessimistic about America before.....

Shocking Video Demonstrates Why Woke Cities Can't Recruit Police​

Progressive American culture has become so anti-law enforcement that police agencies across the country are struggling to hire adequate personnel. The problem is most pronounced in large urban centers, and a shocking new video illustrates the depths to which community relations with law enforcement have sunk.

2. Where did the damage to this community begin?
It began when the Democrat Party decided that it would find ways to keep this part of society voting for them by making them hate everyone else.


4. And the blame must be shared with the Democrats/Liberals have caused this, largely by
a. abandoning marriage and normalizing out of wedlock births
b. removing punishments for lawlessness as though all black Americans are criminals.
c. never criticizing the psychopathologies that too many black youth mirror.
d. demanding that thugs and criminals be kept in government school.
e. lying about police and whites in general.

5. Every destructive idea came from the Left.

And this, my friends is why there is not a gun problem in the U.S.

What chance do these little children have, being taught such hate from an early age?
Can you be so brain damaged that this video doesn't make you cry, and deeply regret the damage your party has done?

I bet you read news accounts of airline disasters with the same level of interest as the weather report.

There is a bright side: some people suffer with a cerebral disease; you’ll never have to worry about that.
This video was posted previously, and it was moved to ”General Discussion” and retitled “Bad Parenting.”

That is an attempt to downplay what this video shows. It is NOT merely “bad parenting.” It clearly shows that these children have learned to model disrespectful behavior by overhearing their irresponsible black parents demean police and repeat the lies perpetrated by the BLM Marxist terrorist group.

These children should be removed from their abusive parents.
1. If I wasn't pessimistic about America before.....

Shocking Video Demonstrates Why Woke Cities Can't Recruit Police​

Progressive American culture has become so anti-law enforcement that police agencies across the country are struggling to hire adequate personnel. The problem is most pronounced in large urban centers, and a shocking new video illustrates the depths to which community relations with law enforcement have sunk.

2. Where did the damage to this community begin?
It began when the Democrat Party decided that it would find ways to keep this part of society voting for them by making them hate everyone else.


4. And the blame must be shared with the Democrats/Liberals have caused this, largely by
a. abandoning marriage and normalizing out of wedlock births
b. removing punishments for lawlessness as though all black Americans are criminals.
c. never criticizing the psychopathologies that too many black youth mirror.
d. demanding that thugs and criminals be kept in government school.
e. lying about police and whites in general.

5. Every destructive idea came from the Left.

More right wing propaganda from our resident cut and paste idiot. I love how all of the "made in America" problems you cite are the fault of the left.

Leftists evil, right wingers good. Except that isn't true, and you're just a paid shill.
Only if you threaten my children. Then I'll make you. I'll find you, and make you. But first i'll make a public spectacle out of your helpless whining ass, so.....

You dumb fuckers think you can get in everyone's face and no one can do anything about it? Think again.

:lmao: Gotta love them internet badasses. They don't seem to realize just how ridiculous they sound.
This video was posted previously, and it was moved to ”General Discussion” and retitled “Bad Parenting.”

That is an attempt to downplay what this video shows. It is NOT merely “bad parenting.” It clearly shows that these children have learned to model disrespectful behavior by overhearing their irresponsible black parents demean police and repeat the lies perpetrated by the BLM Marxist terrorist group.

These children should be removed from their abusive parents.

And government schools....

“Teacher Decorates Classroom with ‘F- The Police, F- AmeriKKKa’ Posters

A Los Angeles parent slammed what he called the “disgusting brainwashing of students with taxpayer dollars” after discovering profane, anti-American propaganda in his child’s public school classroom. Parents Defending Education, a national nonprofit exposing activism in the classroom, reported that a teacher at Alexander Hamilton High School had posted a transgender flag, Black Lives Matter flag, Palestinian flag as well as a profane poster that read “F-Amerikkka.” This is a great example of how anti-American propagandists have turned taxpayer-funded classrooms into indoctrination centers for leftist ideas.” Teacher Decorates Classroom with 'F- The Police, F- AmeriKKKa' Posters - Todd Starnes

. "Third-Grade Teacher Has Students Write ‘Get Well’ Cards To Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal
A third-grade teacher at a public school in New Jersey is under fire after she encouraged her students to write letters to notorious convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, who recently fell ill in prison.

Marylin Zuniga teaches language arts and social studies at Forest Street School in Orange, N.J."

Third-Grade Teacher Has Students Write ‘Get Well’ Cards To Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal
More right wing propaganda from our resident cut and paste idiot. I love how all of the "made in America" problems you cite are the fault of the left.

Leftists evil, right wingers good. Except that isn't true, and you're just a paid shill.

This poster a perfect example of the mindless destruction of Western Civilization....

Supports this agenda:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

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